Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Hi monty...

I see you've been trying to engage with Catallaxians re the Trump/Russia matter.

I know I've said it before, but I just like repeating myself:  you're dealing with a group that includes outright nuts, the emotionally fragile, those with obvious personality defects, the chronically immature, and those so gullible that they believe any Right wing spin on any topic.

To the extent that they fight within themselves, it is more a matter of stupid fighting stupid:  there is no prospect that out of that, a correct answer will be victorious.  

Sure, you can go on goading them, but it just seems so pointless to me....


John said...

What I find interesting is that they keep responding to Monty. For all their claims of superiority they can't even ignore a troll.

Paul Montgomery said...

Sorry Steve, hadn't looked at your blog for a while, my NetVibes is playing up.

I am playing a very long game there. The denouement is going to be spectacular, I hope.