Saturday, March 30, 2019

Old people are killing us ..

Look at this pic from a pro Brexit rally in London:

Look at the average age.  Not to mention the gender and ethnic mix.  How many of them share the same profile as your average climate change denialist?  (Answer: a lot.)

It feels very weird to be living at a time when the cries of the populist youth movement of the 1960's, about which I was cynical when I was young myself,  have actually come to be true. 

Until Rupert Murdoch goes to meet his Maker, hopefully by something ironic like Jerry Hall giving him a shove at the top of a flight of stairs after reading a false rumour from his own tabloid press, this is the world his lust for money and power has created. 

And strangely, whereas we used to get radicals threatening violence against the establishment, now they would prefer to get into a Twitter troll war. 

See, I have found a way to blame both sides. 

1 comment:

GMB said...

You are such a fucking idiot pal. Where is the reasoning here? Of course old people aren't going to believe any of the idiocy you believe in. Its all about evidence. Where is the evidence for CO2-warming? Where is the evidence that getting rid of ones sovereignty leads to good results. This is a Jew thing for sure because every so often this otherwise causeless racist idiocy comes to the surface.