Thursday, March 08, 2018

Lawrence's problem

The allegations of sexual creepiness against Lawrence Krauss seem to be having some bite:

More Organizations Cut Ties With Physicist Lawrence Krauss

I have to say, I have never been enamoured of the manner of Krauss in his television appearances.  And to be perfectly honest, there is something about his face and head that has always struck me as remarkably unattractive or unappealing.   (Yes, he can't help that, but it does make it all the more remarkable if he thinks he's in with a chance with women.) 

I find his physical unattractiveness so obvious that I sometimes try to pin down what it is exactly about his features that is so off putting:  pretty much in the same, but opposite, way you sometimes read about scientists analysing what makes certain faces very appealing to other people.

Yeah, sorry Lawrence: God still loves you, anyway...


not trampis said...

Is he anymore unattractive then Weinstein?

I wonder if there is a relationship between sexual harassment or worse and how unattractive the men are?

Steve said...

Yeah, actually, I would say his head is more unattractive than Weinstein's. W is fatter and may look more unattractive naked as a naked package, but let's not go there!

Steve said...

By the way, Steve Bannon might arguably out-ugly both! Although I think his problem is more that he just looks so unhealthy, rather than inherently unattractive facial features, which I think is at the core of Krauss's problem.

not trampis said...

Steve Bannon is dead just like the female press whomiswhatait with Trump