Friday, July 12, 2019

Hurricanes getting wetter

Seeing that increased flooding under global warming is a theme here this week, I was interested to read this NYT article:  
As Climate Changes, Hurricanes Get Wetter

In recent years, researchers have found that hurricanes have lingered longer, as Barry is expected to do, and dumped more rainfall — a sign of climate change, said Christina Patricola, a research scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and a co-author of a study that found that climate change is making tropical cyclones wetter. (Tropical cyclones include both hurricanes and tropical storms, which are hurricanes’ less speedier kin.)

Researchers have been studying the effects of climate change on tropical cyclones because those sorts of storms are driven by warm water. Water in the gulf is 0.5 to 2 degrees Celsius warmer, according to Dr. Prein, who said: “This is really increasing the likelihood of a hurricane to form in this basin. And it will increase the intensity of the hurricane as well.”....

The researchers used climate models to simulate how tropical cyclone intensity, or wind speed, and rainfall would change if hurricanes like Katrina, Irma and Maria had occurred absent climate change and under future climate scenarios. They found that for all three storms, climate change increased rainfall by up to 9 percent.

This study is not the first to find that climate change is causing tropical cyclones to have more rainfall. Studies on Hurricane Harvey found that climate change contributed as much as 38 percent, or 19 inches, of the more than 50 inches of rain that fell in some places. Dr. Patricola’s study broadens the research by using global climate models and analyzing a large number of storms.
 My stupid reader JC will say "don't talk to me about models", probably while New Orleans goes under.   Again.


Anonymous said...

Stepford, you nincompoop. Even the UN report suggests those expectations built up as a result of stupid models doesn’t equate with the reality. Severe hurricane activity has subsided.

Again, if you’re that panicked about gerbiling then advocate for 4th gen nuclear.

Yes, it’s summer in North America. They sometimes have hurricanes. This is obviously new to you.

GMB said...

Hurricanes linger longer on average if they are manipulated hurricanes. The HAARP people pull them out to sea in the hope that they will pick up strength. So my model fits the data perfectly. Dopey.

GMB said...

Dust particles and "Cosmic Rays" form a catalytic point which leads to water vapour liquifying around them. Wetness as got nothing to do with CO2 you genitally mutilated imbecile.

GMB said...

Now if Steve was using his own name, like Professor Quiggin, I'd try to be more civil. And these days I'd even try to be more civil on Catallaxy towards Sinclair !@#$%^&* Davidson because he's out there with his name. But I'd snipe back hard at the people there NOT under their own name. Plus it would be easier to be on the same page with Sinclair again because the IPA has improved. I'm kind of gobsmacked. They were these narrow economic rationalists who never saw private debt that they didn't like. They never saw anything less than the wondrous nature of capitalism when it came to selling strategic assets to communists. Well there is still too much of that around, but as of late I'm seeing a more culturally rich approach by the IPA.

But no non-hostile modus vivendi can be reached with Steve here so far. And we can see why because of this thread. This hymie fuckhead won't engage real science. He's a propaganda machine. This is the third or fourth thread he's had where he's ignored the three-way connection between 1. Accumulated water vapour in the air 2. Cosmic ray levels and 3. Rainfall.

Well this hatred of logic, reason and science is unacceptable.