Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Fish problem

Someone like Lomborg or his new best buddy Schellenberger might respond to this story with "so what, we now farm heaps of fish", but I suspect this is a much bigger problem because of the role such fish apparently play in fertilising the great forests surrounding the rivers.  (Something most of us probably only ever realised via David Attenborough pointing it out in one of this relatively recent series):
Populations of migratory river fish around the world have plunged by a “catastrophic” 76% since 1970, an analysis has found.

The fall was even greater in Europe at 93%, and for some groups of fish, with sturgeon and eel populations both down by more than 90%.

Species such as salmon, trout and giant catfish are vital not just to the rivers and lakes in which they breed or feed but to entire ecosystems. By swimming upstream, they transport nutrients from the oceans and provide food for many land animals, including bears, wolves and birds of prey.

The migratory fish are also critical for the food security and livelihoods of millions of people around the world, while recreational fishing is worth billions of dollars a year. The causes of the decline are the hundreds of thousands of dams around the world, overfishing, the climate crisis and water pollution.



GMB said...

Magnificent. Now you are getting to the real ecological issues. The ones you ought to have been concerned about but the oligarchy distracted you with their CO2 religion.

The oligarchy has a waiter for every table. The bigshots understand the referred pain that one billion people are feeling. One part of the subconscious of the masses is psychologically wounded by the destruction to the environment. Being masters of manipulation the cryptocracy, can funnel all these disparate spiritual wounds by focusing them on one invisible entity. CO2.

This strategy is so much more powerful then explaining about anti-Georgist capitalism and the way that this land-hunger-and-usury version of capitalism will destroy everything and enslave everyone. So the deep state isn't going to tell you that its the land-hunger-usury capitalism that is the problem.

The lizard aristocracy won't tell you that THEY are the problem. The kleptocrats won't say sorry and they won't do the honourable thing and commit Hari Kari as the only way to save their immortal souls.

No they are going to stay in control and blame CO2 and all the psychic wound water gathers into a river and becomes a flood and thats where we are now.

The Salmon goes up the river and the bear eats the salmon and the bear shits in the woods until all the trees, bears and people, and pretty much everything and everyone is made of salmon.

So we need to get these rivers right. We need to get the fisheries policy right. CO2 is a mitigating factor and obviously so. Its not part of this problem.

GMB said...

"Someone like Lomborg or his new best buddy Schellenberger might respond to this story with "so what, we now farm heaps of fish"......."

Well I hope not. Because I don't think that way. I don't think that way. I don't think that way at all. I had all these various accounts at twitter where I was exploring the proper way for us to behave with regards to our fisheries. After looking into the matter I found that territorial animal husbandry was not the right model for fish. Normal land title property rights, in all but perhaps a few places, weren't the optimal model for fishing at all. There will be exceptions so there has to be some nuance about it.

It cannot be emphasised enough; The oceans have all the minerals and other nutrients, all the energy. what the oceans lacks is only HABITAT. You supply the fuckpads-of-all-sizes and the place explodes into production.

Of course all my twitter accounts were destroyed by troglodytes. But the upshot was we found that land titles were not appropriate in that space for the most part. What was needed was communist habitat provision, combined with enlightened hunter-gathering.

One of the leftists did really good work on this story. He rang me up once because I had insulted him. I recognised his voice immediately. But his name escapes me right now. He was a big booster for nuclear, a fine scientist, and he did great work on artificial reefs. Jason do you remember who I am talking about? Barry something. Barry I think. Young bald fellow. A real champion.

GMB said...

Everyone is going to get bored of me really hammering this stuff in. But it cannot be emphasised enough this extraordinary gift that evolution or natures God has given us when she or he respectively, invented the salmon. The natural instincts of the salmon need to be maximised because they are so cool we don't deserve them. A principle of permaculture is that if you don't get the animals working for you, then you must do the work of the animals. Why would we get in the way of a fish, that starts feeling kind of daffy all of a sudden AND STARTS SWIMMING UPSTREAM? Its insane to think that we would do such a thing. Let me contrast this notion with the best example of permaculture I've ever seen.

Sepp Holzer has a steep hillside farm with terraces and banks. For the most part its trees on the steep banks and ponds and grasses on the terraces. Everything just flows beautifully. But when I saw that the fruit would fall from the trees and roll down the banks into piggies mouth I said to myself "I think I'm going to cry" such was my joy.

Mollison says that poor design means work. So if you get the design right, all you really have to do is sit back and admire it all and harvest whenever you so choose.

So Holzer's setup is the best that I've seen but even that is RUBBISH ... its trivial. IT IS AS NOTHING, as compared to, a fucking fish that starts feeling kind of edgy, and wants to start swimming up waterfalls.


See that photo? The fish actually swims up waterfalls to bring us the nutrients. The bears grab that fish and they spread the nutrients out crapping everywhere and we could have a system of harvesting the bear. Bear fat is good for getting sheilas pregnant and bears liver is so high in vitamin A it makes people sick. What lunatics would get in the way of the animals working for us? If you don't get the animals working, you do the work of the animals, and that means someone has to work like an animal, and get paid fuck all.

And thats not okay. Thats never going to be okay. Some people might think thats okay but still its not okay just the same.

GMB said...

And you know what? You close down an Australian Coal-to-electricity plant? ..... Its not going to solve this or any other problem one little bit.

You cannot solve problems by way of bizarre leftist analogies ....... founded upon oligarchical misdirection.

Secretly when the left retards a coal export mine, to my great shame, I am happy. I want that coal for us. But there is absolutely no upside when these lunatics close down a coal electricity plant and act like they just rescued the salmon.

John said...

In Norway the herring populations had precipitously declined so they instituted strict controls on fishing. After 5 years the fish stocks had boomed. It's that simple yet politically and logistically impossible to institute a regime which allows fish stocks to recover.

GMB said...

Yes well the female fish lays so many eggs. So if we can have a bit of oversight to the fishing, throwing the big breeders back and halting the fishing of certain species from time to time, its a gift that doesn't need to stop giving.

If would be good to have co-operation between us and Indonesia with boosting fish production through habitat. You want it that the fish are almost jumping on the islanders fishing boats.