Monday, April 21, 2014

Having a good run

John Quiggin has a string of particularly good posts at the moment.  One on why he thinks small modular nuclear is going no where fast (you really have to wonder why, given vast experience with small nuclear reactors for ships and submarines);  the end of manufacturing in Australia (wherein he notes what I questioned as soon as I read Gittin's column last week - do we really call food manufacturing "manufacturing"?); and finally, a post against the tribalist Right and its tu quoque argument.

All really good reading, with many intelligent comments following.

Update:   By way of contrast, I wonder what I can learn from comments at that Right wing powerhouse of a blog, Catallaxy, today:

Update 2: More wisdom [sarc] from Catallaxy, this time from regular contributor Steven Kates, the Say's Law obsessive, from RMIT:
No one is uninterested in “the environment” and everyone wants to preserve the planet whatever that might mean. But global warming is so inane and so lacking in evidence that it separates those who have common sense from some kind of herd of conformity.


John said...

But global warming is so inane and so lacking in evidence that it separates those who have common sense from some kind of herd of conformity.

Foolish man ...

Title [Uncommon Sense: The Heretical Nature of Science
Author [Alan Cromer
Publisher [Oxford University Press
Place Pub [New York
Date [1993

Science is often precisely about challenging common sense.

nottrampis said...

It is only lacking in evidence to those who have either no idea about statistics or who regualarly lie about it!
I think our Katesy is most definitely in the former camp as is most of the Catallaxy crowd