Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Just what you want in a President

Haven't noticed many people on Twitter or elsewhere saying that the timing of the start of Trump's apparent self medication with hydroxychloroquine matches up pretty closely with the Mothers Day tweetstorm that everyone recognized as extreme, even for him.  

Here's Vox writing about the drug in March:
The potential adverse side effects of hydroxychloroquine are well-documented. The drug, which is a less toxic version of chloroquine, can carry adverse psychiatric side effects that can occur even after just a single dose, though it’s more common after high doses. Those manifest differently among patients, ranging from anxiety, insomnia, and nightmares to paranoia, hallucinations, personality changes, and suicidal ideation.

In combatting malaria, doctors have accepted these potential side effects in cases where patients would otherwise die.

“The risk of psychosis is of little relevance if one is dead, the thinking goes,” Remington Nevin, an epidemiologist who specializes in drug safety, tweeted.
Some think he may be lying about taking it, but it seems to me reasonable to think his tweeting might be a sign he did indeed start on it.

In normal times, the fact that the President is taking, voluntarily and unnecessarily, a drug with potential serious effects on his mood and thinking would be something the press and his party would worry about.   But, I guess, as he was already such a fragile narcissist nut, it makes detecting the drug's effect more difficult.


Not Trampis said...

how do you tell the difference.

He becomes more psychotic?

GMB said...

"The potential adverse side effects of hydroxychloroquine are well-documented. The drug, which is a less toxic version of chloroquine, can carry adverse psychiatric side effects that can occur even after just a single dose"

You idiot Steve. The study is talking about long-term use. Like 5 years use. Ten years use. Malaria is a long-term problem. You can get it as a nine year old and still be having to use the drug 9 years later in another country.

How much and for how long? Malaria is a long-term problem. Sars-2 is typically a four week problem. Ten years versus four weeks?

Obviously you don't want to poison someone by giving them too much. The protocol of 3 times 200 per day is going to be too much for a lot of people. Malaria is a pretty serious problem. And those guys who have malaria, by their own admission, end up taking a lot. I don't think you need a lot for Sars-2. You just want to avoid the virus giving you permanent lung damage. So you want your zinc, vitamin C, selenium, good food, sunbathing ..... But you also want small amounts of HCQ to stop your lungs being permanently fucked up.

You don't fucking listen. You don't fucking read. Except when its the terrorist agenda you know nothing. You posted a non-rigged study for a change but the study was about a different disease and a time length of usage that is no comparison at all.

GMB said...

Trump is a better scientist than you are Steve. I mean you are just so hopeless. Your life a hound-dog that goes charging down river when the fugitive has already doubled back upstream.

Trump has had a life-long phobia about germs. Some people close to his office have come down with the virus. So naturally enough a person like that is going to act in this paranoid fashion. But the idea was to have HCQ in the fridge. Just a low dose of 50mg ..... not the 200 that they are using for people already with one foot in the grave ... And have your zinc source right next to it. Take this low dose at the first sign of a tickle to the throat. And you'll be able to hold off this virus. Really you should have prepared with the vitamins D3, K2 and A like I told you too. But since you are too stupid to follow science you are probably going to need a moderate dose of HCL if you get this virus. You don't need to be as paranoid as Trump about it but you should be prepared.