Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Some stuff

At the Conversation - an article about the limited effectiveness of controlled burns for preventing bushfires in extreme conditions contains this statement which conservative "it's all the Green's fault" ignore (my bold):

Evidence is mounting of increased bushfire frequency and extent in both Australia and the US - a situation predicted to worsen under climate change. Changing weather patterns mean opportunities for controlled burning will likely diminish further. Coupled with expanding populations in high fire-risk areas, Australia’s fire agencies - among the best in the world - have a challenging time ahead.
* JC, who occasionally comes here to make stupid comments, thinks US Attorney General Barr's intensely partisan speech on how wrong it is to restrain executive power is really important.   Yeah, it is important, if you want an AG endorsing the most clearly wannabe authoritarian President we have ever seen.   Here are a couple of articles ripping into Barr's pair of recent, disturbing, speeches.   As usual, he is an example of how conservative Catholics have made Catholicism deeply unattractive.

JC, I keep telling you - you're gullible and just swayed by the last thing you read, and you self filter to read mainly Right wing alternative reality .  You said you watch a lot of Fox News when you are in the US, I think.  Yeah, I can tell, because you make stupider comments while you are there.  Or am I being too generous - you do make stupid comments all the time.

* Rand Paul:    never liked him.  Now he's the libertarian most in the tank for Trump.  What a disgrace.

* On a Netflix note:   have been watching two French horror/supernatural series - Marianne, and the French/Belgium production Black Spot.

My son and I are pretty much enjoying both.   Both, curiously, feature eccentric and somewhat comic male police investigators, which keeps making me think how the Pink Panther series was ahead of its time.

Both also feature some really fast dialogue, with some really rapid subtitle reading required.   You do have to concentrate.  Lots of people smoking, too.

Marianne is often very creepy and somewhat disturbing, and also features the most aggro modern Catholic priest you are ever likely to see portrayed on TV.  The town where it is filmed is very odd looking - very exposed to the uninviting looking ocean, and it's one of the least pretty French towns I have ever seen portrayed.  This site begs to differ:
“Elden” is actually Doëlan, a quintessential French harbour town located in the commune of Clohars-Carnoët. And yes, Doëlan is as idyllic as it seems in Marianne. At the port of Doëlan, little multi-colored fishing boats float in green water, surrounded by charming thatched cottages. Each afternoon, fishermen sell their catch directly from their boats. A lighthouse – the lighthouse in Marianne — stands at the edge of the port. 
Unlike Elden, which is a nest of gloom, Doëlan seems like a good place to get an Airbnb. Just compare Elden’s foreboding motto, “You’ll be back,” with Doëlan’s simple “A port of two halves.” The former translates to, “Stay away!” and the latter to, uh, “A port of two halves.” 
Also, Doëlan is appears to be relatively untouched by tourists. According to Brittany Tourism, “There are also just one or two boutiques, but this place hasn’t been invaded by tourist shops to date.” Brace yourselves, fishermen of Doëlan. The Marianne fans are coming for selfies.
Maybe it's just the way it is filmed that makes it look unattractive to me.

Anyway, the show is pretty good, if you like this genre. 

Black Spot, especially the first episode, seems to have really lifted too much from Twin Peaks.  Again, it really doesn't look much like the Europe we are used to seeing, but it's good looking and I liked the second episode more, so we will keep watching.


Not Trampis said...

superior blogs wrote about that article on back burnig yesterday.

Of course Barr is a disgrace who appointed him?

Never fail to laugh at people who claim to be conservative and who support Trump.

He does not support a rules based trading system either internally or externally. He attempts to destroy institutions not support them.

Fair trading is a left wing cause not right wing.
good to see our local nutcase Katesy flying his true colours.

and of course only a complete idiot would blow the deficit close to full employment and only complete idiots would support him.

Steve said...

Homer, it's just ridiculous how Kates is posting to day against so-called Keynesian inspired debt on infrastructure builds in Australia, because government debt is always bad, and never says a word about the budget deficit blow out under Trump, which gives the country nothing except an over-equipped Defence force, which he (allegedly) wants to use less of anyway.

But he is a cult member, so what do we expect.

Not Trampis said...

No-one ever said he was consistent let alone sane

GMB said...

Yes you cannot get anything serious done using just one tool. So controlled burns aren't everything. And yes the greens do get in the way because they start talking about the hydro-carbon industry when there is a serious job that needs to get done. The hydration of a continent, soil development, and fuel management, using more than just burning, won't be achieved by this big distraction of greenies whining about the basic reality that we are dependent on hydrocarbons and will be for the next century.

If you are claiming that Greens don't get in the way, what have all your threads been about in relation to fire? They have been wall-to-wall a gnashing of teeth at that which you call "climate-change" using Orwellian language, when you mean high CO2 levels. The loss of good soil since WWII is more important to these high levels than even what the hydro-carbon industry has caused. Obviously things aren't all good with CO2 release. CO2 release is a good thing and obviously so. But there is a simple fuel buildup problem that needs to be managed.

Since when has something overwhelmingly terrific not had some minor bad thing attached to it? The world doesn't work that way. But its really since greenies have decided to divert attention from fuel management to CO2 levels without even having the decency to talk about CO2-levels.

GMB said...

"He does not support a rules based trading system either internally or externally. He attempts to destroy institutions not support them."

Sweet baby Odin Not-Trampis. Say it isn't so. You are buying into an Abba Dabba numbers racket? Setting up an artificial market so that Goldman Sachs types can skim off the top and calling it your compromise with free enterprise. You are supposed to be socialist-minded. Not a stooge to usurers con-games.

Increasing royalties wipes out banker overhead. Artificial markets involving the trading of unreal things increases that overhead. What is it about modern Australia that convinces people to make a hash out of public policy with such relish?

You want to have something left over for welfare and infrastructure after the bankers and public sector has scooped up everything they can on bullshit. You don't want to just hand these thieves artificial markets to steal with.

GMB said...

By the way there is something being totally overlooked. A wall of trees of certain species can in itself constitute a fire break. You can pick the right species and set up strategic fire breaks in this way, and that means you don’t necessarily have to clear cut a lot of territory. You’d think trees would be just more fuel. But the right trees can be selected to block out the radiation and stop the fire-front.