Friday, July 31, 2020

Libertarians say the stupidest things

According to Sinclair Davidson, cultural and political polarisation are the result of Leftists telling exactly the sort of extremely sexist, often racist, gay appalled, extremely rude, science rejecting, think-they-are-experts-on-everything commenters at his very own blog that they are being extremely sexist, often racist, rude, homophobic, etc.

He has this to say about a Jack the Insider column this week:
I actually laughed out loud when I read:
There is no sense of community, no looking after others.
Like, no shit Sherlock.
No sense of community? What? Not in the most left-wing state of Australia under the most left-wing government in Australia? After decades of lefties telling us that we’re all racists, and bigots, and there are haves and have-nots, and insiders and outsiders, and rich and poor, there is no such thing as a uniquely Australian culture, and definitely no such thing as western civilisation, and whatever other bullshit story they are capable of pulling out of their backsides,  what do you really expect?
Jack – I left my sense of community at the Tax Office.
I don't even know what the last line means.  It seems too stupid to take it at face value.  (He also fits in at the end of the post a "all taxation is theft" jibe.)   So does he really think that higher taxing, European style social democrat countries have less social cohesion than the tax minimising, gun toting, "we don't let government tell us to wear masks", conspiracy-rattled USA is displaying at the moment?

[Once again, I will also note that he seems to take COVID 19 as a serious health risk - how can he deny that the commenters at his blog - not to mention his nutty mate with fully paid up membership in Cult Trump (Steve Kates) - have always and continue to be in full denial of its seriousness?   How serious can he be that it's the Left being mean to them has made them reject expert evidence and prefer conspiracy theories and any demon seed theorising doctor's opinion on how easy it is to defeat the pandemic?] 

The explanation is this - libertarians and small government, minimal tax ideological types are in denial that the more their ideological views are enacted into policy it leads to greater entrenched inequality and worse social cohesion, and hence they have to try to deflect blame to someone else for the apparently deteriorating state of the community.   So they chose to demonise the Left as the source of all evil, because, you know, communists and Hitler (a cryptic Lefty, of course) killed people and still want to kill people and crush out all that is Goodness and Light in society.  (Hence they tend to also attract the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" support of religiously inclined social conservatives who hate the Left for its social progressiveness and see evil behind it, such as happens at Catallaxy.) 
It's not exactly sophistry - it's too transparent for that - it's just culture war, ideological driven attempt at deflection. 


GMB said...

I'm pretty happy with a combined methodology of preparation, treatment and mask-wearing in key places. But just so it doesn't give people the drizzling shit we want cheap, comfortable washable masks. In that scenario you are going to inhale a few viruses sooner or later. But if you aren't too old, you are up to your eyeballs in vitamin D and the exposure is tiny I would suggest that amounts to an enlightened way to get herd immunity. But where can I get a super comfortable washable mask from?

GMB said...

I kind of get your criticisms. But there is a song by Michael Jackson. And there is this man in the mirror I'd like to introduce you too.

GMB said...


Here is a message to you from the great artist. Unsullied as he is by all these lies told about him. Thank God he's still alive in reality.

David Bowie is still alive also. But sometimes I remember that Prince really is dead and its a terribly sad thing to remember.

Take the message seriously Steve. There may be a big comeuppance to you if you don't. I mean we DON'T KNOW right? But there may be.