Thursday, May 24, 2012

Odd ideas

Quasi-Transhumanist Charismatic Christians

I can't remember where I read something recently that suggested that Christians who believed in a resurrected body were not really that different from transhumanists.

This seemed an novel idea, but I see from Googling that there is a bit of discussion around on the topic.

I also spotted the review of a book above which sounded kind of interesting:  about Christians of the charismatic variety who seek out techniques (not drug based) to achieve visions (or hallucinations) that they think is putting them in close communication with God.


Anonymous said...

Frank Tipler


Steve said...

Well, yes, I guess he does count as a transhumanist, but he writes more about uploading minds onto computers rather than on upgrades to the flesh. I think what I read was more about comparing bodily resurrection with transhumanist upgrades to the body. Wish I could remember the exact site I had stumbled upon.