Wednesday, August 12, 2020

A short opinion

That choice of Kamala Harris for Biden's VP seems pretty good to me.   Helps deal with the Republican law and order panic campaign; she seems smart, basically likeable, and ticks the "should appeal to people of colour and immigrants" box as well.     


Not Trampis said...

totally agree. Been in the heat of political battle and can handle it with the best of them.
Intelligent, attractive, good record.

ticks all the boxes.

Was the only person IMHO

GMB said...

No its an absolute catastrophe for the human race. She is cruel, hypocritical, stupid, authoritarian. She is a front for Hillary Clinton whose the real power in the background here. The choice could not be worse without having Hillary herself there.

Jason Soon said...

way more attractive

GMB said...

The Duran on this deeply depressing turn of events. They don't even care about winning any more. Just so long as nothing changes for the better.

Not Trampis said...

yes she is way more attractive but does not have Harrris's intellect or political craftmanship or should that be craftwomanship.

GMB said...

Harris' intellect? What is the matter with you? Why are you saying these things? This is not an honest opinion. Harris has no intellect. No heart. She may not even have any blood. She doesn't look like a black woman. She looks like the corpse of a black woman.

GMB said...

What we needed was a fairly pro-Russia President. Someone who would pull forces out of the Middle East and Europe and refit them around the only country who is strong enough to give anyone trouble. That is China. Of course one doesn't need the current nastiness against China. We only have to hem them in for another 15 years or so until their demographic collapse kicks in. Dissuade them from murdering people for their organs and then we can be friends again. So its really just a 15 year redirection of power and universal weapons buildup to avoid China pushing people around.

But instead with this zombie the deep state is trying to make President, we are going to get another anti-Russia distraction. Plus an established cruel bitch who will have no heart at all when it comes to people being evicted by the banks.

It should be an easy win for Trump, but his campaign is not going well. Once the deep state moved to get rid of Steve Bannon everything went downhill. Its as though the Democrats are trying their best to lose but they may not even succeed.

Steve said...

So, I see you're buying into the whole Trumpian "strong women scare us so we call them ugly, nasty bitches" thing, Graeme.

GMB said...

She's not a strong woman. Where on earth did you get this idea from? Just dumb lefties saying so a few times right? Just some fools typing man. You've got to grow up and be smarter than that. Its Michael Mann science all over again. Three times does not make the spell. Harris displays no strength at all, either physical, mental, or in the character department. So the opposite from the Hawaiian cutey who demonstrates all three.

Harris is a brainless, weak, character-devoid cypher. I don't even think you can call her a black woman. Not likely black and barely a woman. What black woman would delay early release of non-violent prisoners on the basis that they are allegedly needed for slave labour????? Completely unbelievable that a black woman would betray these prisoners to such a sickening degree. So this black woman bullshit needs to be looked into also. She fails on the black and the woman front.

This is an oligarchy pick. They must be sick of trying to threaten and influence the President. They must want direct control. So if you are a cypher or you have dementia .... thats what they are after this time around. Hillary will be pulling the strings and Hillary has an anti-patriotic problem with Russia. Where Russia is concerned its trust-building and diplomacy that is needed. They aren't the ones murdering people for their organs and they are demographically unable to present a serious problem, supposing the Americans fixed up their national electricity grid.