Monday, February 04, 2008

Not even a naughty boy?

Hicks not a terrorism supporter: Dick Smith -

Oh my Lord, Tim Blair will have a field day with this. In fact, I fear for the integrity of his stitches.

Dick Smith is quoted as follows:

"I was going to Adelaide so I rang David and said, 'Can I come talk to you because you're looking for a job and I'm happy to help with that but I'd want to get some answers to some questions'," Mr Smith told ABC radio in Sydney.

"I believe he is basically a decent Australian like his father, that we know well, and I don't believe he's ever been a supporter of terrorism.

"I asked him why he was in Afghanistan and it was quite different to what we've heard about ... (it was) all about trying to help independence movements.

"One of my views has changed completely and that is ... he shouldn't earn any money from this.

"But I've changed my view completely now because he's said he's never supported terrorism...
Well, any slight credibility I used to give to Dick when he goes on about air safety issues in Australia has just evaporated completely. (Actually, even as far back as the 1980's, I knew Air Traffic Controllers who said he didn't know what he was talking about, so I always took anything he said with a grain of salt. Turns out a barrel would have been more appropriate.)

UPDATE: Welcome Blair-ites. Come again some time.


Anonymous said...

Like saying you are a bankrupt, yet live in palatial splendour!

Anonymous said...

G'day Steve.

Even a barrel of salt isn't enough.

Try a dump truck.

I don't think Dick Smith ever made a food I liked, even when he was ripping off those I did.

The Dick Smith Electronics products are good, but he hasn't owned them for many a year now. Although he probably gets name royalties from it.

Oh, and "Liberty Larry", do you ever get tired of link-w**ring?

I get tired of it, and I won't bother visiting your site just on that principle alone. If you were to comment on my site, I'd delete you without question. Particularly for inane, pointless comments like you've made here.