Wednesday, April 08, 2009

False memories still popping up

Chris French: False memories of sexual abuse | Science |

These are still an issue, it seems. Interesting stuff.

1 comment:

Caz said...

"The evidence strongly suggests that far from being unable to remember sexual abuse, victims typically find it all too difficult to keep such memories out of their consciousness."

True of any extreme trauma. The memory, alas, seeps through despite all efforts to quash it. This is the exact opposite of the "theory" surrounding "repressed memories".

I'm staggered that this continues. At its public height, I always believed that if this type of misconduct was evident in any other line of work, the profession would be wiped out. Didn't happen though. Indeed, there was no genuine public airing to test the legitimacy or moral force of psychology, which continues to be a potent force, deeply embedded in everyday culture.

The practice of psychology should have been discredited, in its entirety, based on this fraud alone.

Is everything in psychology nothing more than vaguely plausible make believe, playing on the mind's malleability? You'd almost have to think so.