Wednesday, March 08, 2006

No trade

Jerusalem Post | Breaking News from Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World

From the above story:

Despite a promise made to Washington last November to drop its economic boycott of Israel, Saudi Arabia plans to host a major international conference next week aimed at promoting a continued trade embargo on the Jewish state, The Jerusalem Post has learned.

The Post also found that the kingdom continues to prohibit entry to products made in Israel or to foreign-made goods containing Israeli components, in violation of pledges made by senior Saudi officials to the Bush administration last year.

"Next week, we will hold the ninth annual meeting for the boycott of Israel here in Jidda," Ambassador Salem el-Honi, high commissioner of the Organization for the Islamic Conference's (OIC) Islamic Office for the Boycott of Israel, said in a telephone interview.

"All 57 OIC member states will attend, and we will discuss coordination among the various offices to strengthen the boycott," he said, noting that the meeting is held every March.

One would think that those urging the West to keep funding Palestine should show more good will than this. What a terrible accident of history it is that the Middle East has so much oil.

Israel's bad timing?

Jerusalem Post | Breaking News from Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World

How does Israel track the terrorists that they target from jets? I have never heard an explanation of this.

The media images of kids hurt in this latest attack were not good, and it does seem to me to be particularly ill timed given the uncertainties and uproar over Hamas forming government and whether it should be funded etc. Such an attack, unless justfied by a relatively recent fatal rocket attack on Israel, would seem to be counterproductive at this time to Israel's bigger interests.

Mad Democrat

WorldNetDaily: Democrat for Senate: Kill practicing 'gays'

From the above funny story:

A Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate in Ohio wants to make homosexual behavior a capital crime punishable by the death penalty.

Merrill Keiser Jr. is a trucker with no political experience, but he hopes to beat fellow Democrat Rep. Sherrod Brown in the May primary....

Liberal blogger Deborah White was less than thrilled with Keiser's candidacy and the media's response to it...

White speculated Keiser was planted by the GOP.

"He must be a Republican plant," she wrote. "Please ... someone tell me I'm correct."

Is parenthood held in contempt?

Guardian Unlimited | Columnists | Madeline Bunting: Our culture of contempt for parenthood

Madeline Bunting's column above is interesting, and the reasons she gives for low birthrates in Britain (essentially, that having children now goes against the cultural "values" of independence and consumerism) sounds somewhat plausible in the context of, say, the US and Australia as well as Britain.

However, as I noted in an earlier post, birth rates across all of Europe vary wildly, with Italy, Spain, Greece and Germany having substantially lower rates than Britain (which has about Australia's rate of 1.75 children per women.) The arguments that Bunting makes would, to my mind, make less sense in the more "macho" European countries, where one imagines that the independence of women is not emphasised quite so much. (I am just guessing here, remember.) Yet their rates are even lower than Britains.

Also, what accounts for the relatively high rates in France and Ireland? Both of these countries would seem to be as consumer orientated as Britain, but their birth rates are at 1.9 and 1.99 respectively. Maybe Muslims account for Frances high rate, but surely that can't apply to Ireland?

I guess each country can have their own particular reasons for their rates, but it is curious phenomena that there is such a variation across Europe. Discussions of cultural factors affecting the rate seem to me to usually be speculation without subtantial evidence behind them.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

On the Oscars

I was tired and didn't even see it all last night, but I have the following observations to make:

* Jon Stewart: not too bad as a host. Vast improvement on Chris Rock, whose failure was even worse than David Letterman's ill fated outing. (And I generally like Letterman, although his recent defence of Cindy Sheehan makes you wonder about how sensible he really is.)

* Ben Stiller is always prepared to look stupid, and of what I saw he had the funniest scripted bit last night. (Particularly funny was the line "this is blowing Spielberg's mind", with a cutaway shot of Spielberg in the audience mouthing "no it's not".)

* So Brokeback Mountain lost best picture. Seems fair enough; while not seeing it, I strongly suspect there was a "bandwagon" effect going on in the body of reviews. (When the praise is too universal and too similar in its terms, one often suspects the critics are not bringing an independent mind to their work.) But I like this line:

Larry McMurtry, 69, who won Best Adapted Screenplay for Brokeback Mountain, said afterwards: "“Perhaps the truth really is Americans don'’t want cowboys to be gay."”

Did something give him the impression that there was a significant body of Americans just hanging out for cowboy sexual revisionism?

* The current crop of Hollywood stars are generally a pretty uncharismatic lot. It is not that they are bad actors; it's just that there are so few that are personally appealing enough that it makes you want to see their next project. Contrast this with, say, even the 1980's. (As I age, I am increasingly nostalgic for that period.) You had the likes of Kevin Costner, Harrison Ford, Meg Ryan, (for some) Julia Roberts (I am afraid that all I can notice when she is on screen is her enormous mouth,) Tom Hanks, John Hughes films with their generally appealing young casts, etc. I never took to Meryl Streep, but I can see she how she had star appeal to some.

Now, many of these actors are still working, but it seems that their most appealing and successful work is well behind them. The current crop of 20's to 30-ish stars just don't seem to have the same pulling power.

And their personal lives seem screwed up in ways that detract from their screen appeal. Although Hollywood has always been full of divorce and remarriage, the weird or scandalous behaviour or comments of some stars now - think Angelina Jolie, Anne Heche or Robert Downey Jr - would have been kept from the public in past years.) Now we know too much about the star's private lives, and it does affect the way you feel about the roles they are playing on screen.

The psychology of watching gay playing straight and straight playing gay is particularly interesting. I don't know that it is just prejudice that makes it easier for audiences to accept straight playing gay rather than vice versa; I think it is something deeper. But in any event, everyone was better off when the sexual preferences of the stars was not so openly discussed, and their drug habits kept quiet too.

Enough of that for now.

Update: I have corrected some mistakes from my first rushed version.

The Kiss of Death

The Australian: Mothball this tired Bomber [March 07, 2006]

Phillip Adams nominates Kevin Rudd as his preferred Labor leader. This won't last. Surely Rudd is too far right for Adams?

Gerard Henderson on hating Howard

Haters are their own worst enemy - Gerard Henderson - Opinion -

Gerard's article today is amusing and accurate - particularly his account of how Howard haters can get through the day only hearing their opinions being echoed back to them.

Things get off to a flying start in the Palestinian Parliament

Wrangle marks start of control by Hamas - Africa & Middle East - International Herald Tribune

From the above article:

The first working session of the new Palestinian Parliament on Monday swiftly degenerated into shouting matches between the rival Hamas and Fatah factions, with Fatah legislators ultimately storming out.

Interestingly, many of the legislators were not there in person:

At the session Monday, 20 of the 132 Palestinian lawmakers were absent. Some are wanted by Israel and are in hiding, and others are in Israeli jails. Large portraits of a dozen imprisoned lawmakers were placed in their vacant seats.

Actually, wouldn't life size inflateable versions look better? Would be a good look in our Parliament too.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Sunnis change of heart

Iraq's Besieged Sunnis Now Looking to U.S. - Los Angeles Times

The article suggests the Sunnis now want the US forces to stay to protect them in Iraq. Interesting...

Maybe that's why India is low on my preferred tourist destination list

The Observer | World | Indian cult kills children for goddess

Interesting article on sacrifices to Kali still taking place in remote, rural India.

Where is Indiana Jones when you need him?

Creepy robot action

If you haven't seen it already, have a look at this video of a prototype 4 legged walking "mule". The first impression is that you are looking at two people doing a pantomime horse act, but you can quickly see that it is indeed a robot, and the effect is rather creepy.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

On Antartica melting

TCS Daily - Antarctic Ice: The Cold Truth

While most media reports I have looked at, once you get past the headline, do give some indication of the uncertainties in how this latest study reached its conclusion (that Antartica is losing ice mass), I recommend the above link for a more detailed account.

Basically, this type of mass measurement (based on gravitation effects on 2 satellites) sounds rather complicated and potentially imprecise, given that it has to take into account rises in the crust beneath the Antartic ice too.

As always, the problem is getting the public past the headlines for stories like this.

Holland continues its peculiar ways

Holland to allow ‘baby euthanasia’ - Sunday Times - Times Online

Seems that Holland, for some obscure reason, always wants to be on the cutting edge of legalised euthanasia.

While this is surely a topic that is fraught with difficulty (the suffering of new born babies having the added sadness of the child never having enjoyed any part of life,) the moral reasoning about it is still often sloppy, I think. For example, from the above story, a pre euthanasia doctor says:

“At some point,” said Verhagen, observing this battle for life, “we will have to decide whether it is pointless from a medical point of view and whether we should not prolong treatment.”

This, he agreed, was a form of “passive euthanasia” practised in countries all over the world. But from a moral point of view, he argued, it was no different from administering a lethal dose of morphine, since the result of withdrawing treatment would also eventually be death.

Is there any difference between watching someone drowning without doing anything and pushing them into the lake?” he asked.

Well, I would have thought the common sense answer is "yes". Both are bad, but initiating the drowning is worse than not initiating it, surely? And it seems a somewhat flawed analogy anyway.

The doctor also causes me a little bit of concern when he talks as follows:

“It is in some ways beautiful,” said Verhagen, describing the moment when severely pain-racked children relax for the first time since birth. “But it is also extremely emotional and very difficult,” he added.

The main issue I suppose is the question of when is appropriate for the State to sanction not just the withdrawal of treatment and the provision of pain relief regardless of its shortening of life, but also the administration of drugs with the intent of causing immediate death.

The non-religious do not readily accept that the different intention makes the acts morally different. I suppose that seems too "metaphysical" for them. But if intentions are to be ignored here, are they to also be irrelevant to criminal law generally, and our common sense feelings of what is right and wrong?

Robyn Williams slums it in New York

It seems not to be on the web, but Robyn Williams, the long time host of the ABC's Science Show, has a diary piece in this weekend's Sydney Morning Herald. Apparently, travel expenses are so tight at the ABC that he has to travel economy class, even on international trips. Oh dear. I guess the fact that the interviews can all be done by phone might be the reason the ABC doesn't want to spring for business class.

He also seemed to admit to catching an international flight in sandals. (I don't have the paper with me right now, I am going by memory.) This struck me as odd. Not only do sandals sometimes become quite smelly, I would have thought that from a flight safety point of view that they are not to be recommended if you are avoiding red hot metal during an emergency evacuation.

What's worse, he says that he always forgets something on international flights. This time (on his recent trip to the United States for the annual Association for the Advancement of Science conference) he travelled in Australian summer clothes -including sandals - even though he was destined for New York in winter! This does not strike me as something someone who runs a science show should readily admit to. How can anyone forget to take into account the season that will be there on the other side of the world when leaving on international travel?

Also, he talks about the pathetic accomodation he had in New York (booked by the ABC because of its low cost) described as being little more than a bag lady's doss house.

What I want to know is this: how much salary do you earn Robyn? Is it beyond you to spring for extra money to get a decent room in New York city. I know it is expensive, but really, you would have to know that low cost digs anywhere in that city would be of dubious quality.

I have not liked Robyn Williams for some time. He is adequate as a broadcaster, but only just. Thrity years running a show like that has inevitably mad it stale.

Fresh blood please, ABC.

Another example of misreporting at Bush's expense

Power Line: The AP clarifies what the AP muddied

I half noticed on the late news earlier this week some video being run of President Bush being given warnings on the levees in New Orleans. I did not see the whole story, just a little bit of the video, but I was left with the impression that this was indeed harmful to the President's earlier denial of warnings.

Well, the good folk of Powerline have this covered, and they note that Associate Press have belatedly corrected their initial reporting. The story remains the same as it was before: Bush was warned of water "overtopping" the levies, not that the levies themselves would break.

Of course, subtleties are lost on the main stream press and much of the public, and of course corrections never get the same converage as the original story.

And the main stream media wonder why they are not held in high regard.a

Would you eat one of these during Lent?

According to the Wall Street Journal, yes indeed the Vatican did allow for the eating of this large South American rodents during Lent. I wonder if they really understood what a capybara was? See OpinionJournal - Taste for the story.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Never thought I would mention HR Pufnstuf here

Guardian Unlimited Film | News | Oliver! actor Jack Wild dies aged 53

I saw the movie "Oliver" as a child. Kind of depressed me.

Later, HR Pufnstuf always struck as incredibly awful and bizarre, even for under 10 year old tastes. I think it was the sitcom laugh track that made it especially if adults would laugh at that. Looking back, one wonders if the drug addled era in which it was made had an effect on the show.

Laptops on planes

Gadgets threaten air safety: report - Breaking - Technology -

This story indicates that there is still controversy about whether use of laptops and other "game playing devices" on aircraft is a safety issue.

Why is this still unclear after all of this time? Seems it should have been capable of being settled years ago.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

China ’s rise not so certain

Foreign Policy: The Dark Side of China’s Rise

This is an interesting, lengthy, sceptical article on the rise of China.

Apropos of nothing...

I find Danny Katz to be the funniest humourist writing in Australia. His fortnightly advice column in the SMH magazine is good too.

On sex in the afterlife

The Seattle Times: Health: Can you have a sex life in the afterlife?

Well, with all the talk of 72 virgins being the cause of much mayhem in the world here, it is a peculiar but relevant thing to talk about. The above article is pretty good.

It notes that one famous early Christian allowed for the genitalia to get to heaven, but not to be of any use:

On pondering resurrection of the flesh, St. Augustine decided we'd keep our sex organs for aesthetic reasons, but we wouldn't use them.

Back on the 72 virgins:

And while the motivations behind suicide bombings often hinge on a desire to help a family, die for a cause or to make a difference, the 72 virgins are used as an inducement, said Payind. "It is one of the more important enticements for the desperate, the dispossessed, the disenfranchised living in miserable conditions."

Segal points out that the virgins are used to appeal mostly to teenage boys. If you're a grown man faced with the prospect of 72 heavenly wives, he said, "you'd want some of them to be experienced."

This is one case where the harm from religious fundamentalism can be the subject of legitimate criticism of atheists. It's ironic that too much certainty about metaphysical matters (such as the afterlife and God's plan for it) can be harmful to the exercise of moral judgment on earth. But it is important to remember that this cuts both ways. Presumably, Hitler, Stalin and Mao had little doubt that there was not an afterlife in which they could be accountable, so their atheistic certainty was just as harmful as religious fundamentalism.

Life is tricky, hey.

Happy Anniversary, John Howard

Of all the commentary going on about John Howard's 10 year anniversary as Prime Minister, I think the following are noteworthy:

Mike Steketee, while no Howard fan, writes an interesting column about how the electorate in Australia sees itself on the Left/Right scale. (Answer: right smack in the middle for 40%. Add another 30% who see themselves on the right, and things look good for another ten years.) Mike notes that those who identify on the Left has actually increased to about 27%, but as a certain number of those are always going to vote for the Greens, maybe it is not as important as it seems.

Phillip Adams gets another opportunity to moan about John Howard, which is not remarkable at all except for the fact that it seems to be keeping him (Adams) alive. As I recall, a few years ago, he wrote a column in which he noted that his hatred for Howard gives him an energy for living. (Apparently, his mother was the same, but with respect to another politician.) Ironic, isn't it, but if someone Adams actually likes (and there is no one he seems to be endeared with on the Labor side either) won the next election, he may finally die. (I have heard Adams comment on several occasions that he is on many medications to keep him going. I assume his health has not been good for some time.)

David Marr on Insiders last Sunday (no transcript available) said that Howard's success had all been based on fear..fear of this, fear of that. Typical Marr stuff, and doesn't his mannered way of speaking make you want to slap him around the face?

The BBC story about the anniversary seems nicely balanced and accurate. It highlights what I have always considered Howard's most endearing feature - his modesty.

Miranda Devine has another go

A debate begging for more light - Miranda Devine - Opinion -

Miranda Devine has an article today on global warming. Seems not overly detailed, and I can hear Tim Lambert typing furiously right now.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The trial starts to look like a trial

Iraq the Model reports on a good day for the trial of Saddam.

Of course, getting this trial over and done with is important for the current instability in Iraq. While he remains alive and appearing on TV screens, he must be giving some Sunni insurgents hope.

The other thing they have to get on with is forming a government of national unity.

UPDATE: since this was posted last night, Saddam admits what happened, but tries to put a different light on it. The Christian Science Monitor story ends with Saddam's complaint:

Hussein also used his court time to complain that a toilet he used during a break in the session didn't have a door to prevent prying eyes, and he was disturbed when a court attendant came to get him.

"Is this humanity?'' he asked.

Oh, diddums..

Climate change and risk

I don't know what's gone wrong in the last couple of months, but the Guardian has started seeming more balanced to me than ever before, at least if you ignore its columnists. The Australian, on the other hand, seems to have decided to play up the Wheat Board Scandal in its headlines as much as possible, and even had an editorial go at John Howard for comments on the old "children overboard" affair. (Incidentally, I share Slattsnews take on this.) Odd times indeed.

Anyway, the main point of this post is to note a Guardian article on global warning which notes the recent dispute over some scientists warning that global warming could be worse than previously expected:

The three previous reports assumed that a doubling of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would increase average global temperature by between 1.5 and 4.5C. Since then, computer models have foreseen increases as high as 11C, and some scientists wanted the naturally conservative IPCC to raise the upper end of the range. Others said such a move would be increase would be misleading and alarmist.

According to sources who have seen it, the draft now assumes a doubling of carbon dioxide would cause a likely temperature rise of between 2 and 4.5C, but says higher increases are possible.

Look on the bright side: with an 11 degree increase, Australians are particularly well placed to take advantage of the new beach side estates to be sold in Antartica.

But, how likely such massive increases may occur is more to the point, and there is some scepticism about this:

James Annan, a British climate scientist who works on the Japanese Earth simulator supercomputer in Yokohama, says the risks of extreme climate sensitivity and catastrophic consequences have been overstated. He is about to publish a study showing that the chance of climate sensitivity exceeding 4.5C is less than 5%. He said: "It seems to me that some people seem to be talking up the possibility of disaster in order to scare people into doing something."

But, for large possible disasters, there is this to consider:

Dave Stainforth, a climate modeller at Oxford University, said: "This is something of a hot topic but it comes down to what you think is a small chance - even if there's just a half per cent chance of destruction of society, I would class that as a very big risk."

Well, this is exactly the point that James Bodgett makes in his criticisms of the risk assessment CERN has done about how they may soon be creating mini black holes that could, if Hawking Radiation does not work, sink into the core of the earth. No one (meaning no physicist) seems to have done any detailed work on this a risk assessment issue. Yet, why can't Blodgett convince anyone to take this issue seriously? For those who may be new to this site due to Tim Blair's mention of it - please have a look at my long post on the CERN issue here.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Will the salad bar return?

So, two Sizzler restaurants in Brisbane have had rat poison found in the salad bar food. This may be an evil plan to rid the city of uni students and pensioners. The story raises some questions:

* from the article in yesterday's Courier Mail:

Police would like help from the woman who alerted CBD staff to the presence of green pellets in the soup about 5pm on Saturday.

She left before police arrived and staff did not have her name. She is not a suspect.

There's even a photo of her on the website. While it is all very well to say she is not a suspect, isn't use of the phrase "police are looking for a man/woman who may be able to help with their enquires" always the coded way of saying the person is indeed a suspect? Like saying "there were no suspicious circumstances" about a death of a youngish person found alone usually means "suicide". What's the betting that she really is the suspect?

* From the article in the Courier Mail today:

SIZZLER claims it took 37 days to become aware that the green pellets found in a tub of pasta sauce at its Toowong store were rat poison.

The company's chief, Bo Ryan, who has been at the helm for 17 years, said he did not know of the poisoning finding until yesterday – a day after two of his staff fell ill after tasting contaminated soup at the smorgasbord chain's CBD restaurant.

"Obviously there are some lessons learnt in terms of the evaluation of the product from Toowong," he said.

Mr Ryan said it was normal protocol to send foreign objects found in food to a New Zealand laboratory for testing. But he admitted the company, which has been operating in Australia for 20 years, had no contingency plan in place to deal with food poisoning.

Five weeks to find out what that strange thing in the food is? That sure indicates Sizzlers puts high priority on checking the quality of its food, doesn't it?. If only terrorists had known this. They could have poisoned thousands this way and still had time to take a Gold Coast holiday before leaving the country.

I wonder if there may be some class action law firm advertising for anyone wanting to bring a action over this?

UPDATE: a 57 year old woman has been arrested over this. I don't know if it is supposed to be the same woman in the photos published yesterday, but it seems a fair bet. From the article in the Courier Mail:

[Queensland Health Minister] Mr Robertson said Sizzler's handling of the situation had not been ideal....

Understatement of the year, considering this:

One of the affected consumers, Sarah Kenny, knew something wasn't right when she tasted the "foul" spaghetti bolognaise at Sizzler in January.

But it was not until she heard news reports yesterday that she discovered she and her friends may have eaten rat poison.

I wonder what shares in the company are worth today...

Hard to believe..

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Europe's chill linked to disease

The above story is about how it has been suggested that the Little Ice Age of a few hundred years ago may have been caused by too many new trees springing up on unused farms after a third of Europe died of bubonic plague. Those trees cause more trouble than they are worth.

Anyway, the theory sounds too much of a stretch.

But I would say that a climate model that cannot account for the Little Ice Age does not inspire confidence about its predictions for the future.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Easy on the eyes for news junkies

No, I am not referring to any particularly good looking newsreader. (But while I am on that topic, I have always been especially fond of the current Brisbane ABC TV weekend newsreader, but I can never remember her name, and I can't find her on the ABC website.)

Anyway, what I am talking about is this quite cool looking site. I am not sure how often the news stories are updated, but it at least brings to attention some stories from obscure parts of the world.

I found it via Red Ferrett Journal, which has the wittiest comments on new gadgets.

UPDATE: OK, my apologies. As the author of the application explains here, this is not yet a real time news feed page. He hopes to make it so, and to soon make it available for people to use the script with (I think) their news feed of choice. Lovely design work, all the same.

Who blew up the mosque?

See a good post on the competing theories about who blew up the Golden Mosque at Mudville Gazette

(Found via Pajamas Media, which has become pretty damn good. Did TB bail too early?)

On the other problems of Palestine

What aid cutoff to Hamas would mean |

The above article summaries neatly the economic problems of Palestine/Gaza. These parts are of particular interest:

Unemployment is at 23 percent.

Another issue is that the Palestinian population grows more than 3 percent a year. Each Palestinian woman in Gaza has close to six children on average; in the West Bank, 4.4 children is the average.

Some Israelis see this as a demographic threat. Abunimah holds that large families arise from the parents' need to ensure help in their old age in a society without Social Security or a system of government medical care.

For economists, rapid population growth makes a rise in economic prosperity difficult, especially in an area with limited land and resources. What's needed, the World Bank report suggests, is peace, the lifting of restrictions on Palestinian travel and commerce, Palestinian governance reform, and more foreign aid.

That's some birth rate for an area that is not exactly just emerging into the modern world.

While I understand that in old style agricultural communities, there is an incentive for the parents to have children to maintain their farm as a source of food and income, I find it more puzzling that modern Gaza families, when they have no economy to speak of in the first place, think that having extra children is going to help that problem.

Are there other reasons for the high birth rate? Why do Muslims in most places have a higher birth rate? I am not aware of what the Islamic teachings in regard to birth control are, but I must go looking...

Hamas - its terms for a truce

Incoming Hamas Chief Wants Political Truce - Yahoo! News

From the article above (emphasis mine):

Ismail Haniyeh — the incoming Palestinian prime minister — on Sunday denied saying Hamas would consider peace with Israel under certain conditions.

Haniyeh was quoted by The Washington Post in its Sunday edition as saying Hamas would establish "peace in stages" if Israel would withdraw to its 1967 boundaries — before it captured the
West Bank,
Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem.

But Haniyeh told reporters that his comments had been misunderstood. He said he was not referring to a peace agreement, only a "political truce." Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri told The Associated Press that Haniyeh's comments must have been mistranslated.

Haniyeh has demanded that Israel make a full withdrawal from lands captured in the 1967 Mideast war, release Palestinian prisoners and the return of several million Palestinian refugees and their descendants to Israel.

"Then Hamas can grant a long-term truce," Haniyeh said.

Those are his terms just for a truce??

What the hell, why stop there? How about a million US dollars for each returning refugee to compensate for hurt feelings?

And: just how many people can you fit within tiny Israel before running out of water, anyway? There's about 6.5 million there already.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

How not to improve Australian films

Where are our brave filmmakers? - Opinion -

Tracee Hutchison, writing in The Age above, likes the current crop of "liberal" cinema from the USA, and suggests that maybe Australian cinema needs to follow this lead.

Idiotically, she says:

...this is precisely the time we need our filmmakers to be telling rigorous and fearless stories about the Australian condition. It can't all be the fault of the newly enshrined sedition laws that we're not seeing them.

Um, yes Tracey, that is correct, but not in the way you are thinking. It is because if you actually read the legislation yourself instead of relying on the legislative ignorance of a bunch of comedians, it is inconcieveable that the revised sedition laws could be used this way. (Well, assuming the movie does not have the lead character suddenly addressing the audience directly and telling them it is their duty to take up arms and engage in violent attack on the evil Federal government.)

What's more, Tracey, it is not as if the subtext of most Australian films of the last decade could be construed as having pro-conservative values. It is precisely the dour political underpinning of most Aussie movies lately that prevents them reaching a decent sized audience.

Maybe he can make a movie about it

Director sentenced over drag arrest - World -

So, Kiwi director Lee Tamahori pleads guilty, in effect admitting to having perhaps the most unusual sexual interests (at least for a well known Hollywood figure) ever.

I bet the Bond producers are glad they did not give him the job of directing the current 007 film.


Does complaining about lack of attention help ensure I don't get it?

This week, I thought I made a few decent posts. Just scroll down the page to find them; they are all still here. The one about last weekend's Sydney Morning Herald I thought important in particular. (I even shot off an email to Media Watch about it, and Tim Blair. So far, not an answer from either.) David Williamson's rejoinder to all the rubbishing he got over his "ship Australia" article was noted here, and (to my great surprise) no one else I regularly read has even mentioned his article. Do I have any decent judgment about what other people are interested in?

No one who visits here has commented on anything for quite a while. A brief surge of visitors from Evil Pundit's recent kind reference has dwindled away. Maybe I get 20 hits from visitors on a good day, but many of those are clearly "accidents". I have some regular visitors, but I think maybe barely a half dozen link here. I am only a couple of months off a year of pretty regular posting.

It is much harder to get well established in the blogosphere than I thought.

Now, back to normal programming.

UPDATE: Well, a couple of days after this post, and a first mention ever of this blog at Tim Blair's. (Yay!) Maybe I should stop bitching now.

On Iraq

The Australian: Mike Steketee: Richer, harsher decade [February 25, 2006]

From the above article, a reference to Iraq (as usual, bold is my emphasis):

The war has spawned more terrorism, including an increased risk to Australia. It has produced a fundamentalist Islamic government in Iraq and helped ensure another one in Iran. And full-scale civil war in Iraq seems likely, according to a report by the independent International Crisis Group.

Getting a bit ahead of ourselves, Mike.

Of course, things are not looking great in Iraq, but then again one thing I have not noticed addressed is the simple question of whether there are enough arms available on the Sunni side for them to form an army as such. If they don't have them now, how are they going to get them? Are there enough Sunni's in the re-established Iraqi security forces to split off and take weaponry with them? Isn't the presence of the US and other forces going to help prevent that?

In all the talk (especially on the Left) of how bad it is that Iraq may now face a civil war, didn't the anti-war crowd think that the West should just allow Saddam's regime to collapse one way or another, quite possibly with what would amount to an all out civil war at that time? In that scenario, it would have been the case that the Sunnis would have been fully armed; Shites may needed to be supplied from outside.

Is there no one out there saying that, even if it is now a sort of civil war, the US presence may work to moderate its development? Isn't a slow burning type of conflict easier to put out than a full blown one?

I don't necessarily agree with Vodkapundit's take on a possible civil war, but it is interesting. (In short, an all out war may have its benefits in the long run anyway.)

Also from vodkapundits site, he has some photos from a pro-Danish protest in America. This one is particularly good:

Update: It would appear from this Slate summary that the New Republic argues along the lines I suggested (that US forces are now likely to moderate any civil war, and need to stay.)

Friday, February 24, 2006

Huffington Post jumps the shark too

While always over the top in its derision of anything Republican, it seems that the bloggers at Huffington Post have gone completely off the planet recently.

Witness this post by Huffington herself. She had appeared on Fox News with Ann Coulter and did not appreciate the way she was treated. (You can link throught to video of the appearance at Arianna's post.) In response, she does a very mature post comparing Ann Coulter to crack addiction for the likes of (conservative journalist) Hannity, including a stupid photoshopped image of what he would look like as a crack addict after a few years. Well, that makes me appreciate your arguments much more, Arianna.

(Incidentally, while she seems to have some notoriety in America, I did not know of her until she started her blog. I also did not know until now that she sounds vaguely like Zsa Zsa Gabor, which means nothing but just made it a little harder for me to take her seriously.)

As for Ann Coulter, (who has recently been disowned by more right-ish bloggers for her referring to Arabs as "ragheads,") she is obviously a deliberate provocateur, and as such she shouldn't be taken too seriously. I tend to find her use of humour pretty sharp, and not unlike PJ O'Rourke in his earlier days. There is a sense of playfulness behind this type of goading of Liberals. Left wing commentators and humourists, on the other hand, seem rooted in sour over- earnestness, and a fundamental assumption of the absolute worst motives behind everything the Republicans do.

However, I have not actually read much of Ann Coulter, and it is quite possible that I would not like her if I did.

Back to Huffington Post. Last week, Peter Daou ran the startling line that in fact the media was running a right leaning bias in its reporting of the Cheney hunting accident. He listed so-called examples and challenged right wing bloggers to counter this with their own examples to show that it was left leaning bias. Apparently the initial response was slow (Daily Kos somewhere noted this too and seemed to take it as a sign of right wing defeat on the issue.)

Of course, the truth was that any even slightly middle-of-the-road person could see that it was a such a ridiculous proposition (and Daou's own examples were so tenuous) that to bother answering it would be like arguing with the insane. Is he unaware of sites like Newsbusters (and many others) which daily list the examples he is seeking?

If you have lots of time to waste..

Boing Boing: Lovingly scanned and OCR'd copy of The Scientific American Boy

The above link is about a 1907 boys' own adventure type book available from Project Gutenburg (it would seem said project may be running out of more useful things to do!) I like this comment by Boing Boing:

It's also the good fortune of the gang that one of the boys nearly drowns in a swimming accident, because it gives their chaperone, the kindly "Uncle Ed" ("one of those rare men who take a great interest in boys and their affairs") a chance to demonstrate the art of artificial respiration on the unconscious boy.

South Park jumps the shark?

SBS drops South Park episode on the Pope - TV & Radio - Entertainment

I happen to have seen the controversial bits of the South Park episode discussed above (featuring a statue of the Virgin Mary bleeding what is apparently meant to be menstrual blood) on the internet. (I forget where; I am sure it is not hard to find.)

The fundamental problem with it is that it is just not funny or clever. It is something you would expect if a 14 year old boy was in charge of the show. (From what I recall, some teenage boys find jokes about menstruation screamingly funny. Don't ask me why.) There is obviously a "that is so bad we can't put it in - aw let's do it and see the reaction" reasoning behind this part of the episode.

There are many categories of apparent humour on South Park. Stupid-funny, gross out humour, satire of what kids find funny (such as the kid's shows featuring never ending fart jokes,) satire of adult behaviour towards kids, etc etc.

While I have never been a big a fan of the show, it is sometimes clever, and even a semi-serious intent can be seen beneath it sometimes. (In fact, you can say that about part of the story in the Virgin Mary episode.) But adding the sequence with the statue and the Pope was purely gratuitous and made no sense as satire at all. I fail to see how any adult, of religious persuasion or not, could think it was amusing.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

On divorce in Japan

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Japan retired divorce rate soars

The article above notes the increasing rate of divorce in Japan amongst those married for 20 years or more. The reason is "retired husband syndrome":

Marriage guidance counsellors are warning newly retired couples not to spend extended amounts of time together - recommending day trips over cruises.

The author of self-help book "Why Are Retired Husbands Such a Nuisance?" said it is dangerous for a couple to go on overseas trips after the husband retires....

The BBC's Jonathan Head in Tokyo says many wives increasingly resent how little their husbands contribute to home life and are seeking divorce when, after retirement, the men show no sign of changing their habits....

Japanese people also tend to live longer, so when a man retires at 65 the wife may be thinking "I still have 20 or 30 more years with this person", our correspondent says.

I am sure that this is not unheard of in Western countries too. Has it been the subject of detailed treatment in a good movie in the last 20 years?

More off topic: While you are at the BBC website, have a look at this photo series about some homeless folk in Osaka. Seems the homeless in Japan are much more into self help than the homeless here.

This just made me think. Many of the homeless you see in Australia would appear to be that way due to drug or alcohol addiction and/or mental illness. In Tokyo, there are now a few homeless to be seen, mainly (in my limited experience) in train stations. (They make shelters to sleep in from cardboard boxes, but often are still "polite" enough to remove the shoes and leave them at the entrance to their cubby holes.) However, the homeless you see look more like economic refugees, as they do in that BBC report. Given that Japan does not exactly have a reputation for sympathy to mental illness, and given the huge population of Tokyo, where do those who are homeless due to mental illness end up? They don't seem to be on the street, and nor do chronic alcoholics (at least not in the daytime!)


lgf: Hamas to Israel: We'll Nuke You

If you missed this from a couple of days ago, follow through the LGF link above to see a Hamas website (cached version) showing how sensitive and tactful that organisation can be to the religious symbols of other faiths. (A graphic showing a Star of David consumed in mushroom cloud.)

I notice that the English version of the website seems to have a lot less on it than the arabic version (especially in terms of video available.) Must look into what's on the Arabic video some day.

David Williamson rejoins the culture wars

The Australian: David Williamson: Culture, yes, but please, not in their backyards [February 23, 2006]

I guess this will be blogged about in many places, but let this be an early entry on the piece.

I love it when the Left complain about the "shrillness" of conservative commentators. It's an excuse for not engaging in the actual detailed criticisms of their writing, I think. Furthermore, Williamson says some of the commentary against his controversial Bulletin piece reflected a "fascist attitude." (Well, he calls that "perhaps an overstatement", while immediately saying that ridding themselves of artists is exactly what fascists usually do.) Oh, that's not shrill at all, I suppose David?

He claims that his Bulletin piece was "mildly satiric". It doesn't read that way to me, at least if you expect satire to have an element of humour to it. While he is entitled to use a cheap fun cruise in the South Pacific as a metaphor for Australia generally not caring enough about its sustainability in the future, the main part of the article that most people found offensive (and rather bizarre) was his sneering at the passengers for not being there for cultural enlightenment. (Unlike those on a British cruise he had been on from Hong Kong to Vietnam, which sounded for all the world like a specialised educational cruise.)

David, you're a dill if you don't recognise why that comparison was stupid and offensive.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Fight cancer - drink up your Pepsi Max (or Diet Coke if you must)

TCS Daily - Those Dirty Rats

A fascinating article above about a fairly recent study on aspartame safety, which apparently got a mention in the New York Times earlier this month.

I take it that the NYT indicated that the study meant there was still some lingering doubt about aspartame and cancer. But the article above points out the defects of the study, and concludes on this surprising note:

Here's what's even stranger: the rats with the highest survival rates at 104 and 120 weeks, at 55% and about 29% respectively, were the rats that ate the most aspartame – the equivalent of 1,750 cans of diet soda a day. And the longest living rat of all consumed the equivalent of 175 cans a day. In short, the control rats died first; the heavy aspartame consumers lived longest.

Looks like if you want to increase your odds of living a long life, be prepared to burp.

Update: this post at Captain's Quarters gives more background on what the Times article claimed.

Life for women in Saudi Arabia

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Veil power

The above link is to a very interesting article in The Guardian about the glacial pace of change for women in Saudi Arabia. Everything in it is interesting. Some highlights:

More than half the kingdom's university graduates are female and yet women account for only about 5% of the workforce.

The social complexities of women working and doing business arise from one basic idea: that men are uncontrollably attracted to women and that women are natural temptresses, even if they try not to be. The Saudi solution, therefore, is to keep them apart as much as possible unless they are related by blood or marriage. Whatever the official line, though, a younger generation are increasingly finding ways around this...

Somehow, our conversation turns to the subject of parties. "Saudis love to celebrate," Mrs B says. "We party big-time."

Men and women, of course, do their partying separately. Men's parties tend to be dull affairs. In Riyadh, male partygoers just sit around, Mr A says. In Jeddah they play cards. In Ha'il (in the north), they may do a bit of sword-dancing. Then they go home, usually by midnight. "The point is that you should always be sad," Mr A grumbles.

Women's parties are a different matter, and often carry on until 4am with dancing, female DJs and sometimes all-woman bands.

Well, no wonder only 5% of the women work; they must all be sleeping in after their late night all girl dancing parties.

And the actual changes that have been made recently:

Although women still cannot vote or drive, the last few years have brought important changes, even if they stop well short of equality. Women can now officially exist in their own right with their own identity cards, rather than being included on the card of their husband or father. Travel restrictions have been eased, allowing them to get blanket permission from a male relative for travel abroad, rather than needing separate permission for each trip. They can also own businesses instead of having to register them in the name of a wakil, an authorised male representative or proxy.

Their very own identity cards! Only needing permission one time from a male relative to travel abroad! (I wonder if said male relative can revoke it.) Woo hoo.

Some vaguely optimistic news from Gaza

The Australian: Most Hamas voters don't want to destroy Israel [February 22, 2006]

In view of the overwhelming Hamas victory, the response to a question about the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was surprisingly moderate. Only 10 per cent said they wanted to see a Palestinian state including the West Bank, Gaza and Israel, which is Hamas's long-term aim. Twenty-two per cent supported a bi-national Jewish-Arab state on this territory, but 58 per cent opted for the two-state solution.

How odd..

The Australian: Memories of Soviet queues feed Russia's salt panic [February 22, 2006]

This is an odd story about how important salt is to Russians. Is there a new export market there for us?

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Jewish Blood libel today

The Officers' Club: Hamas' Blood Feast

See the link above for a short Officers' Club post about the Jewish blood libel (the belief that Jews kill kids and teenagers for the use of their blood in rituals.)

As the post notes, it would seem that the belief is still current in the Middle East, which is indeed a worry.

For more detail on the history (and current belief in) the idea, see the Wikipedia entry here. See the section on the modern Arab references to it in particular. I wonder if any polling has been done in Middle Eastern countries to see how widely the population believes it.

Monday, February 20, 2006

For Muslim suicide terrorists - a major disappointment may be in store

Right Reason: The Prophet (PBUH) and Violence

The link above has lots of interesting reading about Mohammed and violence.

But, in comments someone also quotes from a 2002 article in the New York Times (which is extracted at some length.) This is the good bit:

Scholars like Mr. Luxenberg and Gerd-R. Puin, who teaches at Saarland University in Germany, have returned to the earliest known copies of the Koran in order to grasp what it says about the document's origins and composition. Mr. Luxenberg explains these copies are written without vowels and diacritical dots that modern Arabic uses to make it clear what letter is intended. In the eighth and ninth centuries, more than a century after the death of Muhammad, Islamic commentators added diacritical marks to clear up the ambiguities of the text, giving precise meanings to passages based on what they considered to be their proper context. Mr. Luxenberg's radical theory is that many of the text's difficulties can be clarified when it is seen as closely related to Aramaic, the language group of most Middle Eastern Jews and Christians at the time.

For example, the famous passage about the virgins is based on the word hur, which is an adjective in the feminine plural meaning simply "white." Islamic tradition insists the term hur stands for "houri," which means virgin, but Mr. Luxenberg insists that this is a forced misreading of the text. In both ancient Aramaic and in at least one respected dictionary of early Arabic, hur means "white raisin." Mr. Luxenberg has traced the passages dealing with paradise to a Christian text called Hymns of Paradise by a fourth-century author. Mr. Luxenberg said the word paradise was derived from the Aramaic word for garden and all the descriptions of paradise described it as a garden of flowing waters, abundant fruits and white raisins, a prized delicacy in the ancient Near East. In this context, white raisins, mentioned often as hur, Mr. Luxenberg said, makes more sense than a reward of sexual favors.

Talk about major disappointment in the afterlife....

Update: sorry, in the first version of this post I referred to the NYT article as being "recent". It would appear it is from 2002. Also, the story reminded a little of "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross" by biblical scholar John Allegro, who claimed in his 1970 book of that name that Jesus was a complete fabrication dreamt up by some fertility cult types who were really into tripping out on magic mushrooms. Much of his argument was based on philology too (meaning some New Testament words have a hidden derivation from other words - about mushrooms mainly.) This theory was, to put it mildly, not widely accepted, and appears to have been a 1970's flash in the pan which I assume most readers have never heard of. I like this comment about the theory found here:

"Mr. Allegro's reputation as a man of judgment and learning, already widely questioned, is likely to be shattered by this curious publication. His new book reads like a Semitic philologist's erotic nightmare after consuming a highly indigestible meal of hallucinogenic fungi." Dr. Chadwick referred to Mr. Allegro's "bizarre hypothesis", to "rich indulgence in the wildest flights of uncontrolled fantasy", to "uncanny decipherment" and to a "luxuriant farrago of nonsense"

Anyway, the theory outlined in the New York Times article above does not appear to be anywhere near as dubious as Allegro's. I am just mentioning the latter to be fair.

One other point: Christianity has been under this sort of attack for a long time indeed. The New York Times article points out that Mr Luxenburg is a pseudonym, and he had a lot of trouble finding a publisher. One wonders how he would go with finding a publisher today.

Backdate: OK, seeing the article was from 2002, this was hardly breaking news, and I see that Tim Blair, amongst others, mentioned it back then. Sorry if you've heard this one before, but it had escaped my attention (either that or I had simply forgotten it.)

But, while Googling the topic, I found this article from The Guardian in 2002 that addresses the Islamic idea of paradise, including the "white raisin" possible misinterpretation, in great detail. I think I may have read it before, but before I blogged. It is worth repeated not just because it is salaciously funny, but because on some TV show recently I did hear a Muslim man or woman saying that the suicide bombers know that that marriage and life in Paradise are so much better than that on earth, of course they don't mind suicide. (In other words, this is a serious motivation for young men):

Modern apologists of Islam try to downplay the evident materialism and sexual implications of such descriptions, but, as the Encyclopaedia of Islam says, even orthodox Muslim theologians such as al Ghazali (died 1111 CE) and Al-Ash'ari (died 935 CE) have "admitted sensual pleasures into paradise". The sensual pleasures are graphically elaborated by Al-Suyuti (died 1505 ), Koranic commentator and polymath. He wrote: "Each time we sleep with a houri we find her virgin. Besides, the penis of the Elected never softens. The erection is eternal; the sensation that you feel each time you make love is utterly delicious and out of this world and were you to experience it in this world you would faint. Each chosen one [ie Muslim] will marry seventy [sic] houris, besides the women he married on earth, and all will have appetising vaginas."


Andrew Bolt on "greenhouse mafia"

Herald Sun: Sneaky green mafia [17feb06]

I did not see all of last week's Four Corners program, but enough to make me a bit suspicious.

Andrew Bolt notes in the article above that the main informant on one aspect of this has questionable objectivity on the issue. Go read his article if you have not already.

One of the matters mentioned in the report that raised my suspicion was about sea level rises and "environmental refugees". See this part of the transcript:

DR BARRIE PITTOCK, CLIMATE CHANGE EXPERT: I was asked to talk about the science of climate change, the impacts and the possible adaptations. But I was expressly told not to talk about mitigation, not to talk about how you might reduce greenhouse gases.

JANINE COHEN: One of the subjects was the impact of rising sea levels. Dr Pittock says he wanted to write about how this could lead to the displacement of millions of people in the Pacific Islands and parts of Asia who might be forced to seek refuge in Australia.

DR BARRIE PITTOCK, CLIMATE CHANGE EXPERT: They don't want that highlighted because it brings in another contentious issue into what is already a contentious issue. But it is an issue. It's one of the possible consequences of global warming. And I think it should be part of the background to deciding what to do about it.

And further into the show:

KEVIN HENNESSY, CSIRO IMPACT GROUP: Certainly, environmental refugees does impact on government policy. The sort of thing that I could say as a scientist, is that with sea level rise there may be people inundated in places like Tuvalu in the Pacific. And that would be an issue that needs to be considered by government policy. But I certainly can't go beyond that as a scientist.

As I noted in a previous post here in January, the latest research indicates a rise of perhaps 30 mm in a decade, but even then the rate of sea level rise has gone up and down over the last century. Indeed, actual measurements in Tuvalu reported in 2000 (see my other post on this topic) indicated a much smaller rate over the previous 25 years of less than a mm per year, no acceleration of the rate, and that levels can also drop dramatically if there is an El Nino weather pattern.

To me, it sounds as if CSIRO scientists may have taken quite a sensationalist approach to this issue if they are talking about millions being displaced, or even Tuvalu having to be evacuated, at least over the next few decades. There should be lots of caveats added to any discussion of sea level rises and global warming.

Cute robot doing minor task

Honda Worldwide | New ASIMO Video

See the link of a flash video of Honda's robot doing a vital robot task - moving coffee 5 m down a corridor.

(Actually, I'm only pretending to be cynical. It really is impressive.)

There's another video of it running, which is perhaps even more "human" looking.

Conflicts on global warming again? - Greenland Dumps Ice into Sea at Faster Pace

So the above article notes that the Greenland glaciers are falling into the sea at a much faster rate. But it ends with this observation:

The only way to stem the loss of ice would be for Greenland to receive increased amounts of snowfall, according to Julian Dowdeswell of the University of Cambridge, who wrote an accompanying article.

It doesn't mention what the other article said.

But over at Tech Central Station, they have a story that points out this:

Another paper on this subject was published by Science just last year. Ola Johannessen did not consider direct ice lost by glaciers into the ocean but instead only focused on elevations changes. Johannssen showed that increasing snowfall in Greenland was leading to greater ice accumulations than had previously been measured and this was acting to slow Greenland's contribution to sea level rise. It was conspicuously ignored in this new report...

Why would Science publish this paper with no reference to Johannessen's earlier paper showing that Greenland is accumulating ice at a rate of about 5.4±0.2cm/year? Johannessen even used data from some of the same satellites. What's more, Johannessen used real data and Hanna et al., cited by Rignot, used a model of surface melt.

Consider what would have happened had the latest study included the ice and snow gains observed by Johannessen (and ignored the losses modeled by Hanna et. al.). Johannnessen's increase of 5.4cm/year averaged over Greenland converts to about 75km3/year. Rignot and Kanagaratnam could have subtracted Johannessen's gains. If they had done so, the total volume of ice loss from Greenland would only have become positive during the last 5 years, totaling 17km3 in 2000 and 92km3 in 2005. This translates to a sea level rise contribution of 0.04mm in 2000 and 0.23mm in 2005 -- values much less dramatic than those they published.

All very interesting. Don't expect most of the media to go into such subtleties though.

Birthday time in North Korea

Japundit - We'’re going to a party party!

As with everything about Kim Jong Il, above is a funny/scary story on his birthday last week.

Cartoon riots of a different kind.. - Cities Guide

From the above article:

In January the park switched to a system in which entry tickets are valid for six months, as opposed to a specific date. But this move meant that on several occasions during the national holiday many people with valid tickets were left standing at the gates, when the park reached its 30,000-person capacity. Tourists who were turned away then tried to storm the park.

Not exactly on topic, but I also wonder, what are fun or theme parks in the Middle East like? Do any exist at all? Are there Muslim cartoon characters on TV in, say, Iran or Saudi Arabia? Comedic ones I mean, not serious ones encouraging matyrdom or some such.

Some googling about this could be fun, but needs to wait for another time.

Some interesting observations on Arab culture

FrontPage :: Brought Up To Hate by Nonie Darwish

I don't get around to checking Frontpage all that often, but the above article is interesting, if adding nothing particularly new.

Have a look at the article writer's website Arabs for Israel too. I suspect that it would not get much of its traffic from Iran or Saudi Arabia. Still, nice to know that such sites exist.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Sydney Morning Herald revives the Koran in the toilet?

The Saturday Sydney Morning Herald print edition ran an article on Guantanamo Bay attributed to Con Coughlin from the Telegraph in London.

This line from the Sydney Morning Herald (sorry, no link seems available) caught my attention:

It is during incidents such as this that the guards have responded in controversial ways, such as the infamous incident of a Koran being flushed down a prison lavatory. But the guards are under instructions not to retaliate.

Strange, I thought, wasn't it well established that this was, at most, an allegation that the Pentagon strongly denied? Indeed, I was correct. In fact, when I searched the Telegraph to find the original article, I first found this one from last year, which notes that :

Southern Command said the inquiry had found five cases of "mishandling" of a Koran by US personnel, but no evidence it had ever been flushed down a toilet....

In the statement, Brig Gen Jay Hood, commander of the Guantanamo prison, said the inquiry found "no credible evidence" that a member of the military joint task force at Guantanamo ever flushed a Koran down a toilet. "The matter is considered closed," he stated.

Well, that Con Coughlin guy must be very slack, I thought, forgetting that his own paper reported how this was only ever an allegation hotly denied by the Pentagon. Furthermore, in this current climate of, shall we say, high excitability by Muslims, this is one allegation you don't lightly revive. (The Telegraph article I just quoted also noted that "at least 16" people had died in Afghanistan during rioting related to this story.)

But then I found the original Con Coughlin article which the SMH reprinted. Here is what the Telegraph web version actually says:

It is during incidents such as this that the guards have responded in controversial ways, such as abusing the Koran (the famous incident of a Koran being flushed down a prison lavatory is alleged to occurred during one such confrontation.) But fearful of a repetition of the prisoner abuse that occurred at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad, the guards are under instructions not to retaliate.

"We have investigated 15 allegations of abuse against the camp guards," said a Guantanamo official. "Only five of them have been upheld, and the appropriate action has been taken against the guards."

For your convenience, the parts in bold are those left out by the SMH. What a difference an editor can make, deleting all reference to the words "alleged" and "investigation".

Of course, it is possible that the SMH lifted an earlier version of the article which appears now on the Telegraph website. I am not aware of any quick and easy way of checking.

But if that is not the explanation, this would be a pretty appalling example of editing designed to re-establish a hotly disputed and inflammatory allegation into fact.

UPDATE: In last night's version of this, the quote from the print version of the SMH was given as referring to "the famous incident"; but on re-reading the post this morning, I am pretty sure (without having the print paper with me at the moment) that it was actually "infamous incident". I have therefore amended the post, but will double check later today. Doesn't make any real difference to the issue.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Some housekeeping

I have fixed up some bad links I added recently over at the side.

Careful readers may note the addition of a very subtle "donate" button at bottom of the side bar. My fantasy as to how I become rich from this is that a millionaire who loves cats and has a schizophrenic son will read here about a possible treatment based on treating him for toxoplasma infection. The son is accepted for research project, and cured, and grateful millionaire gives blog writer a great deal of money in thanks for bringing this obscure bit of news to his attention.

Hey, we all have our fantasies...

Of course, even non millionaires are invited to compensate me for not doing my work bills while I blog during the day.

I also want to point out that a post which I consider important, the lengthy one about scientists possibly causing the earth's disappearance through the creation of thousands of mini black holes at the CERN particle accelerator, has now slipped off this front page. If you have not done so before, please read it, especially if you know any physicist type who is prepared to look into the arguments and not instantly dismiss them.

I really enjoy blogging, and because of this it has become very distracting at work. I must reduce the time I spend at work looking for stuff that I think is worth adding here. In particular, I do need to do some serious catching up on sending out bills.

I therefore intend no posts to here, if I can avoid it, for the rest of this week. I hope the world does nothing too interesting in that time.

Would a simple "yes" or "no" be too much to ask for?

I found the above site via Philosophy Now, the only philosophy magazine I see at any newsagent.

The idea is that you can submit any question and one or more of a team of philosophers may try to answer it.

Of course, being male, one of the first sections I went to was on sex. The first question was about sex with animals. Guess what - the philosophical jury is still out on that one. Typical.

Update on Cats and Schizophrenia

Imperial College London - Scientists find stronger evidence for link between cat faeces and schizophrenia

I missed this update last month on the research that is indicating that at least some cases of schizophrenia are caused by cats. (Or at least toxoplasma gondii, which cats carry.) I have posted previously on this - my lengthiest post is here.

Dr Joanne Webster added: "By showing that drugs used to treat schizophrenia affect the parasite T. gondii, this does provide further evidence for its role in the development of some cases schizophrenia. It may be that anti-psychotic drugs work partly by parasite inhibition, and this could lead to new medicine and treatment combinations."

The researchers have already begun human clinical trials using anti-T. gondii treatments as adjunct therapies for schizophrenia with researchers at Johns Hopkins University.

A new (and previously unexpected) type of therapy that even helps a relatively small percent of sufferers would be a big advance.

Yay for Firefox

Security Fixes Come Faster With Mozilla

I must get around to putting one of their buttons on here one day.

Incidentally, I have put a link on this site to Sourceforge, which is a great site to go looking for open source software in all sorts of categories. While I guess no "hard core" gamer would likely bother with open source copies, I don't fall into that category, and free stuff for kids doesn't have to be perfect.

For myself, I have have found some open source astronomy and space simulation programs very good indeed.

Ritalin dangers

Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | Ritalin heart attacks warning urged after 51 deaths in US

From the above story:

Ritalin, extensively prescribed to calm hyperactive children in the UK, should carry the highest-level warning that it may increase the risk of death from heart attacks, US experts recommended yesterday.

There have been 51 deaths among children and adults taking drugs for ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in the US since 1999. Yesterday the UK licensing authority, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), said nine children had died in this country among a smaller population on medication. They declined to reveal the children's ages because of the possibility of identification.

This will soon be a big story in the Australian media too, given our fondness for the drug.

A post to Huffington Post I can agree with

The Blog | Gabriel Rotello: Huntington: 1 - Reformers: 0 | The Huffington Post

It's on the Cartoon Wars, and I don't think I disagree with anything it says. Maybe the first time ever that has happened.

Unhappy Lefty Enclaves

Welcome to the angst-ridden inner west - National -

The above article from the Sydney Morning Herald looks at why inner West Sydney, which is a very safe Labor area, comes up as the unhappiest place in Australia.

Anthony Albanese thinks it is because they all care too much:

The MP, Anthony Albanese, said the malaise of his constituents could be explained partly by their sense of compassion: "Most of them don't know anyone who voted for John Howard - or so they think - and they're frustrated," he said. "They can't believe there are people in Australia who don't support asylum seekers. Combine that with high mortgages, two working parents, a lack of child care, stress and lack of time, and it affects the quality of their life. "There's also a lot of inequality, with many indigenous, overseas-born and poorer people at the Marrickville end of the electorate - though often they can be the happiest."

That bit about the insularity of young Left leaning voters rings very true. As is the bit about their inability to believe anyone could disagree with them. This is all a part of many on the Left's rather "precious" belief that their version of morality in action is the only rational one.

Just in time for Valentines Day

The Australian: Marriage rollercoaster mostly downhill [February 13, 2006]

I am not sure how seriously to take this study, but I am pretty sure there have been similar ones with slightly different results.

(I thought I had read that some scientists believe that the timing of marriage breakups is related to the average time it takes children to become somewhat independent of parents - around 5 to 7 years. I could be wrong, though.)

A Mark Steyn moment

Toon-deaf Europe is taking the wrong stand

Tim Blair has already extracted a bit from the above Mark Steyn column, but the concluding paragraphs are more important:

"The issue is not "freedom of speech" or "the responsibilities of the press" or "sensitivity to certain cultures." The issue, as it has been in all these loony tune controversies going back to the Salman Rushdie fatwa, is the point at which a free society musters the will to stand up to thugs. British Muslims march through the streets waving placards reading "BEHEAD THE ENEMIES OF ISLAM." If they mean that, bring it on. As my columnar confrere John O'Sullivan argued, we might as well fight in the first ditch as the last.

But then it's patiently explained to us for the umpteenth time that they're not representative, that there are many many "moderate Muslims.''

I believe that. I've met plenty of "moderate Muslims" in Jordan and Iraq and the Gulf states. But, as a reader wrote to me a year or two back, in Europe and North America they aren't so much "moderate Muslims" as quiescent Muslims. The few who do speak out wind up living in hiding or under 24-hour armed guard, like Dutch MP Ayaab Hirsi Ali.

So when the EU and the BBC and the New York Times say that we too need to be more "sensitive" to those fellows with "Behead the enemies of Islam" banners, they should look in the mirror: They're turning into "moderate Muslims," and likely to wind up as cowed and silenced and invisible."

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Just for a bit of colour

I saw someone demonstrating Corel Painter last week, and decided to play around with some much simpler software that came with a tablet I brought to play with last year. (Graphics tablets, even a little cheap one like mine, are a lot of fun.) The above picture is meant to be an "oil painting", but on here it sort of just looks like a grainy photo. (It should look a little better in a larger version if you click on it.) Corel Painter, though, really does a good job of letting you make an oil painting from a photo. (You have to do the paint strokes yourself, not just a "one click" choice.)
Update: I originally had different version of the picture here, but I have improved it and replaced with the one above.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

More on the Cartoon Wars

It really is impossible to not comment on this matter, especially as I saw further demonstrations on SBS news tonight (which apparently took place after Friday prayers around the globe.)

Especially if you have never seen the Arab world's history of appalling cartoons of Jews and Israel, I suggest you have a look at an excellent post at The Thin Man Returns. It deals with the issue purely pictorially, and they have done an excellent job.

Of course, Tim Blair has been keeping track of the commentary from the press, and I have not felt a need to repeat what he and others have covered. However, I don't think he has linked to Matt Price's piece in the Australian today, which was quite personal and therefore more interesting than some of the punditry.

Last Wednesday, Philip Adams on Radio National interviewed Robert Fisk about the issue. Unfortunately, there are no transcripts of that show available; you have to listen to a recording of it on the Web. In the following recollection of the show, I may not be perfectly precise with the words, but I am confident it is generally accurate.

As shown in some appearances last year on ABC's Lateline, Fisk has become terribly rambling in the way he answers interviewers questions. He was at his worst with Adams.

Adams read out to Fisk an email that he (Adams) had received from a listener which made the point that it appeared that Europeans should be concerned that Muslims want to undermine the separation of Church and State which Europeans had to fight hard to achieve, and only achieved relatively recently in historical terms.

Fisk's response was a long ramble about how in Lebanon (he lives in Beirut) he is able to get on quite well with all the Muslims he has to interact with (including his maid, who was cooking his pizza lunch) and people he works with and knows on the street. He really went on and on about this, as if politeness demonstrated to a white male in Lebanon really answered the issue.

Then, towards the end of the ramble, Fisk stated that Muslims and Christians in Lebanon cannot marry. They have to go to Cyprus to do that. And he mentioned that the Lebanon Christian minority (although at 30-something percent, a pretty big minority) are badly discriminated against. (I presume he meant in other ways, but he gave no detail).

I immediately thought - "doesn't this support the letter writer's point?". But of course, Adams is notoriously sympathetic to Fisk's view of the world, and made no challenge at all. In fact he ended with a comment along the lines "so it is not an appropriate time to be bringing up Huntington's garbage about clash of civilisations." To which Fisk replied "exactly Uncle Phil [he definitely used the term "Uncle Phil"]..and I am glad you said 'garbage'".

(For the US take on religious based discrimination in Lebanon, see this link. They obviously don't view it as all that dire [perhaps especially for a Middle East country], but it is clear that the political and judicial system, with its ties to religion, is still a million miles for the separation of church and State that was the point of the email read to Fisk.)

To be fair, I would not have called myself a fully paid up subscriber to the "clash of civilisations" idea either; but what is so fascinating about the cartoon controversy is that what should be such a trivial matter is pushing me (and I suspect most of the Western populace) towards that school of thought much more than, say, a moderate sized terrorist attack like that on the London Underground. The latter is easily put down to a handful of madmen, but the cartoon issue causes one to despair at how thousands or millions of Muslims appear so capable of manipulation by their religious and political leaders.

(Of course, Muslims are not uniquely capable of manipulation - the German populace paid the price for its decade of madness in the 1930's. But with Islam, it seems to have been stuck in a medieval mind frame for some long, there is no obvious way that a liberal enlightenment is going to take hold within a similar time frame that the mad German quasi-religious nationalism was dealt with.)

UPDATE: I have now found a Robert Fisk opinion piece in which he makes all the same points he made in the interview above (but without the ramble about how is treated politely in Lebanon.)

The similarity he draws to the controversy 20 or so years ago over "The Last Temptation of Christ" (or for that matter, "The Life of Brian") is vastly exaggerated. Those movies attracted media discussion, some angry letters to the editor, and (apparently) one death when one person (not a mob) set fire to a cinema. But thousands on the streets torching US or British embassies? Demands that the movie makers be killed? I didn't notice much of that myself.

(Incidentally, I thought "Life of Brian" was likely to have a worse effect on belief than "Last Temptation", but that is a discussion for another time.)

Both the reaction to, and the nature of, the insult perceived by the faithful was vastly different. I think most Westerners seeing the cartoon of Mohammed with a bomb in the turban would realise it just as likely can be taken as a dig against the militant side of Islam alone, rather than at Mohammed himself. Or indeed it may reflect a Western perception of Islam overall that moderate Muslims could have chosen to try to refute, instead of allowing their radical parts help confirm it by violent reaction, and entering into the freedom of speech argument in a way which indicated that they do have a problem with separation of Church and State.

I suppose the meaning or intent of the cartoon is ambiguous, but it is hardly as if the Muslim leaders who chose to use it to inflame anti western sentiment were going to go on a TV talk show with the cartoonists to discuss it.

Anyway, the other point is that Fisk really seems to be trying to have it both ways in his article. He denies that the cartoons have anything to do with a "clash of civilisations," while also pointing out that radical Islam (which he seems to agree is dangerous) is making inroads in government in the Middle East as a result of Western approved democracy. He indicates that many Muslims want more moderation in their religion (let's hope that is true), but does not the political ascendancy of the radical elements helps support the notion of a forthcoming "clash of civilisations"?

Update 2: Readers of Tim Blair would already have been directed to a very critical review of Fisk's recent book on the Middle East. I am somewhat surprised to find that the Saturday Sydney Morning Herald (in "Spectrum") has printed a shorter, but almost equally savage, review of the book (although this is actually a re-print from the Daily Telegraph). At the moment I can't find a link to it. But I have found one to the New Youk Times review. It is more sympathetic, but still finds many faults with Fisk's approach:

"Journalists are not automatons but sentient men and women, and the "extinction of self" that supposedly scientific German historians once preached is an illusion. And yet Fisk's brand of reporting-with-attitude has obvious dangers. His ungovernable anger may do his heart credit, but it does not make for satisfactory history. His book contains very many gruesome accounts of murder and mutilation, and page after page describing torture in almost salacious detail. This has an unintended effect. A reader who knew nothing about the subject - the proverbial man from Mars - might easily conclude from "The Great War for Civilisation" that the whole region is mad, bad and dangerous to know, which is presumably not what Fisk wants us to think. Nor does he much abet the argument by George W. Bush and Tony Blair that Islam is essentially a peaceful and gentle religion. Most of the Muslims met here seem cruel and crazy, exemplifying Shelley's line about "bloody faith, the foulest birth of time." "

Friday, February 10, 2006

Why stop at 100?

Aljazeera.Net - Leaders call for calm in cartoon row

From the above report:

"As Muslim protests over the cartoons subsided on Thursday, a Taliban commander in Afghanistan warned that 100 fighters had enlisted as suicide bombers and Denmark said it feared for the safety of its troops in Iraq."

These guys seriously need to get a life. So to speak.

The kindest cut?

news @ the risk of HIV-Male circumcision protects both women and men from infection.

The above story suggests that, especially in Africa, routine circumcision could make a big effect on the HIV rates.

This will send the anti-circumcision crowd into a frenzy of denial. The absolute fanaticism with which circumcision is criticised by some groups is really amazing. There is even a lot of stuff (about 138,000 Google hits) on the web about foreskin restoration (a lot of stretching involved.)

All seems to me to be ridiculously out of proportion, especially as there would seem to be kinder ways of performing a circumcision now than the old ways. But medicine is the subject of fads and disagreements just as much as other fields of human endeavour, and in Australia I believe it is quite difficult to find a doctor who will do one now unless it is clearly medically needed.

Sounds like a trap for young players

Guardian Unlimited | World dispatch | Bhanged to rights

While stupid Australian youngsters can hardly fail to know that possessing drugs in Singapore or Indonesia is a quick ticket to jail or worse, it would seem that there may soon be plenty of room for confusion by those on the Contiki tour of Europe as they swing from Amsterdam to Italy.

A new anti drug zeal has gripped the Italian government, it seems:

"A vote in the Italian parliament yesterday means that a new, zero-tolerance policy on drugs is almost certain to become law within the next couple of months. With the aroma of defiantly smoked cannabis floating in the air outside, lawmakers approved a measure that abolishes the distinction between hard and soft drugs and makes possession, as well as dealing, a criminal offence...

Yesterday's bill re-establishes the concept, abolished in 1993, of a normal daily supply as a way of distinguishing between drug-users and drug-traffickers. The task of fixing precise quantities for each drug will be delegated to the health ministry.

Anyone caught with more than the permitted amount will be liable to between six and 20 years in jail. Those found with less also risk trial and conviction, but the penalties will be a lot less severe....

How the proposed new law will affect foreigners is still unclear, but the original draft proposals included a provision according to which tourists found with even a single ecstasy pill would have their passports impounded."

At least the food in Italian jails might be better than here.