Friday, June 21, 2019

Would Trump be told if UFOs were alien in some sense?

While I'm not sure that there would ever be any strong reason for any US government agency to not want the public to know the Truth about UFO's (in the sense of them being of non human origin), you would have to suspect that any such agency would not want Trump told if they thought it best be kept from the public, for the time being at least.

This speculation is brought about by news of some Senators getting a Pentagon briefing about the Navy UFO cases, and Trump in his recent interview responding that he doesn't "particularly" believe in UFOs. 

1 comment:

GMB said...

One thing we know for sure is that the flying saucers are not interplanetary craft. There is not enough room to fit a farm in one of those little things. There isn't even so much as enough room to work a washing machine. So the association with this anti-gravity device with aliens is truly odd and a very successful psy-op.

If there were aliens they would likely have their base on the far side of the moon and in the asteroid belt. Since the solar wind is direct electricity, some sort of economy could be had there, and they would exploit their slaves on earth for serfs and supplement their crude economy.

Trump is a puppet of course. They have let him do good micro-work on the home front. But see how the slaughter and idiocy overseas continues without much restraint at all? The meanness of Syria policy. The idiocy of their behaviour towards Venezuela. Their refusal to apologise for Libya? From my point of view he's loveable domestically .... but without signs of serious macro-reform or major egalitarian effort. Just micro improvements that make it easier for the already rich to be a little bit more productive. At least he's trying on that front. But I really got disillusioned when he bombed Syria and with the fact that he cannot admit that ISIS is an Israeli/American project.