Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Dumb as...

Ha.   Steve Kates posted the viral video of the Sinclair Broadcast Group stations reading out the statement about "fake news" and how they don't do it, all with no apparent insight that it's a conservative, Trump supporting company that has made its news hosts look like robots.

There are scores of comments following which are oblivious to the true point of the video as well.   Then someone says "maybe Kates is criticising all media?", which is extremely unlikely, since Kates shows no sign of getting his American political news from anything other the most biased, one eyed, wingnut sites.   He was even in early on being open minded on the "Q conspiracy."

Even after a couple of commenters have made the point that the video is actually being promoted by the Left to criticise the conservative Sinclair group, you get the information challenged, angry, angry entertainer  saying this:

Man, they are dumb...


  1. They do support Trump!

  2. I see he has never heard of the term outlier either. What an ignorant man. how did he get through Immigration?

    You simply cannot parody Kates!

  3. Kates is so right wing when walking or driving never turns left.
