Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Public service announcement from the Republican Party

(There's a near 100% chance that someone else has already done this on Twitter, but I haven't seen it yet.)


GMB said...

But you know what is going on here right? The Democrats candidate has advanced dementia. So all of a sudden trump has mini-strokes. Learn how this crowd works. Its so obvious. The Democrat is looting the Ukraine and so its Trump who is abusing the Ukraine. Surely you can see the pattern by now.

Steve said...

Graeme, you think it's "so obvious" that Beirut was blown up by a nuclear missile.

People with "advanced dementia" cannot make 25 min speeches, whether they are reading it or not. In fact, I reckon Biden makes fewer mistakes on teleprompt speeches than Trump, who "profoundly" accepted the nomination.

GMB said...

You saw the atomic blast yourself. You just deny it. Estimates of a unicorn load of fertiliser's blast power could only be about 0.4 kilotonnes. The explosion itself was an order of magnitude out. You know they caught the missiles on camera. We are storing more than the alleged amount of non-existent fertilser ourselves.

Yes it was obvious. Israel was buzzing above that area for two months prior. Israel is continuing to bomb Lebanon as we speak. The last 70 years only one country regularly bombs Lebanon.

Can you think of anything MORE obvious? You are a nut. You treated all the bombing in Iran as a curious set of accidents. That was just weeks before. You encourage these people. They can bomb the West Bank, Syria, Lebanon and Iran and you never suspect them. You are crazy. Its all just coincidence theory. Douglas Adams improbability drive.

Of course its obvious. But if you are an idiot you don't see the obvious.

GMB said...

Your theory involves not only a series of improbable coincidences multiplied to a probability of one over infinity. It also demands we believe that the Lebanese are these stupid mud people who don't know not to put a welder, fireworks, and fertiliser in series. How about that hey. Same time and place that mud-person welder the fireworks and the fertiliser all came together. Thats the obvious thing right Steve?

Face it Steve. If you are not one of them you really aren't that bright.

GMB said...

Hey great stuff Steve. Sorry about the excessive aggression. I thought we were speaking one to one.

GMB said...

Hey it looks like Biden has been caught with a little bruise on his hand. It looks like its from and intravenous drip. I don't know whether they've learned to do ketones intravenously. But you'd want glutathione and ketones to hit into his bloodstream just before he needs to perform. Something like ketones and glutathione might light up his injured brain for 20-30 minutes, and then after awhile he'll be back into brown-out territory.

Steve said... could be that Biden bumped his hand.

GMB said...

No that cannot work. Thats coincidence theory in action. Coincidence theory does not accord with any understanding of probability or how the world works

Check the bruise. Its no bump bruise. Far more discrete than that.

I speculate that the homie has tracks all up his arms. Maybe thats going for the drug addict vote.

Plus your coincidence theory simply cannot accord with observations of Biden. I did see him hold something together for a quarter hour or so. But that was right about the time we got the IV bruise.

GMB said...
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