Tuesday, March 24, 2020

RMIT must be so proud

Steve Kates at Catallaxy, today:
It’s the flu and it’s on the way to containment. It looks like a relative handful will unfortunately die, but its not the Andromeda Strain either.
Just shows the quality of Associate Professors at that institution...


  1. A couple of sandwiches short of a picnic.

  2. Anonymous12:03 pm

    I think you'll find that Kates retired two years ago.

  3. Oh? He needs to update his LinkedIn entry then.

    I see that RMIT has him listed as Adjunct Associate Professor - doesn't that mean he is still on their books to do some part time or temp gigs?

  4. A reasonable sentence I would have thought. You are not good with explaining what your criticism is about are you Steve.

  5. Anonymous2:50 pm

    Universities give titles to retired staff to claim research output in the ERA process.
