Friday, April 03, 2009


Kevin Rudd losing his temper in spectacular enough fashion to make a RAAF attendant cry is in desperate need of a good "- gate" name. As he was apparently upset at only a meat dish being available, meatgate will do for now.

Journalists have often commented that Rudd, in private, swears a lot, flies into rage with those who he keeps working all night when he perceives they have made a mistake, and is an absolute control freak. Yet it's only the meek, mild Milky Bar Kid image that the public is allowed to see. (Occasional sh*t storm excepted, and even then it was a pre-recorded apparent slip which he or his minders let go through because they thought it wouldn't hurt his image.)

Opinion Dominion predicts: one day, someone (probably from his own side of the political fence) is going to turn up with a recording or video that will show the PM in private acting in a spectacularly unflattering way.


TimT said...


TimT said...


Caz said...

Book title - Rudd: The Salad Days.

Mercurius Aulicus said...

Here's a little Tune dedicated to Mr Rudd.