I hadn't read anything about the CSIRO Chief Executive Larry Marshal until his decision to cut hard into his organisation's climate change arm.
But this morning, he well and truly put himself in the "intellectually suspect" list when he complained that the reaction against his decision "almost sounds more like religion than science to me." What a foolish thing to do: use a favourite climate change denial line when he says he is upset that people are claiming he's a closet climate change skeptic!
Actually, I did notice a headline from last year about him at The Australian's website recently, but I didn't follow up on it. The story is, however, that he has some serious sounding troubles lingering from his time in venture capital and high tech start ups. Have a read here and here.
And even the Australian Skeptics have their doubts about him, over statements he has made that he thinks there just might be something to water divining! (I'm sympathetic to, and interested in, many paranormal and weird science claims, but water divining is one of the easiest things to test, and am pretty sure that no one has ever shown convincing evidence it worked.)
This idiot think low labour turnover rates are a bad thing.