Monday, May 20, 2019

Something for the pro-nuclear techno optimists to read

I'm sure he's written a similar piece before (or maybe it was a review of his book on the topic?)  but I don't think I have posted about it.  

Gregory Jaczko headed the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission for 5 years under Obama, and now considers nuclear power is too dangerous to be deployed against climate change.

His views were changed, it seems, by a combination of witnessing the Fukushima nuclear accident and the extent of the problems it caused, together with fights with nuclear companies that resisted revision to nuclear safety.

True, he now works in clean energy, but he certainly show that smart, well qualified people with very direct knowledge of the nuclear industry can form the view that it is simply not practical from an economic and safety point of view to deal with climate change via expansion of nuclear power.


not trampis said...

nuclear power is only of use if:
1) you want base load power. We do not we want dispatchable power

2) it is at a cost effective rate. Nukes are by far the most expensive

3) you can build it reasonably quickly. A nuclear power station takes longer than a coal fired one at 8-10 years

4) No-one wants the station in their backyard so where can you build one

GMB said...

Fukushima was Jews planting nukes. The wave was nuclear-induced and not the result of an earthquake. Nuclear energy is inherently cheap but it can be expensive, depending on whose running the project. We have to take into account that natural disasters and Jews are a fact of reality, and are not going anywhere anytime soon. So we have to have nuclear power that is not prone to Jews coming in and planting bombs. We have to have a situation where if there is any chance of meltdown the bottom drops out and the fuel winds up in deep cold water and in such away that there is no ongoing runaway heating effects. That means as many such sites have to be scouted out well ahead of time.

Once Jews start installing security systems in your nuclear power stations, running security in your airports, or involving themselves in infrastructure projects in your country you are defenceless and paralysed. Because you cannot even so much as put your hand up and talk about how letting them do these things might not be such a good idea. I'm sure many of the Japanese at Fukushima would have had terrible reservations about a bunch of Jews from Dimona installing security systems in their reactor. But you cannot speak out about these people until after they've degraded your population.