Thursday, November 21, 2019

Oh, please...

Just as sincere as his "this is the most humble day of my life" claim to the Parliamentary enquiry into his paper's phone hacking.


Not Trampis said...

yeah they are not deniers they just promote deniers. Is this called the Davidson defence?

GMB said...

Obviously he is correct. There is no such thing as a climate denier. Anyone who claims there is, is clearly a liar. This is not a fact that is possible to rationally dispute.

GMB said...

""this is the most humble day of my life" That was a message to the oligarchy. That he had been successfully disciplined. So that from here on in they could wage their campaign of false flag attacks through-out the world. With all their media people under control. He wasn't talking to you or me. Thats why it sounds insincere. Because he was talking to a third party that you didn't know about. He was as fair dinkum as could be imagined.