Friday, February 24, 2017

Nuttier than I thought

I think Steve Bannon sounds nuttier than ever in his "WE WERE VICTORIOUS AND YOU BE WILL CRUSHED UNDER OUR HEEL" (I think that's a fair summary) comments at CPAC.

Yes, makes me so confident to see someone like him with the ear of the President of the USA.

I did find this video amusing, though.


not trampis said...

He is as bigger fruit loop as we knew. The EO which had his footprints all over was very sloppily written and had NO legal consultation. It also had NO evidence, however given his former role at Breitbart he has never believed like Trump in evidence!

not trampis said...

You can see why Katesy is such a supporter can't you

Mayan said...


Steve said...

Oh yeah...thanks:)

not trampis said...

I am staggered no evangelicals have commented on the blasphemy involved here.

Steve said...

I'm waiting for Jason to arrive with some version of "stop being hysterical".