Tuesday, October 24, 2017

This is going well

As explained by the headline at Vox:

Gold Star widow: Trump couldn’t remember my husband’s name. Trump: she’s a liar.


not trampis said...

The man has no shame at all

not trampis said...

we know his cognitive abilities have fallen away dramatically possibly because of old age. What if he doubles down when he blatantly lies because he has a lot of 'senior' moments and wants to avoid talk on that all costs

Steve said...

Yes, the problem is, a President with a failing memory, possibly slipping into early dementia (Reagan, second term) might get away with a lot purely by making light of slip ups, apologising for them, and generally exhibiting good will and generosity. None of this applies to Trump. Whether or not he's actually got failing faculties, he already acts as an early version of the nursing home resident telling the visitors that the staff and other residents are stealing his stuff, and lying about it.