Thursday, February 02, 2017

If there was any doubt: a complete jerk

There's a remarkable account of Trump's call with Malcolm Turnbull in the Washington Post - and I am a bit puzzled as to why anyone from the White House with knowledge of the call would have confirmed to a reporter - in a lot of detail - how much of an aggro, self aggrandising jerk Trump was to poor old Malcolm.

It certainly makes it seem very much on the cards, as was reported yesterday, that Trump will change his mind on taking the Manus Island/Nauru refugee/prisoners.  


  1. Yes there is absolutely no self awareness at the chaoshouse at all

  2. How long before nutty, gullible Kates runs to Trump's defence at Catallaxy?

  3. And Jason will probably be along with a "look at the possible bright side" tweet about some half arsed tax plan soon. He seems not to care much about whether we can get past the risk of some completely unnecessary international war at the hands of a think skinned, possibly mentally unstable, President before congress gets to any legislation.

  4. It also confirms he believes in fake news
