Monday, July 13, 2015

Big wind, indeed

Wind power generates 140% of Denmark's electricity demand | Environment | The Guardian

Infrasound worrier David Leyonhjelm has taken to sarcastically calling the wind power industry "Big Wind".

I take it he saw this story.

True, Denmark has a population of only 5.6 million, and is particularly windy, but still, a modern industrial country getting all of its power that way seems surprising.

In a more general sense, I see that the country is aiming for half of its power from renewables by 2020 (and completely "green" in power by 2050.)

The other interesting wind power story is to do with South Australia, In fact, I see that the State is ambitious in targets too (although it is aiming to achieve this through a combination of solar and wind):
Interestingly, the South Australia government has already exceeded its target of generating 33 per cent of the state’s electricity needs from renewables (over a full year), and has now set a 50 per cent target by 2025. In reality, it will likely reach that mark well before that, particularly if the Ceres wind farm and the Hornsdale wind farm are built. It could even be the first mainland state towards 100 per cent renewables over the whole year.
Wind power is performing better than expected, it seems.


John said...

David Leyonhjelm must be wondering about all the sick people in Denmark. Or not, as his advisor revealed just like the coalition they will ignore evidence in pursuit of their ideology.

It was a very windy day in Denmark but nonetheless this is encouraging. I've always doubted the large scale capacity of renewables but examples like this and from Germany are causing a reconsideration.

These results, together with general energy efficiency gains being made do allow the wider incorporation of renewables and while I have previously advocated nuclear power as a last resort measure it increasingly appears there doesn't have to be a last resort measure.

John said...

If they are so concerned about that problematic issue they should be screaming about this ...

Hydraulic fracturing linked to increases in hospitalization rates in the Marcellus Shale