Friday, May 24, 2013

A good point

Critics query Coalition climate costs

Yes indeed:  while Tony Abbott is out saying that "direct action" is the best way to deal with reducing CO2 (which may include things such as additional tree plantings), the Coalition in Queensland has just made it easier for farmer to knock their trees down.

There really, really need to be more economists out there putting out criticism of the direct action plan, because I have never heard any economist say that it actually can achieve what it claims it will in  a better way than carbon pricing.

1 comment:

  1. Steve,

    Yes no economist has ever thought direct action is better than pricing carbon.

    And yes people have been onto the costs to the budget of direct action for some time.

    Personally I think he will drop it once Treasury or the PBO cost it.

    and of course Around the Traps is out
