Guess where I have been, from my photographic clues:
This country has very pretty ducks...

and enormous pigeons:

It has impressive bodies of water, that come with mountains...

and ducks:

Through the mountains there are some roads:

and some dangerous-looking landing approaches (click to see that white dash really is a jet):

(You can click on all the photos to get the best impression, by the way.)
Even the mushrooms are pretty in a storybook sort of way:

The accommodation has improved since the 1860's goldrush:

Now, even the shopping centres come with ridiculously scenic backdrops:

It has snow, though not much in autumn:

But it does have autumn colours:

There are more lakes, and lots of people willing to throw themselves towards them from great heights:

And did I mention ducks on the lakes?:

Yes, it's New Zealand, a country so photogenic that I suspect merely sending the camera alone via a stamped self addressed parcel would still result in a bunch of pretty landscapes imprinting themselves on the memory card.
There are some more things I need to say about NZ, but it will have to wait until my mind resumes full blogging mode.