Sunday, February 03, 2008

Water problem

Green revolution could still blow up in our face - Opinion -

I wouldn't normally give much time to an apologist for Paul Ehrlich's predictions of disaster, but this article does deal with an interesting issue: the lack of detailed understanding about the underground water that is crucial for towns, villages and farms in many parts of the world.

The argument over the source of water in Australia's Great Artesian Basin is covered in this article. It would seem that the majority of scientists think it is being replenished, at least to some degree, as opposed to Professor Endersbee, who thinks it is being sucked dry and is incapable of replenishment. (I wonder how much the recent great floods of Central Queensland help contribute to replenishment?)

More general facts about the Basin and its water (the oldest of which has been dated at 2,000,000 years!) is on this factsheet.

I don't know that India would be devoting as much time to understanding and managing its underground water, but I could be wrong.

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