Friday, March 20, 2009

Things we learned from last night's Q and A

No transcript is up yet, but should appear here.

1. Peter Kennedy is pro-choice on abortion. What a surprise.

2. Peter Kennedy acknowledges that St Mary's doesn't run like a normal parish catering to local Catholics. It caters to the disgruntled left leaning Catholics of Brisbane, which makes the claimed "vibrancy" of the parish (700 or so attending masses on a weekend) not so impressive.

3. Peter Kennedy could not answer why it is essential that the church he (barely) presides over could not be run from virtually any location in Brisbane. The union building he has already been offered for weekends is probably less than 100 meters from the physical church he presently uses.

4. As already noted in this blog, the charitable projects for which his parish claims much credit are in fact primarily outsourced government funded projects. (I think he said government funding is $10 million, local parish support is $40,000. Maybe some parishioners work for free for this as well, but if so I would like to know the details.)

5. Peter Kennedy wants the Catholic Church to become a democracy in which women play a large role, because he thinks that is the way to make a church more relevant and vibrant, etc. I guess that explains why the Anglicans are doing so well then.

6. Tony Abbott is surprisingly soft on liberal Catholics. George Pell needs to smack him around a bit and toughen him up.

As a final note, Kennedy really did seem old and inarticulate at the start, but warmed up and sounded more "with it" later. But he clearly isn't going to be around forever, and "his" parish is going to have a succession crisis sooner or later in any event.

I certainly can't see why he would be considered charismatic, though.


  1. Peter Kennedy is a disgrace, Steve!
    Let him start his own religion if he's not happy with what he has with the Catholic Church. No one is forcing him to stay.
    He is being disingenuous, certainly lacking in humility.
    And, he's a silly old fart to boot!

  2. BTW. I agree, he is definitely not charismatic.
    Schismatic is what he is, mate!
