Sunday, September 09, 2012

Mary and the Romans

I've been meaning to note that I quite enjoyed the 3 part doco series "Meet the Romans" on SBS the last 3 weeks.

Mary Beard wrote and hosted the series, and as I liked reading her Times columns, at least until they went behind a paywall, I was looking forward to seeing this.

That said, she did take a bit of getting used to as a host.  She was a bit repetitive, particularly in the first episode, and a bit, um, over enthusiastic at times; but by the last episode tonight I had become  accustomed to her style.

The theme of the series was to look at ancient Rome from the point of view of the day to day life of the ordinary folk:  the goings on in politics and emperors was definitely not the subject of the show.   Given that the Romans had a habit of writing their life story on their tombs, many of which are recorded or still standing, their stories are still very readily accessible.

Episodes 2 and 3 can still be viewed on line at SBS (for now), and I think large chunks of it may also be permanently on Youtube.  (This clip from tonight's episode showing a baby's cradle was touching.)

UPDATE:  soon after posting this last night, I checked my email account via which I get notice of comments left on posts, and found this:
 I'm not behind the paywall... easiest way to access is through the TLS website, totally free (glad you got to like the series) 

But it hasn't (at time of writing this) appeared in comments on the post, and I can't see why.    

In any event, thanks Mary.   Yes, her blog is here.  Silly me.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Taking plastic seriously

Catalyst: Plastic Oceans - ABC TV Science

I was quite surprised by this story on Catalyst earlier this week.  The link contains the video and transcript.

The first surprise:  that the shearwater birds that live on Lord Howe Island appear to frequently die of stomachs absolutely loaded with plastic - which they apparently mistake for fish in the ocean. 

Lord Howe Island is in the middle of the South Pacific and has a tiny population - it's about the last place you would expect serious problems from marine plastic rubbish to arise.

The second surprise:  this part of the story, where they start talking about plastics that eventually break up into tiny pieces are still a major concern for their toxic effect:

Dr Jennifer Lavers
They have what I call the invisible toxic effect. It, it's less easy to detect but equally as scary.
The plastic itself inherently contains a wide array of chemicals that are used during the manufacturing and processes. When the plastic is put out into the marine environment and it floats around in the ocean for let's say ten or forty years it really does last forever, it basically acts like a little magnet or a sponge and it takes all the contaminates that are out there in the ocean environment that are really diluted in the ocean water and it concentrates it up, onto the surface.
Plastic itself has up to a thousand times a higher concentration of containments on its surface than the surrounding seawater from which it came. And when the animal, whether it's a turtle or a seabird takes that into their body those contaminants leach out into the blood stream and is incorporated into the tissues.

Jennifer Lavers collects and weighs plastic from dead birds and sends the feathers off for lab analysis. They reveal what contaminants are in the body.

Dr Jennifer Lavers
The flesh footed shearwater on Lord Howe Island is officially the world's most heavily contaminated seabird just from mercury alone. So the toxic threshold that's widely regarded around the world for birds is four point three parts per million. Anything above that four point three PPM is considered toxic to the birds. Well flesh footed shearwaters on Lord Howe Island are between one thousand and three thousand parts per million.
 The story indicates that the problems with broken down plastics getting into the food chain (right from the plankton level!) is just starting to be widely recognized in research.

It's a cause for concern, by the sounds... 

Things you learn

I've just found something useful.

When you use a pc to try to watch Colbert or the Daily Show from their Comedy Central websites, you get blocked from watching the videos in Australia. You can use an overseas proxy server to get around this, I suppose, but I haven't bothered trying.

Mediate sometimes puts up some of the videos from those shows on their site, and they aren't region blocked, but they don't put up much.

I have just now learned that if you use an iPad, even just via a browser (ie, without loading the shows' apps), you can get an iPad digest version of the shows which contains videos you can watch from Australia.

It's a lot less content than from the normal website, but it's a lot more than I have been able to watch over the last year or so.

Fellow iPad users of Australia who did not realize this, you can thank me later....

Friday, September 07, 2012

Thursday, September 06, 2012

The Clinton speech

The Bill Clinton speech at the Democrat convention is getting some rave reviews, and rightly so.

I have never thought Clinton a particularly gifted speaker, and I have quite neutral feelings about his presidency, but this speech really was something. He was articulate; gave detail where it was needed to counter Republican memes (and in particular, to summarise perfectly the problem with the Romney tax plan); and made several well deserved calls for the Right to come back to the centre for the good of the nation.

Former Bush aide Matt Latimer, clearly no fan of Clinton's style, still reached this conclusion, with which I thoroughly agree:
Here’s why I think Bill Clinton’s speech was successful. For all of his tortured arguments and wonky, ponderous asides, Bill Clinton made a substantive case. He dealt with facts and statistics. He made points and then explained why he made them. He had details. Boy, did he have details. In short, he did what almost no one at the Republican convention tried to do, what few conventions bother to do anymore. He treated the American people like thinking human beings.
The only problem I see with the speech was that it was so effective, where does it leave Obama to go in his acceptance?  I guess a nomination acceptance speech is not the place to be doing the sort of detail that Clinton managed anyway, but I think there is still a bit of danger in Obama sounding too full of mere "hope and change-y" rhetoric again.   In fact, I wouldn't think it a bad idea if Obama appeared somewhat contrite about not being able to live up to expectations that people had built up around him.   

One other point:  while I guess there are still ways for this convention to go sour for the Democrats, who can credibly argue that in both appearance and content it is not putting the Republican one to shame?  And this is driving the Right wing bloggers nuts, I reckon.   Unbelievably, Andrew Bolt  thought the Clint Eastwood empty chair routine was devastating (well it was, but not in the way Andrew thought):
Clint Eastwood didn’t just hit the ball out of the park at the Republican convention. He smashed it through the White House windows.

One of the most effective political speeches I’ve ever heard, although most of its power came simply from the man who delivered it.
Bolt hasn't commented on the Clinton speech yet, and as I say, it remains possible that the Democrats could try something that backfires on the last day as well.  But from this point in time, it's looking like the lingering impressions from the conventions are going to be from Clint and Clinton.

Andrew, if there is any faint glimmer of objectivity left in your head, which do you think is going to play well in history?

Update:  for some pretty funny stuff from Jon Stewart on the convention, you can see a 10 minutes clip here at Mediaite.

Significant biology news

Breakthrough study overturns theory of 'junk DNA' in genome | Science | The Guardian

Seems a decent explanation is given in this quite long report.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Unexpected goings on in the tea plantation

Deadly witch hunts targeted by grassroots women's groups

An odd story from India, where (apparently) life amongst the poor village tea pickers can be dangerous:

In 2003, at a tea plantation in Jalpaiguri, five women were tied up, tortured and killed after being falsely accused of witchcraft in the death of a male villager who had suffered from a stomach illness. Chaudhuri interviewed the villagers at length and found that such attacks are often impulsive and that the "witch" is often killed immediately. Widespread alcoholism is also a factor, she found.

But the study also documents examples of the women's groups stopping potential attacks. In one case, a woman was accused of causing disease in livestock and an attack was planned. Members of the self-help groups gathered in a vigil around the woman's home and surrounded the accuser's home as well, stating their case to the accuser's wife. Eventually the wife intervened and her husband recanted and "begged for forgiveness." 

Through the loan program, each woman is issued a low-interest, collateral-free "microcredit" loan of about 750 rupees ($18) to start her own business such as basket weaving, tailoring or selling chicken eggs. Participants meet in groups of about eight to 10 to support one another.
That's an odd side benefit of microfinance...

The melt in history

Climate change skeptics are deploying the old "this [record] Arctic melt is not so unusual when you go back in history" ploy, so Skeptical Science has a long and detailed look at studies that show this is not true. Good job.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Jet stream is on the move

 Measurements of the movement of the jet streams at mid-latitudes, in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, 1979 to 2010

Interesting paper which says the jet streams, and weather systems, have been on the move  for the last 30 years, and the predominant reason appears to be the direct radiative forcing from greenhouse gases.

Monday, September 03, 2012

Stewart on the empty chair

I am not his biggest fan, but Jon Stewart's take on the Eastwood empty chair routine is pretty much exactly what I expected: pretty funny, and insightful about the politics of it too. Here it is:

What a melt

It hasn't bottomed out yet either:

Something to note as a matter of caution, though.  Andy Revkin has taken a very careful approach on this, and reminds us that one paper found that modelling indicates that (suprisingly) intermittent positive trends in Arctic ice are still possible on 2 -20 timescales until the middle of the 21st century.   This must be remembered; as any temporary recovery in the next decade will be claimed by the climate change denialists as proof positive that AGW predictions were wrong.  (Just as they love to falsely claim that the 2011 Australian floods were inconsistent with climate change predictions.)

However, I would have to guess that this "reversal in trend" possibility is looking a bit improbable given the dramatic loss of volume in sea ice.

Modelling sea ice behaviour does seem to be a particularly complicated thing, though.

American Politics

I was rather critical of the lack of qualifications and unrealistic and over-inflated rhetoric of "hope and change" through which Obama got the Democrat nomination and the presidency. And to be honest, so much of American domestic politics is so complicated, with the way their party allegiances in Congress don't work in the same way they do here, that I'm not the most comprehensive reader there is about arcane Washington fights over budgets and legislation. 

So, with that qualification, what's my feelings about the Obama presidency from this point in time?   My general impression is that it has been, more-or-less, competent enough.  Not earth shatteringly brilliant, of course.  I don't think anyone argues that.     Quite a few mistakes and embarrassments, but all Presidents have those.  But not terrible.  Or, if you like, no where near as bad as his lack of qualifications would have indicated was possible.  The general impression is one of a pretty cautious man of reasonable character* who hasn't stuffed things up to a significant degree.  But then again, nor has he been able to take action on certain matters as he should.

My general impression is bolstered by an article in The Economist  which argues that he deserves more credit than he is being given on economic policy.   This feels about right to me.

But of course, a significant part of my feelings about Obama is derived not so much from seeing that he especially deserves credit for leadership and smarts, but from seeing how the Right in the US has run off some ideological cliffs in the last three years, and simply does not appear credible in so many ways now.

Everyone knows I think climate change is important, and really despise the way a handful of unconvinced climate scientist's opinions have been inflated by virtue of the internet into a powerful public and political influence against taking action on CO2.  This quintessentially unscientific enterprise has had its greatest effect on the Right in the US, no doubt because small government and libertarian inclinations are strongest there and these ideologies are always inclined to be hostile to government action of any kind which interfere with how businesses operate.   It's a major embarrassment for those who think the Right is usually the side which is the most pragmatic and accepts evidence as to what works and what doesn't, and is not stuck on ideologically fixated non solutions as the Left can be.

I worry now that readers may think that I put attitude to climate change as my number one priority for assessing politicians.  But, honestly, is it my fault that this does indeed seem to be the bellwether for common sense and reliability in most matters now?  I mean, even if the Tea Party was not effectively forcing Republican candidates to become overtly dismissive of global warming, I  am sure I would still be dismissive of their economic ideas which are, essentially, a triumph of ideology over practicality.

For example, have a look at this article in The Atlantic about Romney's ill formed and "impossible" tax plan.   I don't trust Krugman on absolutely every point, but I find most of what he complains about in the Republicans to be credible and biting.   His recent column on health costs, for example, or his long standing assessment that Paul Ryan has an undeserved reputation for being serious on fiscal policy. 

I don't have a problem with the proposal that the US economy needs some major tax overhaul, and that spreading the tax base is a good idea, and removing some silly deductions is badly needed.   But it seems that you do not get serious and fair plans being put by the Right anymore - in fact Krugman argues the Republicans are stuck on stupid from way back.   Instead, you get things like Herman Cain with a 999 plan that is so extreme in its effects that even the Wall Street Journal was cool about it.  And you get a fetish about returning to a gold standard (from Cain and sympathetic sounds from Ryan - who, for God's sake, is quoted as saying he finds Ayn Rand influential on the topic.)

It's hard not to conclude that the problem is simply that, while all politicians hate the idea of selling increased taxes to the public,  the part of the Right which is absolutely ideologically committed to the idea that increases in taxes are universally Evil and Bad, and decreases in taxes always and in every circumstance a Good Thing, is currently in control of the Republicans.  Along with this goes the idea that small government is always better government, and (now) that Keynesian spending is always bad.  And gold.  Going back to gold is always good.**

These are, frankly, matters where ideologiy is triumphing over pragmatism, and either ignoring evidence, or interpreting evidence with this predetermined conclusion in mind.   It is no wonder that those who hold these views are nearly always also disbelievers in climate change.

And look at how separated from reality Right wing commentary is becoming.   Large slabs of it in the US, and some of the equivalent wingnuts in Australia, thought that Clint Eastwood's performance at the Republican convention was unalloyed brilliance that was somehow all the more effective for being rambling and looking like it was being "winged" (as indeed it was.)  Ann Althouse:
AND: Here's the whole Eastwood performance. Is it really that hard to get? No, they're merely playing dumb (and humorless), even though they want the other party to be known as "the stupid party."

UPDATE: I just rewatched the performance. It was great! Hilarious... subtle... well-paced.... The haters are totally bullshitting and playing dumb (assuming they are not actually dumb). And what they are trying to do is scare other celebrities: Toe the line or we will destroy you. That crushing repression is the opposite of what the performing arts should be about.
I can handle people saying something like "it wasn't so bad, it played well enough to the crowd" (even though I personally think the fact the crowd found some of the ill considered jokes hilarious made them look pretty stupid).  What I can't get (to the point of doubting people's sanity) is the assessment that it was a brilliant bit of "jazz improvisation" or (to paraphrase someone at Catallaxy) that it was culturally important as giving Americans permission to finally be dismissive of Obama.   The crazed Obama and Gillard hating mind that wrote that knows completely about the rabid wingnut blogs in the States (he links to them frequently), and endorsed Limbaugh slut-calling of Sarah Fluke; yet he thinks the nation was waiting for permission to be crude, rude and ugly towards Obama and anyone who supports him?

As I say, the Right, in large part, has gone stupid;  I'm just sitting here waiting for it to return towards me.

*  I tend to sympathise with most Presidents of either persuasion, although I always felt very cool towards Reagan -  I just never got the "Great Communicator" tag and was not convinced that there was much in the way of natural intellect there.  I have always been persuaded by Christopher Hitchen's take on the man.  But it's arguably the most important job in the world, constantly involving complicated decisions of life and death with  regard to military and foreign affairs in particular.  I don't really see why anyone wants the responsibility and takes it on.

**  The linkage between climate change denialism and a fixation on gold is remarkable. Australia's Jonova and her husband David Evans are gold bugs from way back.

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Last week's good health news noted

Chocolate reduces stroke risk for men, research claims

Yes, this is cheering, even if the effect is not huge:
Larsson writes in the latest edition of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology: "High chocolate consumption was associated with a lower risk of stroke."

Men who ate the most chocolate, a weekly average of 63 grams, had a 17% lower risk of stroke compared with men who ate none. The correlation did not seem to differ depending on different types of stroke.

Larsson corroborated her findings by conducting a meta-analysis of five other studies, containing a total of 4,260 cases of stroke across Europe and the United States. She found the risk of stroke for individuals in the highest category of chocolate consumption was 19% lower compared with non-chocolate eaters. Every increase in chocolate consumption of 50g per week, reduced the risk of stroke by about 14%, Larsson found.
Also, it's odd that this result from Sweden was not all based on dark chocolate:
  Larsson said: "Interestingly, dark chocolate has previously been associated with heart health benefits, but about 90% of the chocolate intake in Sweden, including what was consumed during our study, is milk chocolate."
Still, they recommend dark chocolate, but obviously in modest quantities.

The other good news was that it appears starving yourself for long life seems not to be worth the effort.  There's a very good article at Slate about the recent monkey study about this, but it explains a lot more about the background to the calorie restriction idea, which goes back to the 1930's.  I also didn't know this:
The history of calorie restriction research is strewn with odd results that have been left unexplained (at best) or outright ignored (at worst). When Steven Austad of the University of Texas–San Antonio tested wild-caught mice, for instance, he found no caloric-restriction-induced increase in lifespan. In another study, researchers created 42 different cross-bred mouse strains and found that in a third of the strains, caloric restriction actually seemed to shorten lifespan. And even Clive McCay, the father of caloric restriction, found weird results: In his 1935 experiment, caloric restriction worked only in the males.

In fact, caloric restriction really seemed to work best in standard laboratory mice. This may be because they are predisposed to eat a lot, gain weight, and reproduce early—and thus are more sensitive to reduced food intake. (Slate’s Daniel Engber has written about how overfed lab mice have distorted scientific research.)
Even better, the article notes this:
 Several studies have shown that excessive leanness—seen often in calorie-restricting humans—can be as risky as obesity. Taken together, these studies suggest that the optimal body-mass index is about 25, which is on the verge of being overweight
Given that I'm only about  2 or 3 kg over BMI 25, I'm somewhat encouraged.

Small brains recognize trouble...larger brains, not so much

BBC Nature - Birds hold 'funerals' for dead

Paul Ryan Is a Climate Change Denialist

Saturday, September 01, 2012

More "Bugs R Us": gut, mouth and skin edition

I recently mentioned the article in The Economist which detailed the growing realisation in biology that humans (and all animals I guess) are best viewed as ecosystems, given the incredibly diverse and important role the bacteria that live in and on us play in health and illness.

Since then, there have been a few things about bacteria and health that have come to my attention:

Gut:   Four Corners had a fascinating documentary about the research indicating that at least some types of autism are related to harmful intestinal bacteria.  Unfortunately, the particular strain that they were talking about appears to be very difficult to remove permanently with antibiotics.

Although this idea appears to be catching on only slowly in the medical community, it was hard not to be impressed with the video apparently showing the difference the antibiotic treatment made to the behaviour in the young kid who had been treated for a while a decade or so ago.  (He's now 19 and still suffers autism, but had to stop the antibiotics since they just can't be taken forever.) 

I don't think they mentioned it, but I wondered whether anyone had thought about trying the icky but apparently effective idea of "fecal transplant" as a way of getting rid of the unwanted bacteria in autistic kids.  Googling the topic, I see that indeed this is an area of interest.  The Atlantic had a recent article about people wanting to do "at home" fecal implants (!)  Only with doctor's guidance, I would suggest.

Mouth:   In the Australian forum for wingnuts (and those who like to tell them they are wrong) that starts with the letter "C", I recently noted that I assumed that the differences in mouth bacteria might account (in large part) for why some people just seem to be more susceptible to cavities, despite having relatively low sugar diets and normal dental hygiene.

I had likely forgotten that I had read something about this years ago, as the topic does get a brief mention in an article in Scientific American in 2002:
All bacterial biofilms are not alike, however. Although Mutans streptococci and other species have been implicated as primary culprits in causing caries, some people who are infected with these species of bugs don¿t get cavities. Genotypically different strains of the same bugs exhibit varying levels of cariogenicity. Therefore, it¿s not just the quantity of plaque biofilm present, but the specific strain with which one is infected that is important in predicting who might get cavities.
 This is obviously an area of ongoing research, and this abstract of a 2009 Japanese paper indicates the situation is complex:
Recent analyses with ribosomal RNA-based technologies have revealed the diversity of bacterial populations within dental biofilms, and have highlighted their important contributions to oral health and disease. Dental biofilms are exceedingly complex and multispecies ecosystems, where oral bacteria interact cooperatively or competitively with other members. Bacterial interactions that influence dental biofilm communities include various different mechanisms. During the early stage of biofilm formation, it is known that planktonic bacterial cells directly attach to surfaces of the oral cavity or indirectly bind to other bacterial cells that have already colonized. Adherence through co-aggregation may be critical for the temporary retention of bacteria on dental surfaces, and may facilitate eventual bacterial colonization. It is likely that metabolic communication, genetic exchange, production of inhibitory factors (e.g., bacteriocins, hydrogen peroxide, etc.), and quorum-sensing are pivotal regulatory factors that determine the bacterial composition and/or metabolism. Since each bacterium can easily access a neighboring bacterial cell and its metabolites, genetic exchanges and metabolic communication may occur frequently in dental biofilms.
Most interestingly, while Googling this, I also stumble across the ongoing efforts of a Florida company Oragenics to prevent cavities by introducing genetically modified mouth bacteria to out compete the harmful ones:
 Our replacement therapy technology is based on the creation of a genetically altered strain of S. mutans, called SMaRT, which does not produce lactic acid. Our SMaRT strain is engineered to have a selective colonization advantage over native S. mutans strains in that SMaRT produces minute amounts of a lantibiotic that kills off the native strains but leaves the SMaRT strain unharmed. Thus SMaRT Replacement Therapy can permanently replace native lactic acid-producing strains of S. mutans in the oral cavity, thereby potentially providing lifelong protection against the primary cause of tooth decay. The SMaRT strain has been extensively and successfully tested for safety and efficacy in laboratory and animal models.

SMaRT Replacement Therapy is designed to be applied topically to the teeth by a dentist, pediatrician or primary care physician during a routine office visit. A suspension of the SMaRT strain is administered using a cotton-tipped swab during a single five-minute, pain-free treatment. Following treatment, the SMaRT strain should displace the native, decay-causing S. mutans strains over a six to twelve month period and permanently occupy the niche on the tooth surfaces normally occupied by native S. mutans.
Their website goes on to explain that trials have been done on animals (presumably successfully) but FDA requirements for human trials have been tricky:
 After we submitted additional information, the FDA issued a clinical hold letter in June 2007 for the proposed trial with the attenuated strain, citing the need for a plan with respect to serious adverse effects; a plan for the eradication of the attenuated strain in trial subjects’ offspring; and a required pregnancy test for female partners of subjects. We submitted additional protocols in response to the FDA’s concerns. In August 2007, the FDA issued a clinical hold letter with required revisions to the protocol for offspring of subjects. We submitted a response to the clinical hold letter in September 2007, and the FDA removed the clinical hold for our Phase 1 trial in the attenuated strain in October 2007.

We are in the process of commencing a second Phase 1 clinical trial of an attenuated version of our SMaRT Replacement Therapy, which will examine the safety and genetic stability of the SMaRT strain during administration to ten healthy adult male subjects over a two-week period. As a precautionary measure, this trial will use an attenuated version of the SMaRT strain that is dependent on D-alanine, which is a specific amino acid not normally found in the human diet. D-Alanine will be administered though a mouthwash provided to the patient group, and must be administered daily or the attenuated strain will perish in the oral cavity. We expect the second Phase 1 clinical trial of the attenuated strain, including a three-month follow-up examination of subjects, to be concluded in 2011. If the second Phase 1 trial of the attenuated strain is successful and if the FDA lifts the clinical hold on the IND for the non-attenuated version of the SMaRT strain, we anticipate that we would conduct a third Phase 1 trial using the non-attenuated SMaRT strain instead of the attenuated version.
All rather complicated, but it sounds as if we might be hearing soon about whether it works in humans, or not.

Skin:  There was also news this week that the adult red faced skin condition rosacea may be caused by the bacteria that live in the face mites that quietly live in the pores of many faces.   (My January 2011 post which featured a photo of them and had the catchy title "The bugs, they're all over me!" remains one of the more commonly Googled way that people arrive at this blog.) 

This would seem to provide a good explanation as to why rosacea usually responds to antibiotics, as  it seems no one had previously quite understood why.  It was known that people with rosacea usually had higher numbers of face mites than other people, and sometimes success has been had with trying to kill the mites directly.

The last bizarre part of this biological story is that face mites apparently don't have an anus (see, I avoided trying to work out the plural for "anus") so the gut bacteria in them don't get out until the mite dies.  But when they do, they cause an immune reaction that causes inflammation and redness.

Truly, it seems that bacteria rule.

And finally:   you know what my mind always wanders to when reading about these topics?   George Lucas and his bizarre sounding introduction of "midi-chlorians" as being behind The Force:
Without the midi-chlorians, life could not exist, and we would have no knowledge of the Force. They continually speak to us, telling us the will of the Force. When you learn to quiet your mind, you'll hear them speaking to you."
―Qui-Gon Jinn, to Anakin Skywalker
Obviously (and confirmed by Lucas) based on mitochondria, this seemed a really weird way to give a materialistic explanation for The Force.   But, the more I read about the importance of bacteria, the more I worry that Lucas might be the accidental Einstein of biology.

Selfishness re-considered

Physicists suggest selfishness can pay 

Frank Tipler thinks that games theory explains why selfishness doesn't pay, and that therefore the future  Omega Point that is God naturally doesn't like it.

I didn't realise that so much thought continues to go into games theory, but this article notes how there has been recent controversy over whether previous conclusions about how to best play the prisoner's dilemma  still hold up. 

This is hard to summarise, but it's interesting to note that Freeman Dyson is one of the guys putting thought into this.  I think the conclusion is that it still seems safe to assume, in an evolutionary context, that co-operation is best.

Lucky for Frank, then...

Friday, August 31, 2012

How did that slip through?

Activation of old carbon by erosion of coastal and subsea permafrost in Arctic Siberia : Nature : Nature Publishing Group

I noticed this article via a mention on The Australian's website this morning.  Yes, that's right, The Australian.  What's going on?  The regular science editor on holiday?  

Anyhow, while it is basically an estimate of how much carbon (and CO2) could be coming from defrosting Siberian permafrost, the figures are quite large sounding:

Thawing of Arctic permafrost could release significant amounts of carbon into the atmosphere in this century3. Ancient Ice Complex deposits outcropping along the ~7,000-kilometre-long coastline of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS)4, 5, and associated shallow subsea permafrost6, 7, are two large pools of permafrost carbon8, yet their vulnerabilities towards thawing and decomposition are largely unknown9, 10, 11. Recent Arctic warming is stronger than has been predicted by several degrees, and is particularly pronounced over the coastal ESAS region12, 13. There is thus a pressing need to improve our understanding of the links between permafrost carbon and climate in this relatively inaccessible region. Here we show that extensive release of carbon from these Ice Complex deposits dominates (57±2 per cent) the sedimentary carbon budget of the ESAS, the world’s largest continental shelf, overwhelming the marine and topsoil terrestrial components. Inverse modelling of the dual-carbon isotope composition of organic carbon accumulating in ESAS surface sediments, using Monte Carlo simulations to account for uncertainties, suggests that 44±10 teragrams of old carbon is activated annually from Ice Complex permafrost, an order of magnitude more than has been suggested by previous studies14. We estimate that about two-thirds (66±16 per cent) of this old carbon escapes to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, with the remainder being re-buried in shelf sediments.

For those who say "why does a thawing Arctic ice cap matter?", there's part of your answer.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Yes, no doubt about it, I have finally succumbed to (what I assume is) this season's flu.

At least an illness like this makes one better appreciate how good "normal" feels. I used to feel that way about hangovers too, but as they get worse as you get older, it does seem a waste of the next day for something that can be avoided.

Some random observations:

*  I like the way you can customize Google news now;

* Who can really admire Apple when they seek to enforce some ridiculous patents.

* I hate websites that scroll sideways. The Global Mail will fail for this reason alone.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Potty mouth Luther

Horrible Histories recently featured a sketch about Luther and his toilet issues, noting (amongst other things) that he used to write to his friends describing recent bowel movements.

Although I knew that he had spent a lot of time sitting on the toilet, I wasn't quite aware of how much he referred to poop and scatological matters generally in his writings and sermons, so I went looking for more information.

And here's what I found:  a pretty interesting research paper from 2008 that looks at the question of why Luther engaged in scatological expressions so much.   This has, apparently been the subject of much academic attention over the years, and the paper summarises the various schools of thought, before concluding that, in the context of German culture at the time, throwing literary "shit" at his enemies gave him the desirable air of virile masculinity.

It would seem that Germans have always had a scatological bent - I'm sure someone has had a go at explaining that, but I'll go looking for that another day.   This part notes the way poop was used in disputes at the time:

 Ain't history grand?

(As an aside, this description of Luther's eyes is of interest:

Seems a good lead for a science fiction story based on his being a robot; but I guess all of the sitting on the toilet suggests a design fault.)

Reading about this reminds me that the other great nation with an unusual degree of interest in poo is Japan.  I'm sure there must be lots of material on the net about this, but here's  a short-ish but useful essay on the topic.

I may well have noted this unusual connection before:  why do two nations so far apart have this in common?   Like the esoteric stories of Jesus travelling to India (or Japan), was there a prophet of digestive  health who travelled from Germany to Japan in the first millennium AD, proselytising the importance of having well formed poo, but who remains mysteriously unrecorded in history?

Just a thought for someone's future research endeavour.

Calling the aliens

Backreaction: How to beat a cosmic speeding ticket

Well, this is very hard to follow in the details for a non physicist, but Sabine Hossenfelder has a go at explaining her new paper looking at (what I take to be) speculative physics that may allow faster than light communication.

I want to note it here just in case she's right.