Monday, August 11, 2008

Anti-China round up

With the Olympics underway, it's interesting to note some of the recent anti-China commentary by people who refuse to be taken in by a good opening ceremony. (Well, I assume it was good.)

First, Nick Cohen rips into China as being an environmental disaster zone (my words, not his), and yet his ability to annoy Guardian readers still means that many in the comments section have rushed to criticise him.

Next, a Tory (Edward McMillan-Scott) also writes in The Guardian reminding us of China's human rights abuses, and in particular the unresolved matter of whether Falun Gong members are (or were) the subject of organ harvesting. (I mentioned this allegation, which is believed by some quite credible sounding Canadian investigators, 2 years ago on this blog, noting then that it was a topic which seems to attract little attention in the West. Nothing much has changed, it would seem). Of course, the fact that a Tory should write about human rights is just too much for some Guardian readers, and there is one amusing comment to the effect that because Conservatives supported Pinochet, they have no right complaining about China!

Thirdly, Mark Mardue in The Age complains that business interests are only too willing to support the China government and its abuses. He also believes that it is by no means clear that the current crop of young adults will have reforming zeal:
Brought up in a post-Mao era and a system that blanketed out events like Tiananmen Square, talk of such historical moments is as tiresome and vague to them as Woodstock and Altamont are to Western youth. Indeed, young Chinese regard Tiananmen as the ultimate in sentimental Western fantasies, a cliche we hook ourselves on to slight their country's ascendancy.

It's unclear how much the Government will be able to ride the nationalist fervour of this new generation, and how much it has the potential of creating instability even for it.

I don't know. I think instability is still pretty likely.

As for the kids?

Aborigines 'healthier living in country' - Yahoo!7 News

According to the report:

Keeping Aboriginal people actively involved in homeland settlements also offers significant benefits to the environment, said senior economist David Campbell.

"We're finding clear evidence that working `on country' has benefits for the health of Aboriginal people and for the nation," said Dr Campbell from the Desert Knowledge Cooperative Research Centre.

He has presented the initial findings of the Livelihoods inLandTM project deep in the heart of Arnhem Land.

Speaking to a gathering of politicians, journalists, tourists and Aborigines at the Garma Festival, Dr Campbell said: "It's a win-win-win proposition."

"The health benefits in terms of reducing levels of high blood pressure, diabetes and kidney disease are quite striking when people are actively engaged in looking after their country," he said.

Hundreds of tiny settlements, with populations of less than 50 people, dot the territory outback.

What about kids who are in these settlements? Surely they can't expect a good education that way, without heading off to a boarding school? If their parents live an extra 10 or 20 years, that's a good thing, but it would have to be balanced against any reduction in opportunity that it involves for the children.

More work for Qantas PR

Drunken Qantas hostie 'causes mass evacuation' - News - Travel -

Would have been funnier if it was a plane that had to be evacuated, but still...

Flakey celebrity news

McConaughey to plant his baby's placenta - Yahoo!7 News

It's good when some actor you never liked anyway turns out to have some flakey New Age-y ideas:
Matthew McConaughey says he has kept the placenta from the July birth of his son and plans to plant it in an orchard, in keeping with what he says is an Australian Aboriginal tradition.

Ice watch

Arctic meltdown could set new record

According to this story, 2008 may yet end up as a bad year for Arctic ice melting:
....the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center, the world's leading satellite monitor of ice conditions in the Arctic Ocean, is now hedging its earlier bets that this year's Arctic ice minimum - typically reached in mid-September - would not be as extreme as last year, when 14 million square kilometres of sea ice shrank to just over four million between March and September.

It's now a "neck-and-neck race between 2007 and this year over the issue of ice loss," Mark Serreze, a senior climate researcher at the Colorado-based NSIDC, told the U.K.'s Guardian newspaper on Sunday. "We thought Arctic ice cover might recover after last year's unprecedented melting - and indeed the picture didn't look too bad last month."

But recent storms in the Beaufort region "triggered steep ice losses," he said, "and it now looks as if it will be a very close call indeed whether 2007 or 2008 is the worst year on record for ice cover over the Arctic."

The Canadian government's chief observers of Arctic ice conditions are expressing amazement at the state of the Beaufort Sea.

"We've never seen any kind of opening like this in history," CIS senior ice forecaster Luc Desjardins said of the Beaufort's exceptional loss of ice this summer. "It is not only record-setting, it's unprecedented. It doesn't resemble anything that we've observed before."

I'm sure Andrew Bolt is following with interest.

A Dowd column worth reading

Op-Ed Columnist - Keeping It Rielle - Op-Ed -

You should read Maureen Dowd's column on John Edward's confession. It's very biting, and funny:

Even in confessing to preening, Edwards was preening. His diagnosis of narcissism was weirdly narcissistic, or was it self-narcissistic? Given his diagnosis, I’m sure his H.M.O. would pay.

The creepiest part of his creepy confession was when he stressed to Woodruff that he cheated on Elizabeth in 2006 when her cancer was in remission. His infidelity was oncologically correct.

Art and water don't mix

Creating solutions to a water crisis - International Herald Tribune

This is what happens when artists are invited to look at the issue of water management:
Taking pride of place in the garden is Pig Toilet, an experimental dry sanitation project devised by the Dutch artists Atelier Van Lieshout. It combines a pigpen with a human toilet, the contents of which are eaten by the pigs, rather than being flushed away and wasting water. "It sounds disgusting, but it works," said Crawford. "In the 19th century there was a vigorous debate between the advantages of dry and wet sanitation systems. The urgh! factor is the reason why wet systems won, but dry sanitation was a perfectly workable solution."
Well, we're just lucky we don't have Peter Greenaway doing an installation on avoiding a world food crisis.

No comment needed

No-nose Bicycle Saddles Improve Penile Sensation And Erectile Function In Bicycling Police Officers

Weekend thoughts

Olympics Opening Ceremony: I fell asleep sometime around the puppets making an appearance. The commentator said that this section had originally been intended to be much bigger, but it had been cut back. Pity really. With Gerry Anderson as an adviser they could have mounted a puppet re-enactment of some important ancient Chinese war, and probably kept me awake.

I woke up briefly to see athletes making an entrance. As this was predicted to take 2 hours, I went to bed, thinking I could catch the highlights in the morning.

Of course, being held only once every 4 years, I had forgotten that television rights to the Olympics are so closely guarded that if you miss the live broadcast, and perhaps one repeat on the network that secured the rights, you get to see absolutely nothing on the world's media the next day. (Well, I think I saw 10 seconds of the opening drums, and 3 seconds of someone on a harness lighting the torch.) Maybe I will never know what I missed out on.

Back to those massed drums. Whenever I see lots of young Chinese men, it reminds me of the forthcoming Testosterone Crisis (TM). China will either have significant unrest in 10 to 20 years because of its ridiculous gender imbalance, or supplant Great Britain and become the gayest nation on earth. Or possibly both.

Of course, this will also be around the time of the Carbon Wars (TM), but the internal unrest will make the taking out its coal plants much easier.

I think I have a future as a stupid futurist.

The Weather: Geez, after a mild July, August in Brisbane has been unusually cold. Sitting in evening air at Machinery Hill at the Ekka on Saturday was the coldest I have felt there for many a year. Further report on that outing due later today.

The Prime Minister: I don't think it's just my personal reaction here. After watching him swan around the Olympics, hanging out with sport stars and celebrities, and reporting on overheard conversations between important people he got to sit near, I feel confident that no one on either side of politics much likes Kevin Rudd at a personal level. For the Left he is, at best, the Prime Minister-we-had-to-have-to-get-the-Liberals-out-of-office. They forgave Keating's personality defects because he was their "big ideas" guy, and his invective amused them. That doesn't wash with Kevin.

He certainly comes across as kind of immature for a national leader, I reckon. I am very sceptical that poll approval numbers reflect genuine affection for him in the populace.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sensitive Arabs

Nissan orders Israeli ally to pull commercial | The Japan Times Online
JERUSALEM (Kyodo) Nissan Motor Co. has ordered its Israeli business ally to immediately stop airing a television commercial depicting Arab oil barons angered at the high fuel efficiency of a Nissan car, officials of the automaker said Thursday...

The major Israeli paper Haaretz, in its online edition, showed video footage of a news program on Saudi Arabia's MBC TV that quoted a Saudi representative as saying that Persian Gulf states may boycott Nissan unless it apologizes.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Odd thing hits Needles

Here's an interesting bit of TV News from Las Vegas. Sounds like something odd happened out in the desert earlier this year.

But perhaps the best thing about watching this is just looking at how, um, attractive the town of Needles looks:

UPDATE: The comment about Needles was meant to be sarcasm, in case anyone didn't realise. But then, maybe I was too harsh about the town: from the photo with this article, it looks like you can buy a nice enough house facing the river. But then again, it does say this:
"Have you been downtown?" asked City Councilman Richard Pletcher. "It's like little Hiroshima. It's HiroNeedles."

Resentment has been mounting for years, but the county's decision to reduce the Colorado River Medical Center, the town's once proud hospital, to a small urgent-care facility has sparked open rebellion. Needles is now considering leaving California to join Nevada or Arizona or to create its own independent county.

"This is not a publicity stunt. We are serious about secession,"
Just what we need: the new micro-nation of Needles!

UPDATE 2: from the dark recesses of my brain, I just recalled that Snoopy's brother Spike came from Needles. (I Googled that link to confirm my hunch.) The fact that this snippet of information was still there to be retrieved gives me confidence that my aging brain is not too decrepit, yet.

Talk about bad timing

Greyhound scraps ads about worry-free bus travel - Yahoo! News
Greyhound has scrapped a billboard ad campaign that extols the relaxing upside of bus travel in the wake of a bus attack in Canada where a man beheaded and cannibalized another passenger.

The ad's punchline was "There's a reason you've never heard of 'bus rage.'"

...he's just a naughty boy

Ex-spy claims to be ‘new Messiah’ - Gazette Live

A FORMER spy claimed he was the new messiah in a “Sermon on the Mount” on top of Roseberry Topping.

Middlesbrough-born David Shayler, who was jailed in 2002 for leaking secrets including allegations the secret services plotted to assassinate Libyan Leader Colonel Gaddafi, preached to a handful of climbers during the sermon last night.

I like this part the best:

Reiterating his claims to be the new Messiah, Mr Shayler admitted people “might find it strange” for this to happen in Middlesbrough.

He said: “When people think of Middlesbrough, they tend to think of unemployment, child abuse and a failing football team. But I want to set the record straight.

“Why not promote Shayler as the Messiah and get people here on pilgrimages?”

The story has photos of the new Messiah in action too.

An uneven Word

This segment from Colbert a couple of nights ago is of wildly uneven quality. One of the jokes well and truly outlives its welcome, and early on it probably has a greater liberal smart arse quality to it than is usual for the show. But then, at about 3 minutes in, it becomes very funny.

(Not sure if that video link is working right. Will check it again later.)

Catholics don't like Obama

'Catholic problem' dogs Obama and Democrats - International Herald Tribune

I didn't know this:
The problem is all the more compelling for the Democrats because Senator Barack Obama, their likely nominee, lost the Catholic vote badly to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton - like Obama a supporter of abortion rights - during the primaries in states like New Hampshire, Missouri and Ohio. In Pennsylvania, Catholic voters preferred Clinton to Obama by a 40-point margin.
The report puts it down to Obama being seen as being very liberal on abortion rights, but I wonder if there is more to it than that.

Poor Indians

Everything in India is changing but treatment of the poor - International Herald Tribune

The opening sets the scene:

MUMBAI: Here in the Taj Mahal Palace and Tower, the doyen of this city's hotels, what you think of the new India may depend on whether you are the person having soap squeezed onto your hands or the person squeezing the soap.

In every men's washroom at the Taj is a helper. As you approach the sink, he salutes you. Before you can turn on the tap, he does it for you. Before you can apply soap, he presses the dispenser. Before you can get a towel, he dangles one. As you leave, he salutes you again and mutters: "Right, sir. O.K., sir. Thank you, sir."

It's the salutes that really appeal to me.

Domestic workers apparently sleep in the hallway:
At 1 a.m. back in the boss's apartment building, the hallways are often covered with bodies. They belong to servants and sweepers who work inside by day but sleep outside by night, who clean the toilets but would not dare use them. They learn to sleep on cold tile, with tenants stepping over them when returning from Champagne-soaked evenings out.
As you can see, the article is about how those who are getting richer in India still treat the poor very badly, and there is a new film on the the subject. I like this comment by a viewer from the middle class:
The film was good but "one-sided," he said: "Maybe there are 70 percent of the people who treat them bad, but there are 30 percent who treat them good."

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Not encouraging

Airline cockpit blackouts are not being tackled - New Scientist Tech
In the Airbus A320, failures of the primary wiring system carrying power to the cockpit have not always led to the backup system kicking in automatically, leaving pilots dangerously distracted as they struggle to restore normality. This happened on 37 flights up to May 2007, prompting Airbus to publish a modification to the A320's electrical system.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The bigger picture

Remember the reaction by Ellen DeGeneres to the shooting earlier this year in California of a 15 year old self-proclaimed gay boy Larry King? It's here if you missed it. According to the ever- emotional Ellen, it was all about gay hate and discrimination.

Before I continue, the usual disclaimer (of course he didn't deserve to die.) But, as I suspected at the time, the unseemly rush to embrace this case by gay groups as an example of the poor treatment of homosexuals was a ridiculous over-simplification.

Newsweek bravely runs a long account on the background of the late Larry King. According to the article, he had various diagnoses of psychological problems as a child (ADHD, "reactive attachment disorder", autism). He started telling students he was gay when he was 10. He hung out with girls. By 12, he was on probation for a vandalising a tractor and in counselling. At 14, he told his (adoptive?) father that he was bisexual. His father says he did not reject his son because of this, but Larry started telling teachers his father was hitting him. Authorities put him in a group home, and he was taken to gay youth group meetings.

He started dressing like a girl, wearing make up to school and stilettos (!). (Do they allow girls to wear stilettos?) He told his mother he wanted a sex change operation. The article strongly indicates that he was not exactly shy and retiring about these changes:
....teachers were baffled that Larry was allowed to draw so much attention to himself. "All the teachers were complaining, because it was disruptive," says one of them. "Dress code is a huge issue at our school. We fight [over] it every day." Some teachers thought Larry was clearly in violation of the code, which prevents students from wearing articles of clothing considered distracting. When Larry wore lipstick and eyeliner to school for the first time, a teacher told him to wash it off, and he did. But the next day, he was back wearing even more. Larry told the teacher he could wear makeup if he wanted to. He said that Ms. Epstein told him that was his right.
Ms Epstein, an assistant principal, is gay herself, and is seen by some of the other teachers as having been far too encouraging of Larry. One teacher complained:
She [the teacher] was approached by several boys in her class who said that Larry had started taunting them in the halls—"I know you want me," he'd say—and their friends were calling them gay.
Ms Epstein appears to have generally downplayed the prospect of any action.

The most amazing story of teacher support for Larry is this:
One teacher was very protective of Larry, his English teacher, Mrs. Boldrin. To help Larry feel better about moving to Casa Pacifica, she brought Larry a present: a green evening dress that once belonged to her own daughter. Before school started, Larry ran to the bathroom to try it on. Then he showed it to some of his friends, telling them that he was going to wear it at graduation.
There's plenty more in the article; it's a fascinating read.

The thing is, Ellen got this story completely wrong. Assuming the reporting is basically accurate, (yes I know, perhaps a risky assumption) it shows how amazingly willing the Californian education and child protection system was to accommodate and even encourage a troubled, possibly gay, possibly transgender boy, who insisted that he live out his perceived sexual or gender identity in a highly attention seeking fashion since before he was even a teenager.

His killer had a troubled background too, from a broken home with drugs and domestic violence featuring. His was left alone a lot, and seems to have an unusually detailed knowledge of Nazi Germany. He was, in short, far from your typical example of how a modern, half-way well adjusted American teenage boy would react to silly taunts by a cross dressing boy such as Larry gave out.

Anti-harassment strategies in schools in America seem so to have gone so far that they are emphasising sexual identity issues rather than de-emphasising them, which I would have thought is the more appropriate attitude for the education system.

Here's my simple version of a school policy for sexuality issues, based on privacy:

1. You are all too young to be having sex anyway, you know.
2. You've likely got 60 years ahead of you, as an adult, to work out who you are and who you want to sleep with.
3. We therefore don't care who you're currently attracted to, or even what gender you think you are or should be, and no one else needs to know either. For all you know, your feelings about all this may change in future anyway.
4. You have the right to privacy as to your feelings, and that right should and will be respected. No harassment over presumptions about your sexual feelings will be tolerated.
5. Just get on with some learning, hey?

Sort of a "don't ask, don't tell" policy I guess.

Update: Doesn't it seem that there is an enormous amount of wasted time the American school system could save itself in policing dress codes by introducing student uniforms? What exactly is the reason uniforms seem to have never existed there in the public system?

Solar "superstorms"

Bracing the Satellite Infrastructure for a Solar Superstorm: Scientific American

I don't think that I had heard about the 1859 "once in 500 years" solar superstorm before:
As night was falling across the Americas on Sunday, August 28, 1859, the phantom shapes of the auroras could already be seen overhead. From Maine to the tip of Florida, vivid curtains of light took the skies. Startled Cubans saw the auroras directly overhead; ships’ logs near the equator described crimson lights reaching halfway to the zenith. Many people thought their cities had caught fire. Scientific instruments around the world, patiently recording minute changes in Earth’s magnetism, suddenly shot off scale, and spurious electric currents surged into the world’s telegraph systems.
Well, at least it would save me the cost of a long trip from Brisbane to see an aurora. The downside: it's quite possible that it could knock out the electricity grid for weeks:
According to studies by John G. Kappenman of Metatech Corporation, the magnetic storm of May 15, 1921, would have caused a blackout affecting half of North America had it happened today. A much larger storm, like that of 1859, could bring down the entire grid. Other industrial countries are also vulnerable, but North America faces greater danger because of its proximity to the north magnetic pole. Because of the physical damage to transformers, full recovery and replacement of damaged components might take weeks or even months. Kappenman testified to Congress in 2003 that “the ability to provide meaningful emergency aid and response to an impacted population that may be in excess of 100 million people will be a difficult challenge.”
This seems a good excuse to see what videos of aurora can be found on Youtube. I want to see real-time video too; usually you see time lapse stuff and it doesn't give you much idea of how quickly the aurora move and change.

Here's a clip which seems to give a good idea of their real time appearance: