Friday, May 31, 2019

Still no cold fusion

So Google has been looking into cold fusion again since 2015, but come up with no good news. 

Nature notes, surprisingly, that it is not definitely the end of the line for the possibility of cold fusion:
Is that the final nail in the cold-fusion coffin? Not quite. The group was unable to attain the material conditions speculated to be most conducive to cold fusion. Indeed, it seems extremely difficult to do so using current experimental set-ups — although the team hasn’t excluded such a possibility. So the fusion trail, although cooling, is not yet cold, leaving a few straws for optimists to clutch on to.
It's pretty remarkable that it is proving so hard to write this field off entirely.


Anonymous said...

High payoff, low cost playing
Years of these cheap experiments have given results ( heat, neutrons etc) but non repeatable results so a theory/experimental problem.
Cost of playing including USN, Japanese etc to date is probably less that an week playng with the latest billion dollarfusion toy


GMB said...

Unless they've subtly outlawed those toys, kids can do their own cold fusion in the shed. Fusion works better when its cold. It just not an energy winner.

The cold fusion guys were trashed, not because they didn't produce energy. The oligarchy geared up to fuck them over since the propaganda is that fusion is all about extreme heat.