Tuesday, December 11, 2018


I see that someone at Slate has written an article about how coriander seeds are an under-rated spice.  (I don't know - I think my wife uses them a lot, and I have used them a fair bit too, so I don't think my household can be accused of unfamiliarity with them.)   

But, this story reminds me:  I have been intending to write here for some time how I consider cardamon pods to be my favourite underrated spice.   I recently had an Indian family's chicken curry using fresh ones - delicious.   I like them, but rarely get around to using them. 

Fennel seeds are probably my favourite, more commonly used in my cooking, spice.

That is all. 

Feel free to entertain me with fascinating stories of your use of spices in comments.

Or don't. 


not trampis said...

careful mate quite a few people do not like coriander. I am not one of them however

TimT said...

We spilled some cumin in our cupboard and it's stunk ever since! It's a decent spice though. Just for some reason it doesn't complement the scent of cupboard particularly well.

TimT said...

Oh, another spice comment.

I don't get fenugreek.

That's the end of that spice comment.

Steve said...

Oh I agree with you about fenugeek, Tim.

As for cummin - it is an essential spice, but so ubiquitous in so many cuisines I don't count it as an underrated one.