Friday, May 05, 2006

It's all about fun

BBC NEWS | Health | Britons 'put fun before babies'

Meanwhile in Britain:

The Guardian poll suggested that those quizzed were aware of women's declining fertility, but that they had to balance financial and work pressures against this.

However, most men (64%) and most women (51%) said it was more important for women to enjoy themselves than have children.

A majority also said they believed doing well at work and earning money can count for more than bringing up children.

The report says nothing about how this poll was taken. I suspect that if it was of readers of the left leaning newspaper, the results would be skewed against having children.

The Family Planning Association seems to downplay the fact that people waiting too long means not many people at all soon enough:

A spokeswoman for the Family Planning Association said things had changed both for women and men, with more choices and opportunities open to both.

"There are more things you can do in life, such as going off travelling and going to university.

"But it's actually quite a responsible thing to do, to wait until you are financially secure before having a family so that you can provide for your children."

This may be a reason for delaying children until you are able to work, but otherwise this line of thinking ("we can't start yet, we would have to put off that 3 month holiday in France") is really what fertility experts are trying to warn against.

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