Tuesday, June 06, 2006

On the nature of Islam

Good old Archbishop George Pell. The Sydney Morning Herald today calls him "the country's most influential catholic", which is surely a bit of an overstatement. He is far too much of a straight talking conservative for that. I also suspect that a small majority of Catholics here (and in most western countries) are of the soft left variety now.

Anyway, he is quoted in the SMH today as saying:

Australia had not been much changed by the rising Islamic threat after September 11, 2001, the Catholic Archbishop of Sydney, Cardinal George Pell, said. But this could change depending "on how many terrorist attacks" Islamic extremists could "bring off successfully". "The million-dollar question" was whether intolerance was a modern distortion of Islam or arose out of internal logic. "It's difficult to find periods of tolerance in Islam. I'm not saying they're not there, but a good deal of what is asserted is mythical."

He obviously is not in the Karen Armstrong camp. She gave an interview in Salon recently and had this to say about the Koran and violence:

[Interviewer]: Sam Harris, in his book "The End of Faith," has seven very densely packed pages of nothing but quotations from the Quran with just this message. "God's curse be upon the infidels"; "slay them wherever you find them"; "fighting is obligatory for you, much as you dislike it." And Sam Harris' point is that the Muslim suicide bombings are not the aberration of Islam. They are the message of Islam.

[Armstrong]: Well, that's simply not true. He's taken parts of those texts and omitted their conclusions, which say fighting is hateful for you. You have to do it if you're attacked, as Mohammed was being attacked at the time when that verse was revealed. But forgiveness is better for you. Peace is better. But when we're living in a violent society, our religion becomes violent, too. Religion gets sucked in and becomes part of the problem. But to isolate these texts as though they expressed the whole of the tradition is very mischievous and dangerous at this time when we are in danger of polarizing people on both sides. And this kind of inflammatory talk, say about Islam, is convincing Muslims all over the world who are not extremists that the West is incurably Islamophobic and will never respect their traditions. I think it's irresponsible at this time.

[Interviewer]: But many people would say you can't just pick out the peaceful and loving passages of the sacred scriptures. There are plenty of other passages that are frightening.

[Armstrong]: I would say there are more passages in the Bible than the Quran that are dedicated to violence. I think what all religious people ought to do is to look at their own sacred traditions. Not just point a finger at somebody else's, but our own. Christians should look long and hard at the Book of Revelation. And they should look at those passages in the Pentateuch that speak of the destruction of the enemy.

I think Armstrong is being rather disingenuous here though; it seems she is pretending for a moment that the New Testament, which after all is the modern basis of Christianity, doesn't represent a dramatic change in the view of violence from that contained in parts of the Old Testament. (The Book of Revelation is in its own weird category of its own, and there was considerable disagreement centuries ago over whether it should be included in the Bible at all. Anyway, it's not as if Catholicism in my lifetime has ever paid it much attention. I suppose American fundamentalism pays it more attention, and this form of Christianity is what seems to annoy Armstrong the most.)

As for the correct reading of the Koran, here I am somewhat at a loss to have an independent opinion. The practical problem is, from my cursory look at the book, it seems unreadable as narrative. (I have the same reaction to the Book of Mormon. It seems to come with the territory when the book is claimed to be a direct and unalterable dictation from God. He needs an editor badly.) The Wikipedia entry on the Koran goes some way to explaining why it is so unreadable.

So what does a conservative like me do? Side with the conservative Archbishop, of course! Put it this way: I suspect he may be closer to the truth and that Armstrong, in her project to rehabilitate all religions into one (read the rest of her interview), probably sides with the softer interpretions of Islamic history because it suits her ideas better.

Monday, June 05, 2006

More on safer nuclear

Nuclear power | The shape of things to come | Economist.com

The article is a short but interesting summary of safer nuclear reactor designs in the works. (The Pebble Bed design I have blogged about before also gets a brief mention.)

How low can you go?

Scotland on Sunday - Family entertainment?

I have not commented on this year's Big Brother. However, the brainiacs at Larvatus Prodeo obviously devote some time to following it. (This is one program about which being a cultural snob is well deserved!)

From what I gather, this year's Australian version is perhaps not quite as grubby as last year's. (I could be wrong.) But if you want to see how low this type of show can go, have a look at the above report on the current UK version:

With debate raging about how low television standards can go, most vitriol at present is focused on Channel 4's Big Brother, a competitive popularity contest which bizarrely forces extreme personalities to fight for a £70,000 prize by being themselves.

After on-screen sex last year, series seven has plumbed new depths with its selection of candidates including a Scottish homosexual with suicidal tendencies, a teenage boy who wants to be a girl and a Tourette Syndrome sufferer. Even hardened media watchers are astonished.

Brian McNair, professor of communication at the University of Strathclyde, said: "You really have to question what that show is doing this year. The contestants are getting younger and younger and at least one of them showed signs of having mental health issues."

I wait for similar developments here next year. (I assume it will be back. I remain perplexed at the MSM coverage this show gets.)

Anti spam help

Jetable.org - Home

This sounds like a very good idea:

To avoid spam, jetable.org provides you with a temporary email address. As soon as it is created, all the emails sent to this address are forwarded to your actual email address.

Your antispam address will be deactivated after the lifespan you selected comes to its end.

Found via Red Ferret Journal, which I must add to my links one day.

Pat O'Shane's turn

Again, the law shoots and misses - Opinion - smh.com.au

Paul Sheehan's article is worth reading. Controversial New South Wales magistrate Pat O'Shane is its main subject.

Another case of a legal figure getting a mysteriously charmed run in that State.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Caz rips into romanticised heroin

A very interesting post over at Avatar Briefs about the arts' infatuation with heroin addiction.

The extracts from Dalrymple are also fascinating.

By the way, what has happened to Major Anya? Has her blog permanently disappeared?

Fennel with parmesan

Maybe most of the sophisticated epicurean world knows about roast fennel and parmesan, but I only cooked this dish for the first time this weekend. Fennel is a vegetable that (I think it is fair to say) had little attention paid to it in Australia until the 1990's. I have used it in other recipes, but never got around to cooking it alone as a side vegetable.

Anyway, the recipe I followed was dead easy: vertically slice up a big bulb into about 8 thin pieces, fry them for a few minutes in 2 tablespoons each of butter and olive oil (with salt and pepper), shove in oven to bake for 25 minutes, sprinkle about 1/2 cup of grated parmesan on top and put back in oven for 5 minutes to melt the cheese. Very pleasing. Even Mrs Opinion Dominon likes it despite her claim to not be a fan of aniseed flavour generally.

On religion in Europe

I found this article in last Friday's Australian (about how religion and politics in Europe have changed in the last couple of centuries) to be interesting, but overly brief. (Actually, it reads as a heavily edited down version of a longer article or talk.) Here's a sample:

Rather than Europe becoming more secular in the past 200 years, I suspect the religious instinct has simply metabolised into other forms. This was most obvious in the case of the political religions. These began with the radical Jacobins during the French Revolution, who made the first attempt to create a "new man" so as to realise heaven on earth through violence. The result was hell for many people, with a quarter of a million people murdered simply for adhering to their traditional Christian beliefs.

The metabolisation of the religious instinct was also evident in the two big creeds of the 19th century. Classical nation states used schools, patriotic myths, anthems, flags and monuments to achieve the goal of turning peasants with localised loyalties into Frenchmen, Germans or Italians....

Marxist socialism was another totalising creed. The 1848 Communist Manifesto was called a "catechism" until Engels renamed it. Mankind's expulsion from the garden of Eden was the Christian original for Marxist notions of man's alienation from his perfect self. There was no chosen people, but instead a saviour class called the proletariat. Instead of an apocalypse, there would be a cleansing revolution, the prelude to the restoration of a lost communist paradise. Then man would be reborn in harmony with his original true self.

On Saturday I heard the author, Michael Burleigh, being interviewed on the ABC, and he elaborated on these ideas a little more. His book on the topic could be good; if only I had time to read anything lately.

Back to Marsden..

Well, as I guessed, there was a damaging John Marsden allegation to come, and it came via News Limited on the day of his funeral. Questionable timing, but a pretty important story.

For those who missed it, and there must be many given that it seems much of the media is not wanting to cover it, the report is that an adult man received criminal injuries compensation in 2001 based on his claims that as an 8 year old, Marden sexually molested him. This means the judge found that the incidents were proved on the civil standard of "balance of probabilities".

More from the report itself:

In his judgment of July 6, 2001, NSW District Court judge Ken Taylor accepted "on the balance of probabilities" that Marsden had sexually abused Mr Fraser after swimming lessons, after football training and after a junior rugby league grand final.

"The appellant (Mr Fraser) is supported by the psychological evidence. Resistance to his version of events has been slight. On the basis of the material before the court, it has concluded that it is more likely than not that the events occurred as stated by the appellant (Mr Fraser)," Judge Taylor said.....

In 1992, Mr Fraser, who was being treated for "severe depression and psychosexual dysfunction", told his psychiatrist that he had been sexually abused by Marsden. This was more than two years before NSW Labor frontbencher Deirdre Grusovin named Marsden in parliament as a "pederast" and more than three years before two Seven Network current affairs programs alleged Marsden had had underage sex.....

Mr Fraser described in graphic detail how he was sexually assaulted on three separate occasions as an eight- and nine-year-old boy by Marsden, who coached rugby league and taught swimming at St John's College (now St Patrick's), Campbelltown, where he later established his first law practice.

Marden's brother has not taken the allegation well. The Melbourne Age notes just this:

Controversy dogged Mr Marsden right up to the service with a newspaper claim that previously suppressed court records showed he was a pedophile. His brother Jim described the reports as "a scurrilous lie that should be flushed down the toilet".

The media treatment of this story is interesting of itself. Most Australian media appears to be giving it a wide berth. Perhaps because of the funeral day timing? Perhaps because they don't realise how scandalous it is? I think there is a tendency amongst some to think that if a matter can't be proved on a criminal standard of proof, then you are allowed to treat it as "unproven". No doubt, that is how Marsden would have wanted people to view it.

It leaves open fascinating questions such as how many within the profession knew about this. Did his own brother know about it? Did it give the Law Society any concerns (if they knew about it at all.) Note that the judge is quoted as saying that "resistence to his [the complainant's ] version of events has been slight."

I await some more detailed analysis of this story.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Australia started with a very big bang?

ScienceDaily: Big Bang In Antarctica: Killer Crater Found Under Ice

Today's interesting science news is about evidence found for a very big and very old giant crater beneath the ice of Antarctica:

The 300-mile-wide crater lies hidden more than a mile beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. And the gravity measurements that reveal its existence suggest that it could date back about 250 million years -- the time of the Permian-Triassic extinction, when almost all animal life on Earth died out.

Its size and location -- in the Wilkes Land region of East Antarctica, south of Australia -- also suggest that it could have begun the breakup of the Gondwana supercontinent by creating the tectonic rift that pushed Australia northward.

Wouldn't be much concern about global warming - or anything else for that matter, if a hit that size happened again.

Now I'll wander off into science fiction speculation for a bit. One of the reasons for colonizing the solar system, if you actually like humanity and think it deserves surviving, is to provide a lifeboat for civilization if a huge global disaster of that kind happened again. (Maybe there is little chance of killing all people on earth, but the course of civilization would surely be put back a couple of thousand years.)

Now, the easiest (and nearest) place to colonize is the moon. But, there is one significant problem: what will happen to the human body after living for prolonged periods in 1/6 G, and what will the bodies of babies conceived and born in such a low gravity environment be like? Long and spindly like that silly Jedi knight in the last couple of Star Wars films? Or same body shape, but with a heart that simply could never cope with a full 1 G? (It would presumably be the same as a normal "1 G" person being taken to a 6 G planet to live.) Can you counteract the effect of low gravity by sitting in a centrifuge for an hour a day?

One of the first things a permanent moon colony should investigate is animal models of this. Rats, rabbits or other animals that breed quickly should be put through a few generations of low gravity to see what happens to their bodies. I think Jerry Pournelle has written that rats have been put in a permanent higher G environment (in a centrifuge) and developed super muscles to compensate. However, I don't know that it is possible to simulate a 1/6 G for a rat for any long period of time.

If it all looks hopeless (from the point of view of humans born there never being able to go back to earth) then it may be some time before any woman ever lets a child conceived there be born.

The other space colonisation idea is the construction of giant spinning O'Neill colonies, which could have an artifical gravity somewhat higher than the moon. (Living in about 1/2 G sounds a pleasant idea to me.) Such huge engineering seems to be no longer taken seriously, but who knows, in a hundred years it may be on the cards.

As for Mars: well, it has water, but then it seems quite possible that parts of the Moon do too. Its atmosphere is so thin it's barely worth having there at all. And its gravity is only about double that of the Moon, but is that enough to make it safe to have a baby there (who can return to earth?)

(I just found a site for a proposed "Mars Gravity Biosatellite", which would send 15 mice into space in a spinning satellite designed to simulate Mars gravity. I am not sure if this will involve them having babies, though.)

Anyway, Mars is so far away that I am sceptical of its use as a lifeboat for humanity. Building a big enough colony underground on the Moon, near lunar ice, seems a much better way to go to me.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Digging in on the Moon

New Scientist SPACE - Breaking News - Can bulldozers save Moonwalkers from solar flares?

The short article above talks about how to protect astronauts on the moon from radiation by burying them. Well, their habitats anyway.

Seems to me that looking for suitable caves for shelter would be a good idea too. Must be some somewhere up there.

By the way, TLPs (transient lunar phenomena) don't get much of an airing these days. Would these sites be good places to send explorers (of the human or robotic kind) looking for holes or caves to live in? (Maybe the holes are full of gas, though. Still, would be interesting to try to find any active geological process going on there.)

Revisionism on Arctic history

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic's tropical past uncovered

It seems that there is still a lot of new stuff being discovered about the history of the Arctic, and it's all very relevant to how good current models of climate change are.

This part seemed surprising in particular:

"Five hundred thousand years above where the Azolla was found, we found the first drop stones," explained Professor Brinkhuis, who is also a co-author on the third paper which details Arctic ice-formation.

"These are little stones that come from icebergs, icesheets or sea ice. So it must have been cold enough to have ice."

"Before we did this it was thought that the ice field in the Northern hemisphere only began about three million years ago, but now we have pushed that back to 45 million years ago."

That's some major revision of a very major issue (when did the Arctic freeze over?)

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

On the Reign of Terror

The New Yorker: The Critics: A Critic At Large

This is a really good book review/essay, of the kind the New Yorker can do so well, on the French Reign of Terror. To give you a taste (talking of Robespierre):

There is a case to be made that the real singularity of the Terror was the first appearance on the stage of history of this particular psychological type: not the tight-lipped inquisitor, alight with religious rage, but the small, fastidious intellectual, the man with an idea, the prototype of Lenin listening to his Beethoven as the Cheka begins its purges. In normal times, such men become college professors, or book reviewers or bloggers. It takes special historical circumstances for them to become killers: the removal of a ruling class without its replacement by a credible new one. In the confusion, their ethereal certainties look like the only solid thing to build on.

Fun and Games in India

Do you have a sex problem?- The Times of India

I don't know what gave me the urge to look up the news in India right now, but I am glad I did. From the above article:

MUMBAI: On Sunday, Delhi's Javed Ali, suffering from a sexual disorder, finally discovered his manhood. He opened fire on his sexologist Rajesh Abbot. After four rounds, when the pistol jammed, he pulled out another one.

Of the 13 shots fired, seven hit Abbot, who died on the spot. Ali was upset that despite Abbot's promises, his performance in the bedroom had remained unchanged.

This extreme episode serves as a cold reminder to those in the difficult business of curing male problems.

I wonder if it is hard to get life insurance there if your profession is "quack sexologist." The article goes on to detail the typical quackery in this field:

The quack's ingenuity starts with what seems to be highly impressive diagnostic equipment. A patient is made to lie down and a red light is shone on his body from a hidden source.

Except that when it comes to the patient's private parts, the light is switched off with a remote control trick and the doctor gasps with practised shock.

The patient is then told that since the light did not work in that zone, he suffers from a grave disorder and that he needs a special course of treatment.

The patient is also asked baffling questions like, "Did you use a lot of hand as a child?" Since in 19 out of 20 cases the answer in yes, the patient instantly bonds with the quack and reposes his faith in the diagnosis.

Delhi resident Pradeep once entered a professed sexologist's clinic in Daryaganj. The 'doctor' sat behind a neat desk in a one-room clinic and on hearing about the problem, immediately ordered Pradeep to stop masturbating.

"You're wasting a nectar from heaven," he said.

One year blogiversary

Happy...blogiversary..to me

Happy blogiversary to..me

Happy blogiversary Mr...OD

Happy...blogiversary to...me

(I paid $1.26 million for that dress, so it's got to get some use sometime.)

[Silly fantasy post- well, not fantasy exactly, I wish I did own a $1,260,000 dress, but purely for investment purposes of course (does something crassly masculine to emphasise the point) - ends here.]

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Some scepticism on wind power

BBC NEWS | Business | Germany's wind farms challenged

OK, I'll admit something here. I really dislike windpower as a concept. I have never been near a giant wind farm, but from all photos of them, I think they are an aesthetic blot on the landscape. They are pretty noisy in a strong wind too, I believe. They must kill some birds, from time to time. What's worse, they spread their offensive features over large areas, not like a single power station that can be hidden behind a hill yet service an enormous area.

Apart from aesthetics, I think what annoys me is the idea of giving up so much control as to how much electricity is in the grid to mother nature. I don't trust her. Give me a power source that puts me in complete control instead. Put nature in its place, which is to serve us higher creatures at the pointy end of creation/evolution. (I could go on in that patriarchal, judaeo-christian vein, but it would only be worthwhile if I knew I did have readers that it would annoy.)

I guess the same could be said for the unreliability of solar power too. However, at least it has the good grace to not clutter up the landscape.

Anyway, any articles that criticise windpower will always be welcome here.

A prescription to do nothing

Vile acts cut across colour and class | Phillip Adams | The Australian

I knew Phillip Adams could not help but weigh in on the aboriginal abuse debate going on at the moment.

His column above is a typical example of an extremely common approach used by the Left. It's the old "mote and the beam" argument taken to a deadening extreme. Don't go criticising aboriginal abuse, says Phillip, as our own westernised suburbs are full of abuse against women too.

This is a formula for ignoring realities on the ground, and for doing nothing, or at least nothing effective. It is why the Left often fails on the issue of moral leadership. It lets itself become paralysed by a debilitating philosophy that is essentially relativist in its outlook, and expands a fear of hypocrisy away from the personal (which is the extent to which the Christian teaching is unexceptional and worthy) to the corporate. By this technique, no one is entitled to criticise other cultures too much (because their own is never perfect,) the United States in particular, but the West generally, is to be extremely circumspect in its dealings with all other nations (because the West is not perfect either,) and isolationism is the de facto "correct" response. [Unless of course a collectivist approach can be achieved, which it rarely can when the "collective" has to include those persons or nations deserving criticism in its decision making forums.]

Yet the same approach gives full permission to the Left to concentrate on the perceived inequities in their own societies or governments, regardless of how relatively minor such social issues may now be compared to those in the rest of the world.

It's a galling approach, as it means the Left usually claims to be the side taking the high moral ground, while simultaneously not realising that it is also the side more prepared to ignore or downplay clear instances of moral depravity deserving and requiring action. (They don't even like mere criticism of groups very much, if the group can argue it is acting on Left-ish collectivist "good intentions", such as ATSIC, or some of the communist regimes.)

There is more I can write, but it will have to wait.

The cat amongst the pigeons

Let's talk about nuclear power and other energy sources - Opinion

So Tim Flannery is very clearly in favour of having the nuclear debate, and does not want to dismiss it out of hand. I can hear him being quoted in Parliament by the government already.

As I said before, stubborn resistance to nuclear is not going to be the clear winner that much of Federal Labor thinks.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Baby must be perfect

Babies with club feet aborted - Sunday Times - Times Online

From the above article:

MORE than 20 babies have been aborted in advanced pregnancy because scans showed that they had club feet, a deformity readily corrected by surgery or physiotherapy.

According to figures from the Office for National Statistics covering the years from 1996 to 2004, a further four babies were aborted because they had webbed fingers or extra digits, which are also corrected by simple surgery. All the terminations took place late in pregnancy, after 20 weeks. ...

Some parents, doctors and charities are increasingly worried by what they see as a tendency to widen the definition of “serious handicap”. The handicap provision, which does not exist in most other countries, permits abortions to be carried out until birth. It was intended to save women from the trauma of giving birth to babies likely to die in infancy...

One doctor in the north of England who did not want to be named, said a recent case in his hospital had involved the discovery of a hand missing from a foetus scanned at 20 weeks. “The father did not want the pregnancy to proceed because of his perception that the child would not be able to do all the usual things like sport,” said the doctor.

Of course, the followers of Peter Singer should have no problem with this. But for people of common sense, it's a pretty appalling state of affairs.

How did I miss this?

TIMEasia Magazine: Best of Asia - Meguro Parasitological Museum, Tokyo, Japan

Always good to know there is still something to see in place you've been to before!:

Though it occupies only two floors of a small office building, the museum boasts that it displays more specimens of roundworms, hookworms, flukes, nematodes and leeches than any other place on earth—not to mention gruesomely graphic images and descriptions of the havoc they can wreak on humans and other hosts.

Distracting drivers in Japan

Back to Japan for a minute. One thing about that country that I find surprising is the very common use of quite large in-dash LCD screens for GPS navigation, but also watching TV or DVDs.

You would think that this would be dangerous and distracting for the driver, but I have been in so many different cars in which the TV or a DVD has been on, I presume there is no Japanese traffic law against it.

It seems that it is blamed for some accidents, and that is hardly surprising. In New South Wales, the situation is like this:

..driving with a TV/VDU (visual display unit) visible to the driver carries the same penalty as mobile use: $225 and three demerit points. Factory-installed DVD players/TV screens in cars that are dash-mounted typically switch off when the vehicle is in motion.

If drivers in Australia were allowed to watch TV, I wonder which shows would cause the most accidents.

Disaster compassion fatigue

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Rain compounds Java quake misery

Don't you get the feeling that the media (and world) reaction to this latest Indonesian disaster indicates a significant degree of compassion fatigue? (Australian attention is also heavily distracted by having to send people in to try to deal with the East Timor troubles too.)

If the Java volcano goes sky high and kills another few thousand, at least dramatic pictures of an eruption gets attention, I suppose.

Leaving the dying for dead on Mt Everest

Missing from the record books: the unsung feats of everyday life - Opinion

Richard Glover's Saturday column about this incident was amusing, but only because the poor guy left for dead is in fact alive. Richard had spoken to Sir Edmund Hillary about it on his radio show:

He [Hillary] is particularly uneasy about the attitude of "get to the top at any cost" - itself a reflection of the big fees being paid to guides. Inglis's achievement - reaching the top with his artificial legs - may be remarkable, but it's been soured by his admission that he walked past a dying mountaineer on his way up.

For Hillary, that shows a value system that's all wrong: people "just want to get to the top [and] don't give a damn for anybody else in distress".

Inglis has defended his own actions - pointing out that his party at least paused to help the dying man. About 40 other mountaineers simply walked past.

Forty! Suddenly Everest seems like the Pitt Street of the Himalayas. Forget climbing it; I want the Starbucks concession. Indeed, Hillary told me there are often 60 people at the summit. You'd be more secluded in the Cross City Tunnel.

Hope he (the near dead guy) gets a good media deal to tell his story.

UPDATE: here's another odd thing that may, or may not, have happened on Mt Everest recently. (Why a sherpa would get naked there is not explained at all.)

UPDATE 2: OK, maybe I don't always pay close attention. When I first posted, I did not realise that two climbers had been left for dead in the last week, but the first (British one) actually did die.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Death for shorts?

Update 10: Iraqi Athletes Killed for Wearing Shorts - Forbes.com

If this report is true, Muslim extremists are even more screwed up than I thought:

Last week, gunmen in Baghdad stopped a car carrying a Sunni Arab tennis coach and two of his Shiite players, asked them to step out and then shot them.

Extremists have been distributing leaflets warning people in the mostly Sunni neighborhoods of Saidiyah and Ghazaliyah not to wear shorts, police said.

I assume this is talking about males not wearing shorts. How exactly is wearing shorts an activity deserving death? I thought from previous posts I made about Saudi Arabia that the thing with women having to be covered from head to toe was based on the idea that men just couldn't control themselves if all those seductresses showed so much as square centimeter of flesh. But why are men's legs a moral danger?

Friday, May 26, 2006

X men over-analysed?

X-Men: The Last Stand reviewed. By Michael Agger

I made it clear some posts back that I don't care much for movies based on Marvel of other comic heros. For me, it's a phenomena that should have been put down, oh, 20 years or so ago.

Therefore, I haven't seen the X men movies (other than snippets in the background while I while was doing something else.) So this opening section of the Slate review of the new X Men three surprised me, but it sounds sort of plausible:

Mirror, mirror on the wall, what's the most gay-friendly blockbuster series of them all? No, not Batman. And not The Lord of the Rings (which is more pre-sexual than anything else). Consider another series, one in which teenagers discover that they are "mutants" and long to run away from home and be with others like them. At a finishing school in the countryside, they learn to wear tight leather suits and follow Hugh Jackman. Plus, if you touch the hottest girl at the school (Anna Paquin), you die. Consider also that the director of X-Men, Bryan Singer, stages scenes in which the word mutant is an obvious stand-in for homosexual—most famously, in X2, when a mother asks her son: "Have you ever tried … not being a mutant?"

Nuclear debate is here

N-power 'viable, economical' | Science & nature | The Australian

The report above indicates that the question of nuclear power's economic viability in Australia is perhaps not the problem that many in the government think it is.

Labor's (with its foreshadowed scaremongering about where a nuclear plant might go) thinks it is on a winner already. I doubt it. It seems entirely possible to me that as global warming fears go up over next year or two, nuclear will start to smell better and better to a small but growing contingent of greenie types. With some environmentalists on side, the government's willingness to consider it will look good.

Are we a in a braneworld?

ScienceDaily: Scientists Predict How To Detect A Fourth Dimension Of Space

An interesting article that shows that there are tests that can soon be done to see if the universe we live in is a braneworld.

I wonder if braneworld ideas will ever lead to suggestions of a physical location for heaven on another brane. (Just as the ideas of a 4th dimension lead to some supernatural style speculation in the 19th century.) Of course, if you follow Tipler's Omega Point ideas, you don't need a physical location as such, since it is all in a cyberspace which gets to subjectively last forever at the end of the universe. Cyber heaven also lets it be anything God wants it to be, whereas a physical type of one has still got pesky physical laws to deal with.

Braneworld ideas are presumably not consistant with Omega Point theories.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Shuttle launch

Over at Bad Astronomy is a nice time exposure pic of a an old shuttle launch. What interested me, never having seen a rocket launch, was how curved the trajectory is. I guess it's not just up, up and out of sight like (I think) most people would have expected.

Japanese pizza post

A funnier than average post from Japundit.

Hurry up, I said...

BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Aziz testifies for Saddam defence

From the above report of renewed games at Saddam's trial:

The latter accused the judge of "insulting a woman" by throwing out defence lawyer Bushra al-Khalil in the previous session.

"Sit down. If you continue with this I'll throw you out," the judge told Barzan al-Tikriti.

Saddam Hussein added: "Do you want to shut people's mouths this way?"

"Quiet. You are a defendant," the judge shouted.

"I am Saddam Hussein, your president, and you did elect me," the former leader shouted back.

Result: encouragement to armed Saddam loyalists to go shoot up a few more people.

Drinking with baby ..again

Further evidence suggesting that no level of alcohol is "safe" for a fetus:

Drinking under half an alcoholic beverage each day while pregnant can reduce the IQ of offspring by up to 7 points.

Consuming alcohol -- even small amounts -- especially during the second trimester of pregnancy produced pronounced IQ deficits among 10-year-olds surveyed for a study released Wednesday in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.

(An earlier post about another study to the same effect is here.)

Some more on aboriginal housing

Blacks lose out as cash diverted: report - National - smh.com.au

Well, thank goodness the "report" mentioned above is an internal Labor memo. Gives it much greater credibility.

NT Leader Clare Martin's petulant reaction to the aboriginal abuse issue is doing her far more harm than good. It's interesting that she choses to try to divert argument into inadequate housing when, as I indicated in an earlier post, there are cultural and other issues relevant to why aboriginal housing seems to always be in crisis.

For example: how much of an issue is the abadonment of houses for a substantial period after a death? Has anyone ever come up with an answer to that if it does cause serious temporary shortages? I think I have heard it suggested that sometimes the number of people in a house is by choice or preference rather than need (eg, a desire to keep the whole extended family together.) If this is correct, have government or aboriginal funding bodies ever properly dealt with this in design of housing?

It has been an old theme that housing provided has to be extremely robust because of the rough treatment that alcohol or drug addled people can give it, and also because of the lack of maintenance skills usually found on reserves. How well has this issue been addressed? Is inappropriate construction style still taking place? (I would have guessed that a simple concrete block construction with whitewashed walls would have a lot going for it. Steel sinks and toilets probably the go too. Maybe new houses are built like this - I just don't know.)

How long will demountables that the Commonwealth is offering the NT (leftover from Woomera) last anyway? (I suspect, a very short time indeed.)

I am sure that all these issues have been discussed and considered by different bodies from time to time over the years. It's just that I think the general public should also be aware of all of these cultural issues so they can properly understand the problem and why better progress has not been made.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Gore bore?

news @ nature.com- Al Gore: Eco matinee idol�-An Inconvenient Truth showcases science of climate change.

From the above review about Al Gore's global warming doco:

If you find Gore to be a refreshingly un-phoney politician with more brains than most whole administrations, you will love this film. If you find Gore boring, annoying or prone to strange shifts in tone, you may well tire of shots of him gazing into the middle distance and ruminating, in voice-over, about the tragedies he's known and how each eventually taught him something about global warming.

Sounds a good bet that I would fall into the second category.

In the film, Gore gives his presentation in front of an audience from which sympathetic murmurs can be occasionally heard. One audience member wears a T-shirt that reads 'Sweet Jesus, I hate Bill O'Reilly', referring to Fox News' famously conservative talking-head. If these people are going to be the only ones buying tickets, Gore will be preaching to the choir.

As to the science in it, the review defers to the Real Climate review, which gave most of the science a tick.

They also note that:

Much of the footage in Inconvenient Truth is of Al Gore giving a slideshow on the science of global warming. Sound boring? Well, yes, a little.

I don't think I will be rushing to check it out.

UPDATE: This Slate article on the problems with the movie is well worth reading.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

On the Code

Amongst the many articles about the historical "claims" in the Da Vinci Code, the one in Slate recently seemed to me to be one of the better summaries.

(I started the book, but the writing style has put me off coming back to it. I think it is worse than Michael Crichton on a bad day, and that's saying something.)

UPDATE: For the most savage, and very funny, review of the movie read Anthony Lane's in The New Yorker. There are so many lines I would like to quote, I just don't know which one to pick. Just go read it.

Our anti war protesters just aren't in the same league

You may have heard about how Japan and Korea are having a confrontation of sorts over some disputed islands. There have been some weird anti-Japanese protests by Koreans as a result, but perhaps covering yourself with (so he says) 187,000 bees and jumping on a Japanese flag takes some beating. (Watch the video at the link.)

If only Cindy Sheehan were so creative.

3 interesting science stories

All from today's Science Daily:

1. Bad news: a study suggesting that the high end of climate change predictions are more likely. Time to start work on big space umbrellas as a possible solution.

2. Cats are evil in so many ways: Children who are exposed to cats soon after birth may have an increased risk of developing eczema. But exposure to dogs? Being exposed to two or more dogs at home suggested a slightly protective, but not significant, effect on children's risk of developing eczema.

3. Plug in hybrid cars certainly seem a good idea. Plug them into the wall overnight while you are home, and the heaps of people who travel no more than 40 km per day might never use petrol. (In fact, the model described here can run on ethanol solely. No oil at all. Take that, Saudi Arabia.)

Matt Price line for the day...

Happy Chappy enjoys seat of power | Matt Price | The Australian

Labor, we were told by Julia Gillard before the resumption of parliament, would be giving the Treasurer a comprehensive working over.

"It's Peter Costello's first day in the big chair," she said, referring to Happy Chappy's stint as Acting Prime Minister. "Labor will be taking Peter Costello outside his very narrow comfort zone."

And it's true. By the end of question time, Costello's comfort zone had been upgraded from unsealed bush track to four-lane bitumen freeway.

Why is this singer successful?

Madonna's new move: crucifixion - Music - Entertainment - smh.com.au

No need for emetics when instead you could just read the above description of Madonna's new stage show.

I have never, ever, understood her appeal. Must be that people just like quasi-political, nutty-mystical, pretend-slutty singing acts in a way I can't figure.

And will she be even-handed in her silly use of religious icongraphy? How about a flash of a depiction of Mohammed during the show?

Monday, May 22, 2006

Bad news from Syria

Guardian Unlimited | World dispatch | Arrested development

From the article:

Syria is in the throes of one of its biggest crackdowns on dissidents in many years. As many as 12 reformers and writers have been arrested this month in a new show of strength by the regime.

Something odd about Iraq

ABC News: Baghdad's Lionel Richie Obsession

And it's not because of pregnancy...

Menstruation Is Fast Becoming Optional - Yahoo! News

From the above (quite lengthy) story:

Still, surveys also show most women consider monthly periods normal. Small wonder: Girls learn early on that menstruation is a sign of fertility and femininity, making its onset an eagerly awaited rite of passage.

The period is "way over-romanticized," says Linda Gordon, a New York University professor specializing in women's history and the history of sexuality.

Not by men, that's for sure.

Housing issues

Homes 'unfit for animals' | News | The Australian

It seems to rarely be mentioned in media reports about housing quality issues in aboriginal communities, but isn't one of the problems here (at least in some areas of Australia) the complicating cultural issue that a house in which a person has died will be abandoned for some time (months I think) before any person will re-occupy it? I actually forget who was telling me about this - I remember discussing it with a brother, but maybe I have read about it somewhere else.

I don't know how big a problem this really is, but with death rates in some communities being what they are, it certainly would mean you would have to have a hell of a lot of "spare" housing to deal with this issue.

I know I have heard from time to time of projects to create really rugged remote aboriginal housing that needs virtually no maintenance, as the care and maintenance of the housing is a very big issue. However, this does nothing to address the issue of abandonment. I remember suggesting to my (lefty) brother that maybe the solution would be a very sophisticated style of tent (with a portable solid floor?) that could be moved off the spot where someone had died. That I would suggest that they live in something less than solid house dismayed him. But honestly, some really creative solutions to the housing issue are needed, aren't they?

(Of course, how to stop tents catching alight if a fire is lit inside is another issue. But I think there must be a model of temporary housing from some indiginous community somewhere in the world that could be adapted.)

A standard response

The familiar echo of Aboriginal condemnation - Opinion - theage.com.au

The article above takes the "standard" old style aboriginal interest group response to the aboriginal abuse issues raised last week.

Rather than acknowledge the longstanding structural disadvantage experienced by remote Aboriginal communities, the complicity of the Australian Government in their creation and neglect, and a national responsibility to make real changes, Brough's immediate response to Rogers' revelations was to announce the existence of a pedophile ring of senior Aboriginal men. No evidence has been produced, and it seems clear that none exists.

Where did Brough's allegation come from? Such a "ring" would, of course, give the minister a convenient solution to his need to be seen to be doing something: an evil group of Aboriginal men, a target small enough to rapidly identify and punish, would serve as a scapegoat and provide a quick fix for his problem. But if we look further back into the long history of Aboriginal-white relations, it becomes clear that such claims have often helped governments to justify interventionist indigenous policies.

Is the writer suggesting that "non interventionist" policies have never been tried, even under the long reign of Labor and ATSIC? Does she really want the solution to this to be left up to the same bunch of aboriginal leaders and academics who have been around for the last 30 years worrying more about land rights, and whether Aboriginal cultures 200 years ago were abusive to women or not, than what's going on now?

About Marsden

Case for the damnation of Marsden - Opinion - smh.com.au

Paul Sheehan did not like John Marsden.

What Sheehan's brings up was already on the public record. I don't recall the part about witness intimidation though.

If what Sheehan says is a correct version of what the trial judge at the defamation action found [that Marsden had on the balance of probabilities - which is the standard of proof in a civil case - asked a prisoner to get a witness to change his position,] why was Marsden allowed to still practice as a solicitor at all?

I still predict some new, damaging, information about Marsden will come out soon.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Scruton on Mills

OpinionJournal - Featured Article

If you missed it, Roger Scruton has an essay above on John Stuart Mill. Scruton is always worth reading (especially if you a conservative!)

Mountain coming through

LiveScience.com - Land Speed Record: Mountain Moves 62 Miles in 30 Minutes

A mountain near the Montana-Wyoming border once moved 62 miles in a half-hour in a catastrophic scenario that could be repeated elsewhere, scientists say...

"We think the slide motion was catastrophic," Aharonov told LiveScience. "According to our calculation, the motion took less than 30 minutes."

I guess being overtaken on a freeway by a mountain would be catastrophic.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

At last - Mission:Impossible 3

I finally got to see MI3 tonight. My comments:

Good points: script is quite good really. The acting is more even than in previous M:I movies, and in fact I would say Cruise and Phillip S Hoffman actually do very good acting, within the limits of this kind of material. Exotic locations are used (although shown very briefly - see my comments below,) and there is very seamless and unintrusive use of computer effects. (You know that certain things can't be being done "for real", but it is almost impossible to tell where the artifice begins. For example, one very cleverly done scene almost makes you believe those super realistic rubber masks could really work. There is also a jumping off a building sequence which - at least initially, before the editing starts cutting it up too much - looks as real as it possibly could.) The movie has some (limited) humour, and some scenes of human warmth, and in that sense is more "realistic" than M:I1. However, its tone is darker, with a genuinely sadistic villain, and as such ends up being not as much fun.

But, there is a lot to like.

Bad or distracting points: the direction. For the last few years, I have seen very few one hour shows on TV. I am therefore unfamiliar with the popular work of JJ Abrams. However, direction of M:I3 is claustrophobic, for want of a better term. It seems he is inordinately fond of close to medium length shots, where it looks like the camera is no more than a few meters from the actors.

This is fine for some sequences, where it can help rack up the tension, especially in the opening scene. But after 30 minutes or so, I really found myself wondering why this movie was shot so tight for so long. Especially during the action sequences, I longed for wider shots to make better sense of what was going on around Cruise.

There is also a quasi-handheld sort of style for all of the action sequences. It's not exactly jittery, but I did start longing for smoother camera movement in many sequences, and less choppy editing.

I hate overly fast editing. It is, to my mind, the major problem with younger action movie directors since the 1990's, and is the special "trademark" of directors who have come from an advertising or music video background. (I especially despise it in dance and musical numbers, where it takes away all sense of the quality of the dancing itself.) M:I3's action sequences are nearly all edited too quickly (especially parts of the Shanghai sequences,) but (fortunately) not so quickly as to ruin the movie.

I mentioned in an earlier post how well I thought Brian De Palma directed the first M:I movie, and it was this more "traditional" style of direction and editing that I missed.

I don't think I have (yet) read any reviewer who has mentioned the "tightness" of so many of the shots, which I find surprising. (To me, it seemed such an obvious and distracting feature of Abram's style.) Slate's review did say: "The action scenes are thrilling in the modern, quick-cut, disorienting way." I can agree with that.

Overall: I have lingered on the downside for too long. Many people don't notice this sort of thing anyway. And overall, I was happy to have seen it and would happily see another M:I installment. Still, M:I 1 stands clearly ahead as my favourite. The less said about M:I 2 the better, although it does help M:I 3 look very good by comparison.

UPDATE: It's not just me. Here's one reviewer (who really didn't like the movie at all):

It's filmed almost entirely in close-ups and medium shots, in extremely shallow focus with no depth of field. (It's something of a sick joke that Abrams elected to use the extra-wide CinemaScope aspect ratio, as he tends to obscure or blur out anything that isn't smack dab in the center of the frame.) There's no oomph to the images, and the monotonous, confusingly edited action scenes just lie there, dead.

I don't agree that the action sequences "lie dead"; I just thought they could have been better with a different director. But certainly, he seems to have almost no interest in the composition of shots.

In the Sydney Morning Herald today

A few items of note in the paper today:

Richard Glover, the lefty but sometimes amusing columnist/broadcaster (I quite like his writings about his family), has a very worthwhile column in which he points out that the media (and politicians) love to let accidents become the story. For example, in relation to the Private Kovco lost CD incident:

The lost CD is not a story about corruption. Or laziness. Or self-interest. Or malevolence. It is the story of an accident. That simple.

By leaving a CD in a computer drive, did the officer indicate disrespect for Private Kovco, or a lack of attention to her work? If anything, the opposite. She grabbed a few minutes before a flight to go over her report...

In ethical terms, who has behaved badly here? The defence officer who fell foul of an accident or the two people who made conscious decisions to make sure that accident had maximum impact?

And in relation to the the aboriginal stories of this week:

On Tuesday night, Mal Brough, the Minister for Indigenous Affairs, said he believed that pedophile rings were operating in some Aboriginal communities.

Everyone agrees there are pedophiles in these communities, and that they turn a blind eye to each other's crimes. Yet some believed Brough had used the wrong word in describing this as a "ring". And so we spent the rest of the week on the topic of whether Brough had accidentally used the wrong word.

Here's what was notable: officials in the Northern Territory seemed more passionate and angry about Brough's verbal accident - variously described as "ignorant", "offensive" and "a disgrace" - than they were about the hideous crimes themselves.

And so we prefer trivia to substance; an accident to a complex debate. Heads must roll. Brough must apologise.

I agree with Richard, but I can't see that he would display the same generosity of spirit towards any errors in intelligence leading to the Iraq War.

Mike Carleton for once says something that is worthwhile, and which seems not to have been said elsewhere (although I haven't paid very close attention to the story). This is about the claims of LTCDR Robyn Fahy that the Navy has treated her very badly (and had a Navy reserve doctor find her mentally ill, when others could not):

But Fahy also claimed she had been beaten up "on a daily basis" while a student at the defence force academy. "I can't remember a day where I wasn't punched, or hit, or slapped, or spat upon," she said.

To my mind and experience, this doesn't ring true. Bashed every day for three years? It stretches credibility, suggesting there are two sides to this story. Which I understand is indeed the case.

But here the Defence Force is in a bind. While Fahy is able to go public - and fair enough - the navy is gagged by the privacy laws, which prevent any detailed response to her.

From what I saw of it, the 7.30 Report story on her expressed no scepticism of this. I also heard Fahy's father, after Labor had called for a full judicial inquiry, say that the family did not want this, they just wanted the Navy to admit a mistake had been made and apologise. This suggested to me that the father thought her daughter's obsession with vindication had become unhealthy. What Carlton says is exactly right; the defence force is in a bind in PR terms in these type of cases, and media attention does nothing to really help the "victim".

Finally, Alan Ramsey continues to earn a pay cheque by writing an opinion piece comprised of enormous slabs of other people's words, and some really clever name calling of politicians (John Howards gets called "toad" today, in what is such a ridiculous introduction I can't be bothered re-printing it.)

Of more interest to me is Ramsey's take on the aboriginal issues. His political analysis is highly nuanced:

The multiplicity of official reports in the last 15 to 20 years dealing specifically or in part with the sexual abuse of Aboriginal children would make you weep. They are there, in government files and on the public record, by the number. What have the politicians done about them? Not a bloody thing, really.

This is "talkback radio" analysis. The point is not that nothing has been attempted in this area at all, just that what has been done has not been working, or (for any programs that have worked, such as the improvements in communities that have gone "dry") they have not been applied widely enough across all States and territories.

No, it's always much more gratifying for Alan to call a politician a name:

And all the ignorant chest-beating that went on this week from John Howard's young Brisbane cabinet minister, Malcolm Brough - who is known behind his back as "Mal-Bro", after the macho cigarette commercial of 25 years ago - disregards the mass of evidence available to government that institutionalised neglect is destroying Aboriginal families and reducing its people to exploited drunks, layabouts and sexual predators. It's not a failure of "law and order", always the easy fallback of lazy politicians with not a clue what else to do.

He's right to the extent that the problems are complex; but he's wrong to pander to lefty activists by suggesting it is all government's fault because not enough is spent on aborigines generally.

And despite this childish swipe a Brough, Ramsey goes on to quote (with approval) an old report that does claim there are pedophile rings in parts of aboriginal Australia:

"The existence of pedophile rings operating in a number of country areas of NSW is a major concern. (One Aboriginal-family-violence worker interviewed, stated she knew of children who had 'disappeared' with men who had driven into towns and taken them away with them.) This problem of predatory behaviour is not just confined to rural NSW, but has been identified as being prevalent nationwide."

Does Ramsay give Brough any credit for bravely saying something that the (Labor) Northern Territory government denies vehemently? Not at all.

Why is he still employed? He has been Australia's most embarrassing "serious" political commentator for so long.


Canadian culture in heavyweight division | Matt Price | The Australian

Matt Price makes me laugh. From this morning's column:

Absurd talk about Bill Shorten being parachuted in to replace Kim Beazley. Why can't people believe the union leader's earnest denials as revealed in interviews with channels Seven, Nine, Ten, SBS, the ABC, community television, Southern Cross radio, Hello, GQ, Better Homes and Gardens, Vanity Fair, Tattoo Monthly, the Beaconsfield Bugle, CNN and anybody else who bothers to ask.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Reading the noosphere

RedOrbit - Science - Can This Black Box See Into the Future?

The Global Consciousness Project does not seem to have attracted much publicity. However, it is the sort of highly speculative science project that appeals to me.

Above is a very non-critical article about it, which quotes quite a few scientist sounding types who are (apparently) believers.

I would not take the article on face value at all, but have a look at the site for the project itself, which is more cautious in its claims.

(The term "noosphere" is explained here.)

A strange one

Turkey is as good a place as any to die: solicitor's journey ends abroad

Controversial gay and drug taking Sydney lawyer John Marsden has died.

I have only ever seen media stories about him, which included some interviews. To me, his character seemed grating in the extreme, yet he had a significant circle of supporters in high places.

I see that High Court judge Michael Kirby will speak at his funeral. Of course, the matter of their sexuality will feature highly.

Now that he is gone, I half expect that with a personal life as hedonistic as Marsden's, there will be some further revelations about his personal affairs.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Get on with it!

Iraq: Dijail Attacks Linked to Saddam Trial

It would appear from the above article that the residents of Dijail are now being terrorised by Saddam loyalists because they are potential witnesses against him:

Dozens of residents of Dijail, about 65 kilometres north of Baghdad in the Salaheddin province, have been abducted or killed in the last two months while travelling along the road to the capital.

The attacks are widely believed to be connected to the case against Saddam and seven of his associates, who are charged with killing 148 people in the town in 1982 following a failed assassination attempt against the former dictator.

The kidnappings and murders began in late March at makeshift roadblocks set up by insurgents near al-Mishahida, a village about 45 kilometres away which is a known centre of the Sunni Arab insurgency....

Some in the town are now regretting their insistence that Saddam stand trial for the 1982 killings.

"If we would have known that this would have happened to us, we would never filed a complaint against Saddam and his deputies," said one man, Ali Essa.

"We've paid the price twice - first in the Eighties and again today."

Read the article for more detail.

This is terrible. I have said before that the longer his trial and execution take (is there anyone who thinks the trial process won't end in that?) the more mayhem there will be from mad loyalists who think there is some hope while ever their leader is alive.

It never seems to be suggested that there is anyone else to fill the vacuum that Saddam's death will create for his followers, so hopefully their motivation for taking revenge attacks will fade quickly.

So - they just have to get with the trial with greater haste than that displayed so far.

Surprising fertility finding

ScienceDaily: Unexpected Results Of Biopsies Performed On Women With Fertility Problems May Hold Hope For Those Trying To Conceive

A very odd unintended result from a medical study:

The team took biopsies at several stages in the menstrual cycles of 12 women with long histories of fertility problems and unsuccessful IVF treatments to see if levels of this protein changed over the course of the cycle.

Indeed, the team's research went according to plan and they found evidence pointing to the protein's role. The surprise came soon after: Of the 12 women participating in the study, 11 became pregnant during the next round of IVF. The idea of biopsy incisions, basically small wounds, leading to such a positive outcome was counterintuitive, and Dekel realized something interesting was happening. She and her team repeated the biopsies, this time on a group of 45 volunteers, and compared the results to a control group of 89 women who did not undergo biopsy. The results were clear: The procedure doubled a woman's chances of becoming pregnant.

Headscarf causes death

CNN.com - Judge shot dead in Turkish court - May 17, 2006

A gunman has killed a prominent judge and wounded four others in Turkey's highest administrative court in an attack he said was in retaliation for a recent ruling against a teacher who wore an Islamic-style headscarf, officials said.
According to witnesses, the lawyer shouted, "Allahu Akbar (God is the greatest). His anger will be upon you!"

Tansel Colasan, deputy head of the administrative court, the Council of State, was quoted by The Associated Press as saying the attacker shouted, "I am the soldier of God," and said he was carrying out the attack to protest the court decision on headscarves.

Another lecture coming

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Iran mocks EU nuclear offer

From the above report:

The Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has rejected European plans to build his country a nuclear reactor in return for it giving up its uranium enrichment programme.

In a hardline speech in the city of Arak, where Iran's only existing nuclear reactor is being constructed, he mocked the plans being developed by the UK, France and Germany...

"Do you think you are dealing with a four-year-old child to whom you can give some walnuts and chocolates and get gold from him?"

And this:

Iranian media reported yesterday that Mr Ahmadinejad was drafting a second letter to Mr Bush.

He seems to have a lot of spare time on his hands for letter writing.

Update: Slate's article about the sort of deals that are apparently being rejected before they are even made is very good.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Gone to the great tea party in the sky

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Pressure on multi-faith Malaysia

The article above is about concerns of non-Muslims in Malaysia that they are "feeling increasingly beleaguered". It's an interesting read on a serious topic.

However, there is an odd bit of information in the article:

Last year the compound of a cult known as the Sky Kingdom was levelled by the authorities, weeks after an attack by a Muslim mob. Many of the cultists are now on trial.

A photo caption refers to this as "the teapot cult". Which, of course, cries out for further investigation.

As usual, Wikipedia covers it. From its article:

Sky Kingdom attracted worldwide mass media attention in mid 2005, over concerns about efforts by the Malaysian government to suppress its followers as apostates from Islam. The controversy brought to light the issue of whether sharia superseded the right to religious freedom under the Malaysian constitution. This attention was coupled with considerable bemusement over followers’ central objects of veneration, which include a large cream-coloured teapot. The teapot is said to symbolise the purity of water and "love pouring from heaven." It is the earthly model of a celestial prototype.

From a different site, here's a photo of the (now demolished) holy teapot:

If this can make it as an object of veneration, why can't the Big Pineapple at Nambour?

Maybe the destruction of the teapot commune got some coverage here at the time it happened, but if so I missed it.

Some ideas on how to deal with Iran

OpinionJournal - From WSJ.com

The above article has some ideas, but they sound far from being assured of success.

Hitchen's most recent article on Iran (and that letter) is well worth reading too.

UPDATE: another very good article on the problem is at Tech Central Station. (No real solution offered, but it points out how, if Bin Laden is anything to go by, Iran will be emboldened and become more of a trouble maker if the US eventually gives up on this issue.)

Something on Huffington worth reading

The Blog | Eugene Volokh: Ward Churchill | The Huffington Post

Not often that I suggest that readers look at Huffington for purposes other than ridicule, but this post on an investigation into nutty professor Ward Churchill is worth reading. (Turns out he took sock puppetry to new heights.)

What does the public think

USA Today Poll Omits Major Point: NSA Didn’t Listen to Calls | NewsBusters.org

An interesting post (and comments) at Newsbusters on how the NSA getting its hand on phone records is going over with the American public.

Can't wait...

Robbie Williams' alien cult plans - Showbiz News - Life Style Extra

Robbie Williams wants to start his own mystical religion... dedicated to extra-terrestrials.
"I'm not going to start it right now because I'm too busy. But I want to do it. I think the cult will have to wait until next year. But it will be free and universal."

The religion would reportedly be aimed at people who share Robbie's long-running fixation with aliens.

Last year the singer claimed the world would soon be invaded by little green men.

He said: "I've been dreaming every night about UFO's. I can't wait to go to sleep at night because those dreams have been so brilliant.

"I think they are definitely on their way, seriously. Mark my words. From now until 2012 - watch out kids."

Aboriginal problems

Dirty big secret | Features | The Australian

Of course the newly publicised stories of sexual abuse in aboriginal communities are appalling.

The article above has lots of complaining that this has been known for a long time, but not much is done. Or if something is done, it is not done well enough. Noel Pearson, for example, says:

...physical or sexual abuse of children is "totally reprehensible and not acceptable in any community". Parents who neglect their children and allow them to become targets of sexual predators are also culpable.

"We proposed this to government and got no response," Pearson says. "It transpired that police stop investigations into abuse when they talk to the families and are told they do not know anything about the incident. They are not persisted with. The police basically stop the investigation. Anybody who possesses information of an assault on a child should have to give that information."

Pearson says the Queensland Government had not assisted by appointing community justice groups comprising local elders but giving them no support. "We asked for laws to be changed so that members of the justice groups could not be abused or sworn at, but that never happened. Why should an old woman be sworn at when she is walking down the street, just because she is trying to do something for her community by being on the justice group? We sought to have them protected, but that just never happened."

But Noel, how do the police force a family to co-operate in interviews over how their kiddie got an STD? And how do you protect a local elder in such small communities from verbal abuse? A continous police escort?

I feel so sorry for the police who have to deal with these communities.

It certainly does seem that there is a reluctance to remove children from aboriginal parents in situations where there would be no hesitation at all if it was a white family.

The whole basic problem comes down to communities rendered dysfunctional by a combination of having no participation in an economy, rampant drug abuse, and unresolved cutural issues that are not helped by trying to keep one foot in the past and one in the present.

While there are no easy answers, surely it would help if there was renewed effort to make more communities alcohol free, free from petrol sniffing (with that petrol you can't sniff), no hesitation to removing children who are obviously being sexually abused (eg those who have an STD) into care (even if they have to be sent a great distance away,) and large incentive for all children to be educated away from these communities. The benefit of educating them away from home is that it might encourage the communities that can't be so easily just "shut down" might fade away gradually due to the kids realising there is a better world out there.

Even though I have no knowledge of aboriginal communities other than through the media, surely these ideas are just common sense?

Friends in low places

Red all over: Bono makes poverty his story for a day - World - smh.com.au

So, Bono gets to play news editor for a day. This part of the story is interesting:

Among the paper's other big-name interviews of the day was Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez who told the Independent that the Zimbabwean leader, Robert Mugabe, "is my friend. He has been demonised too much".

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Mark Steyn on NSA and phone records

To connect the dots, you have to see the dots

From Steyn's article (which, as one would expect, questions the fuss over this) :

Sen. Pat Leahy (D-Vt.) feels differently. "Look at this headline," huffed the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee. "The secret collection of phone call records of tens of millions of Americans. Now, are you telling me that tens of millions of Americans are involved with al-Qaida?"

No. But next time he's flying from D.C. to Burlington, Vt., on a Friday afternoon he might look at the security line: Tens of millions of Americans are having to take their coats and shoes off! Are you telling me that tens of millions of ordinary shoe-wearing Americans are involved with al-Qaida?

Steyn must have been first choice to have on your high school debating team.

Meanwhile out in the universe...

New Scientist SPACE - Breaking News - Biggest map of universe reveals colossal structures

From the story above:

Both studies confirm that the galaxy distribution and structures of the universe match best the models in which normal matter makes up only a few percent of the universe, with about one-quarter taken up by dark matter and the rest dark energy.

"With new measurements, our emerging picture of a universe dominated by dark matter and dark energy had a chance to fall on its face," says Uros Seljak, another Princeton. "Instead, it passed a new test with flying colours."

HIV in Japan

The Japan Times Online

The editorial from the Japan Times above contains a few surprises:

Last year the total number of those infected with HIV in Japan hit a record 6,560 (of which 4,673 were Japanese nationals), following an unprecedented 1,165 (of which 698 were Japanese) new infections reported in 2004, the most recent data available.

Notice how seemingly important it is for this article to distinguish between foreigners and Japanese with HIV? Japanese suspicions of foreigners being more disease ridden than "pure" Japanese is confirmed again.

Anyway, the rate of new infections in Japan in 2004 is not too bad for its population. Australia had 818 new HIV diagnoses and 239 AIDS diagnoses in the same year, but with about one sixth of the population. The total Australian HIV cases seems to be about 20,000.

By the way, from that Australian link, notice how the HIV diagnoses rate has jumped around for the last 10 years? Quite a big leap from 2000 to 2001 (I wonder what the reason for that blip could be), but basically there is quite an intractable rate of a minimum of around 650 each and every year. Far too many still for what is an entirely preventable disease, hey.

Anyway, back to Japan:

The term "sexual intercourse" has reportedly been banned in classrooms through repeated directives issued by the education ministry. And yet, educational authorities appear blinded to the fact that, in today's Japan, children grow up in an environment awash with distorted images of sex in manga, in magazines, on the Internet and on television, all of which make some young people overly interested in sex.

The first sentence is a little surprising. The second is somewhat true, although I would not say that on television there seems to have much emphasis on sex.

Then the editorial has this:

On a positive note, professor Montagnier maintains that a strong immunity resulting from a healthy lifestyle minimizes the HIV infection risk as the virus is not highly contagious, unlike other sexually transmitted diseases. This is why the poor -- who often have low immunity resulting from under-nourishment -- are the most vulnerable. The unhealthy eating habits of today's youths could also put them at a greater risk."

Maybe eating McDonalds leaves you more open to catching HIV?

Sounds like a highly questionable thing to be saying in an article criticising HIV education.

Watch out Mickey!

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Shadow over sunshine state as three women killed in a week

Imagine the publicity there would be here if there were 3 separate crocodile attacks around, say, Cairns, in a week.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Back to black hole evaporation

0604196.pdf (application/pdf Object)

I do a quick search of the Arxiv site every month or so to see what is new on black holes. The very recent paper above concludes with this:

The primordial black holes in the early universe might have longer lifetime than the lifetime predicted by Hawking (2) because they were submerged in dense soup of matter. Those surviving primordial black holes may be part of the dark matter in our universe. Equations (4) and (6) also suggest that one may be able to exchange information with an observer inside the black hole (15) [if she or he is alive.] in principle by modulating HBC.

This seems potentially relevant to my earlier posts about proper risk assessment not (apparently) being done with respect to micro black holes at CERN. (As you may recall, the "risk assessment" paper that was done seemed to rely solely on such black holes evaporating via Hawking radiation before they could concieveably cause any trouble.)

Of course, I don't understand the paper in any detail at all. Perhaps if I understood it properly, the delay in evaporation the author talks about might not apply to micro black holes. Furthermore, I have no way of knowing whether the paper is fundamentally credible or not. (As I understand it, the people who run Arxiv do not have a perfect system to stop quasi-scientific nutter's papers from appearing there. As a rule of thumb, I trust papers with several authors more readily than those by single authors.)

Anyway, it still seems to support my basic concern about whether all possiblities have properly been looked into about the fate of micro black holes that might be created at CERN.

Where will Santa live?

Guardian Unlimited | Science | Meltdown fear as Arctic ice cover falls to record winter low

From the article:

The summer and winter ice levels are the lowest since satellite monitoring began in 1979, and almost certainly the lowest since local people began keeping records around 1900. The pace of decline since 2003, if continued, would see the Arctic totally ice-free in summer within 30 years - though few scientists would stake their reputations on a long-term trend drawn from only three years.

Oddly, I can't find other versions of this story on the internet yet. I guess they are coming.

Edging closer to Tom (a sort of movie review)

I still didn't get to see Mission Impossible III this weekend just gone. But there was a Tom Cruise connection: I saw "The Interpreter" (with Nicole Kidman) on cable.

I knew that it had received reasonable but not ecstatic reviews, and I must say that I quite enjoyed it, even with the presence of Sean Penn and a script that was, shall we say, trying a little too hard to be earnest in places. But it did have the pleasures of a big Hollywood movie: a big scale (lots of filming inside the UN itself,) some sequences of genuine tension, and Nicole Kidman looking just gorgeous.

It does give the impression of the UN (particularly the General Assembly) being a useful forum, and in that sense it was well and truly dated even before the script was written. (Presumably they had to make the UN look good to get permission to film there.) Also, the interior of the UN looked very fresh and sparkly. I visited there as a tourist in about 1980, and it looked generally run down and in bad need of new carpet and fresh coats of paint. Have they actually spent money on refurbishing it in the the last 25 years? Or is it just good lighting in the movie?

I had also forgotten that, according to Mark Steyn, the script had initially had Islamists as the villains. This was changed to be more of a Rwandan type African crisis at the heart of the politics of the story.

Oh well, it still seemed to serve the plot well enough.

Not a perfect film, but enjoyable enough.

Sheehan on Shorten

Dollar signs turn survivors into heroes - Paul Sheehan - Opinion - smh.com.au

Paul Sheehan takes a very cynical look at the whole mines affair (he even seems to think it is rather distasteful of the rescued to be taking about money.)

What interests me, though, is Sheehan's take on the media savvy (and potential future Labor Party leader) Bill Shorten:

Shorten is entitled to take whatever the media will give him. He did his job well and may be a good bloke, but it needs to be pointed out that he harvested a massive amount of credulous treacle from the media and the normally feral letter-writers simply for spinning a public relations job on behalf of a union which is part of a larger power structure, the militant, trench-warfare Victorian union culture that Shorten has shown no signs of wanting to reform.

For this is the same Bill Shorten who comes out of the Victorian Labor Right faction led by Australia's political Frankenstein, Senator Stephen Conroy. The same Bill Shorten who recently engineered a safe, red-ribbon seat in Federal Parliament by the usual route of branch-stacking, factional deals and backstabbing, tipping out Bob Sercombe, the soon to be ex federal member for Maribyrnong. The same Bill Shorten backed by Victorian state MP, George Seitz, described in The Age on Saturday as "perhaps Victoria's worst, certainly its most crafty and long-lived, practitioner [of branch-stacking]". The same Bill Shorten supported by Sang Nguyen, long-time mobiliser of Vietnamese votes for Senator Conroy's factional wars.

I don't think Sheehan feels all that kindly towards him.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

How not to write an Australian film script

Quest to write the Great Australian Script - Film - Entertainment - smh.com.au

This article in the SMH today has lots of people offering lots of reasons as to why Australian films often seem to have bad scripts. All of these sound plausible to me, as there happens to be an enormous black spot in my cinematic tastes, called "Australian film."

I can't say that I have ever seen an Australian film that I would say has risen above mediocre. Of course, having established this taste by the time I was about 20, I haven't spent a lot of time seeking out Australian films. (But I am always interested in reviews of films whether I intend to see them or not, so I at least know a little bit about most films released.)

It is entirely possible that they have been ones made in the last 20 years that I might like, but then again that would cause a crisis in cinematic belief system. Anyway, it can be more fun to be cranky and unreasonable.

One thing about Australia films not really mentioned in the SMH article, and which bothers me, is their frequently claustrophobic physical scale. Even a "routine" relatively low budget American film will often have busy city street scenes, scenes at train stations, banks or somewhere with lots of actual people in the background. Which is what real life is actually like, for most of us.

It seems to me to be extremely common place that nearly all Australian movies (not counting American movies being made here), even if outdoors, will still not show busy outdoor scenes.

Of course, this is all part of the cost of making a film, and even the cheapest American product is much more expensive than your average Aussie one. So to the extent that it is hard to raise money for Aussie films, it can't be helped. (I wonder if it is hard to get unpaid extras for an Australian film?) It is still a reason why, more often than not, watching an Australian film puts me in mind of watching a play rather than watching cinema.

Finally, in the interests of balance, I have said before that Hollywood is going through a particularly barren number of years at the moment too. Still, I would have to say that mediocre Hollywood is more engaging than mediocre Australian.

Friday, May 12, 2006

On the NSA listening in..

Much outrage in the US about the NSA potentially working out who rings who. I am sure someone else has probably said it already, but anyway:

Since Eschelon became known, (since about 1988, according to an article here,) it's been a fair assumption that just about anyone's call anywhere in the world could potentially be being listened to.

Why did Presidents Reagan, Bush and Clinton not wear any wave of criticism for this?

The fact that such intelligence stuff goes on doesn't matter much if it it is not being abused, although admittedly it will always have the potential for abuse.

Frankly, at least while ever the world retains the capacity to bomb itself back to the stone age, having really, really good intelligence seems a very good idea, and worth the risk of abuse.

And one good thing about democracies: there are lots of opportunity for actual abuse to be disclosed. No? Well at the moment, what we are seeing is plenty of leaking about the mere potential for abuse.

Expensive, but handy

Skype offers interpreting service In 150 languages - Telco/ISP - www.itnews.com.au:

Skype has teamed up with two firms to provide an interpreters service in more than 150 languages for callers using the VoIP service...

The service is touted as being available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, at a cost of US$2.99 a minute.

How is it relevant?

California okays lessons on gays in textbooks�|�Reuters.com

The above story (short version: California's state Senate passed a bill on Thursday that would require textbooks in public schools to instruct students on contributions by gays and lesbians in the state's development) sounds too bizarre to be true.

How on earth is a person's sexual orientation relevant to what they have contributed to a state's development? But perhaps the bigger objection is to the compulsion to include it. Talk about going out of your way to upset your conservative constituents.

Own your own spaceship

Private spaceflight | Rocket renaissance | Economist.com

Interesting article on various plans for privately run sub-orbital spaceships. I wish it had more pictures, though.

Still under investigation

Health experts say cause for concern over "abortion pill"�|�Reuters.com

As a post here noted before, (I am going by memory here because the newspaper article link is no longer working) the problem is that the abortion pill's normal effects can mask what is actually an infection.

Black holes and extra dimensions

New Scientist SPACE - Breaking News - When is a black hole like a dripping faucet?

Perhaps this is relevant to my previous posts about the uncertainties involved in creating micro black holes in particle accelerators.

What worries me is that so much about how they would behave seems unknown or unclear, and that this seems likely to still be the case when they might start to pop into existence at CERN in a year or so.