Saturday, February 02, 2008

Black holes already here?

It's been a while since I posted anything from Arxiv about mini black holes. There just hasn't been much there lately, apart from papers doing more work on the issue of the expected signal they would leave via Hawking Radiation if they are created at the LHC.

However, this paper is of general interest, talking as it does about how you could detect a primordial (and by now pretty tiny ) black hole as it passes through the earth.

Being physicists, they don't like to describe in plain language what their figures mean. But, as far as I can tell, the black hole's passage would release less energy than an atomic bomb, but it would be spread over the course of its path through the earth, and a lot of it would go into sound waves.

In other words, it would seem not to be a disaster.

The size is interesting: if I can do the conversion correctly, they seem to be saying that primordial black holes should now weigh about 500,000,000 tonnes, yet have a radius of around .0000000000001 cm. (Hence their ability to pass through the earth.)

The idea that there may already be small black holes inside stars and planets is discussed here, in an article from 6 months ago that I appear to have missed. D'oh!

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