Wednesday, July 25, 2018

A study to believe in

Look, it's probably been debunked somewhere already even as I type this, but if ever there was a study that gets from me a "I want to believe" response, it's this:

Study: Drinking Alcohol More Important Than Exercise to Living Past 90


not trampis said...

live past 90???? Why???

Steve said...

Being 95, provided you're mobile and not demented, doesn't strike me as that bad a thing, Homer.

not trampis said...

doing what??? Lets face it the Royals look like zombies

Steve said...

The Royals probably look grumpy sometimes because they kind of never get to fully retire. But I doubt they wish they were dead. If not socially isolated, and basically healthy, I don't know that all that many 95 year olds do have a death wish.

not trampis said...

What can you do at 95? bugger all. That is why the worst job in the world in visiting old age homes where people have not yet reached that age.

They are not grumpy old people for a reason. A lot are merely waiting to die.

John said...

They are not grumpy old people for a reason. A lot are merely waiting to die.

Decades ago an old acquaintance of mine worked as a aged care worker in a Christian run facility and she told me that as she walked through the halls at night she could hear people praying to die. Men over 85 have the highest suicide rate.

Steve said...

Well yeah, John, but I assume those in the aged care facility were frail and basically immobile. Stop trying to spoil my dream that by the time I'm 95, it'll be the new 75...

John said...

dream that by the time I'm 95, it'll be the new 75....

The big difference with our generation is that from the 80's onward people became much more health conscious. There is a generational shift occurring and it is conceivable that current people heading towards the older years will not experience the same levels of disability and discomfort of prior generations. Some years ago a European study found falling rates of dementia, though it is worth considering that the trauma of WW2 may have increased dementia incidence so perhaps that decline reflects them dying off. The other issue is that now we have much better medicines to address many old age issues.

One thing worth thinking about is strategies to ward of sarcopenia, muscle wasting that is a big problem post 70 years of age. Still no treatment but some studies suggesting maintaining good protein intake is important. In the Depression and during WW2 meat protein was not readily available to many in Europe. So perhaps that incidence will also decline.

The big problem for older people is not so much physical health but loneliness and isolation. Bring back the granny flat, let the oldies live with their descendants, that will do more to increase their enjoyment of life and health than all those health initiatives governments love to spend money on.

Jason Soon said...

Mahathir just turned 93 and is upending the whole Malaysian political system
Repressive laws being removed, non Muslims installed as Attorney General and Finance Minister for the first time, political appointees removed, etc

Steve said...

Good point...😁