Thursday, February 15, 2007

The cut that might sent you mad!

A very interesting article here suggesting that there may be a connection between vasectomies and certain types of dementia.

I wonder whether such a connection might only be noticed now due to (what I presume was) the relative infrequency of the operation until about the 1970's. Is the first big wave of men who had the operation only now reaching advanced ages?

(There is also the issue of how the operation is done. From what I read, sealing both ends was popular, but appears to be associated with increased risk of long term pain as a side effect. The new trend is therefore to leave the tap open, so to speak. This was the subject of my previous post here.)

More research needed, but personally I have never liked the idea of letting one's "boys" get out into the blood stream where they don't belong.

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