Monday, August 22, 2011

Clear reception?

Spirit Voices: The First Live Conversation Between Worlds | Society for Psychical Research

So, a paranormal investigator making a TV series in an allegedly haunted Irish hotel claims he got recordings of perfectly clear spirit voices making meaningful responses to a medium in another room.

Sounds kind of easy to fake, andthis bit of video shows his methods (using violin sounds in the recording process) seem a tad arcane.

Still, his books seems to have reasonably impressed someone reviewing for the Society for Psychical Research.

I wonder if the reason we don't hear from the dead so often is due to high "roaming" charges for their mobile phones to Earth.

Incidentally, this also reminds me of Robert Rankin's black comedy novel Fandom of the Operator, in which someone discovers that there exists a literal telephone service to the dead. I thought the book was pretty awful, actually, and have blanked out all other details of the plot, but I liked the premise, at least.

I mean, it is pretty intriguing to think about the societal implications of having scientific proof of an afterlife, isn't it? On the one hand, most humans have believed it for most of history anyway, but on the other hand, removing the mystery beyond all doubt would put a fair bit of a spanner in the works of modern philosophy and science, to put it mildly.


  1. An interesting read. Due to the restriction of 4,086 characters in a response prohibiting a meaningful, intelligent reply, I have decided to do something that I have never done before and review my own book. Inspired by your post.

    You may find it by visiting my official website and following "The Arcane" link.

    Thanks for the mention.

    Mark L Cowden

  2. Thanks for the kind words about the blog, Mark.

    Would you know if we are ever going to see your TV show in Australia?

  3. Well Steve, I just do what I do and in doing so, I give away a little bit of my soul each and every time. I hope that the people in Australia will see the work that I do in some shape or form but it is truly out of my hands. Australia is a place that I have always wanted to visit, since I was a little boy. Similar to America, where I'm originally from, it does not have the documented history that Ireland has but there is an undeniable spirit there just the same. The indigenous people knew, and know how to survive and the imports had to learn real quick. It takes a certain kind of person to survive and multiply in a place such as the land we call "down under" and this kind of person hosts a soul that I am always on the look out for. This tv stuff and the book just kind of took off for me and there's a lot of people who are considering me as some kind of expert on the workings of the universe, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm just at the start of my journey. I'm working on another show which I believe is going to be shown worldwide, so hopefully, this means Australia. I have a lot of time for you guys. You have a very unique outlook on an individual and it's either an embrace or else a punch in the face. This is why I read and replied to your post. I'm honoured either way that somebody from your beautiful world has taken the time to write a few words about something that I may have written, broadcasted, or else said. My time in ireland has made me reconsider everything that I have been led to believe my whole life and at this point in my life, nothing surprises me. So hopefully, yes. You and your friends will see my work. But if not, go here:

    you could also buy the book, my kids need shoes. Yes, I've had a few drinks of bacardi tonight!!!!

    God bless Australia!!

    And thank you for your questions of our magical universe, and thank you for taking the time to write about the adventures that I embark on"

    Mark L Cowden
