Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Mr Potato Head thinks he's PM material?

I am surprised that Dutton made a run for the Prime Ministership.   Surely was too early.   Surely was too presumptuous that any voters actually like him.   (A quick survey in my office confirms - no one does.  There was even little support at Ratbag Central - Catallaxy.)  The Murdoch press has adopted an "anyone but Turnbull" line - Bolt and Blair are so convinced that Malcolm is rotten - rotten I say - that they obviously set aside any concern about how the public really dislike the decade's old Prime Ministerial chocolate wheel selection system that the Federal democracy has become.  Round and round she goes, where she stops, nobody knows.

But that 35 Liberals went with Dutton??  As Annabel says:

I'll keep saying it - the Liberals need a split.    It can't stagger on for another decade with climate change denialism poisoning everything.  


not trampis said...

I agree. If Dutton is the answer it is a terrible question.

Like Abbott Dutton has no great history as a minister at all.

Shorten the big winner. Turnbull gone by September

not trampis said...

A mate just told me Dutton is Keating without the eloquence or the intelligence.
I wish I thought of that.
There are constitutional doubts on him as well