Wednesday, April 03, 2019

UFOs from the future

I like the idea but I don't think it has ever turned up in a movie or TV series (yet):
BUTTE – Many people believe UFOs visit Earth from other planets far, far away. A Montana Tech professor believes UFOs are much closer to home.

“The phenomenon may be our own distant descendants coming back through time to study us in their own evolutionary past,” said Michael P. Masters.

Masters writes about this theory in his newly released book, “Identified Flying Objects.” With a doctorate in anthropology from Ohio State University, Masters uses science to explain why people who report close encounters with aliens always describe them the same way.

“The extra-tempestrial are ubiquitously reported as being bipedal, upright-walking, five fingers on each hand and foot, bi-lateral symmetry that they have two eyes, a mouth a nose, they can communicate with us in our own languages,” said Masters.
"Extra-tempestrial"?   Kinda clumsy name, I reckon.


Mayan said...

There is a series called "Travellers", in which people from a bleak future are sent back to our time.

Perhaps not really the same thing: in the show, the future people can only go back, not forward in time.

Steve said...

Yes, I watched maybe 4 episodes of the show - not a bad idea, the way they time travelled (although a bit close to Quantum Leap), but the stories ran a little too slow and I lost interest.

GMB said...

The twists people will make to avoid the idea that these are anti-gravity test vehicles from earth and from the present. Well people aren't going to say that since its a reminder of the Jew fraud of gravity being space bending.