Sunday, August 24, 2008


Electric bikes charge the market�| The Japan Times Online

According to the Japan Times:
...Panasonic has also achieved what electric bike boffins thought was impossible — its Lithium ViVi RX-10S, due out in late September, will feature regenerative braking. If it sounds technical, that's because it is. But put simply, regenerative braking means every time you brake, you recharge the battery. Tests by Panasonic have shown the range can be extended to an astounding 182 km. And like Yamaha's PAS, it features a solar-powered rear light.
Actually, I am not sure that there are many people who really need a range of 182 km between overnight re-charges. (Which, according to the article, takes only about 2 hours for some lithium models now.) Still, if they could work out how I could stop being soaked (or struck by lightning) in summer storms, I could be tempted to use one of these to get to work.

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