Thursday, October 24, 2019

Just put on Nazi uniforms and be done with

Herr Trump's lawyer argues his boss could not be investigated if he shot someone in the street.  Sure, 5 years later after he stops being President he could be.  But no investigation while he's President. 

That's the authoritarian ridiculousness that Trump Cultists shrug their shoulders about these days.

And those gaslighting numbskulls saying that it's a scandal that current impeachment evidence gathering is being done in private: yeah, just like Grand Juries do, as other congressional committess have done, and in any event, Republicans are sitting in on the hearings.  It is pure gaslighting of their dumb, dumb base as the last resort defence.

And Herr Trump is now calling "Never Trump" Republicans "human scum".   That's after his musing about civil war if he is impeached, a few weeks ago.

No, nothing authoritarian and cultish and stupid and dangerous about this at all. 


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