Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Perhaps teenagers should read this...

Fewer Sex Partners Means a Happier Marriage
People who have had sex with fewer people seem to be more satisfied after they tie the knot. Is there hope for promiscuous romantics?
Actually, the article notes lots of cautions about how this research survey was done, but still, this graph is interesting:

Here's one paragraph from the article:
“Contrary to conventional wisdom, when it comes to sex, less experience is better, at least for the marriage,” said W. Bradford Wilcox, a sociologist and senior fellow at the Institute for Family Studies (and an Atlantic contributor). In an earlier analysis, Wolfinger found that women with zero or one previous sex partners before marriage were also least likely to divorce, while those with 10 or more were most likely. These divorce-proof brides are an exclusive crew: By the 2010s, he writes, just 5 percent of new brides were virgins. And just 6 percent of their marriages dissolved within five years, compared with 20 percent for most people.


Jason Soon said...

what a visionary thinker and speaker. is there no profound insight unavailable to this man? https://twitter.com/TimWilsonMP/status/1054548049475776512

Steve said...

Yes. The true successor to the title of "a mile wide but an inch deep".

Not sure that former title holder (Bron Bishop) put in as much effort as Timbo in trying to self-promote his way to the top, though. Does he pay a photographer to follow him around and take at least 30 pics a day?