Friday, May 02, 2008

Well deserved snark

By far the most annoying, bitter, nasty, know-it-all blogger on the left in the last few years is Ken Lovell at Road to Surfdom. His post this week about Iran and most of the world's (not just America's) concern about its nuclear program is his typical schtick: informed by his reflexive anti-Americanism and his apparent confidence that he can tell more about the true state of the world from Adelaide [correction: Tweed Coast?] and his selective reading on the 'net than the governments of the Northern Hemisphere. (Anyone who thinks he has a good point on Iran should read this Economist article first.)

No one bothers any more trying to engage him in debate; he was always snide and insulting in response, and presumably just enjoys the company of the regular sycophantic, and even crazier, commenters. Yet other blogs of the more moderate left refer to some of his posts every now and again with approval. I guess the left loves company, no matter how unpleasant.

I simply can't stand him.

Ah, that feels better.

UPDATE: I see that Ken has psychoanalysed my intense dislike of his blogging style as being due to my not having a regular half dozen commenters who chime in after nearly every post with stuff along the lines of "oh, that's so right, but it's even worse than that."

I don't intend making snark attacks a regular feature here. The post was inspired by the fact that I have noticed more moderate lefties linking to him lately, and my knowledge from past experience that there is absolutely no point in challenging his views at his own blog.

UPDATE 2: Good grief. Someone at Club Troppo's Missing Link today has compared me to JF Beck . It would seem they just believed Ken's characterisation of this blog, rather than actually read it. (Nothing against JF, but somehow I don't think I count as a right wing death beast.)

Also, I don't think Ken realised how few hits there normally are here. His pointing out to the world that I had a snark attack against him has probably trebled my normal weekend hit rate.


hc said...

Ken L is one of the more prejudiced commenters on the left. I don't think he has ever had a non-conventional, non-leftwing view.

One thing I notice is that he never listens. Express a non-leftist view and he goes for the leftwing cliches and nasty snark. There is never a substantive argumentative response.

If you want to debate more rational leftwing types try Troppo or John Quiggin's blog.

Anonymous said...

Ken L is one of the more prejudiced commenters on the left.

Dear oh dreary dear,H.C. you have more front than a Arabian Bazarre.

Of course I guess you would know, being at the opposite end of the spectrum so to speak.The only difference between you and ol Ken is,your schlock is just that schlock.

How's that for a bit of snark?

hc said...

Lousy snark anonymous. Typical cowardice of the left-wing rabble - anonymity.

Anonymous said...

Oi, leave our Ken and RtS alone. Or we'll send the unions bosses and social workers round to take your kids away.

Peace & Love