Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Cyclists limp home (yuk yuk yuk)

The cyclist's tight spot - Los Angeles Times

For all you ever wanted to know about cycling and sexual problems, read this article.

Actually, it indicates that it doesn't exactly affect a huge number of cyclists, but at perhaps 5%, it does seem a bit of a risk.

Here's some odd extracts from the story:

Because road cyclists lean forward on their bikes for better aerodynamic efficiency, Minkow later added a cutout in the nose of the saddle to relieve pressure on the perineum in this position. He is currently working on a design to help male triathletes, who pedal in an extreme forward aerodynamic lean. In that position, "you're riding on your penis," Minkow says...

In a study of 17 riders published in 2005 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, researchers at the Boston University School of Medicine found that straddling a bike seat with a nose significantly reduced blood velocity in the arteries to the penis by more than 95%, but that sitting on a "two cheek" noseless saddle had virtually no adverse effect....

To this day, Goldstein says bicycles should come with a warning label, similar to those on cigarette packs, that cycling may cause impotence.

Well, just as long as they don't start adding photos to the warning like they do for cigarettes.


Anonymous said...

Check out the website:

for safe saddles.

Also see US Government research on the subject


Anonymous said...

5% is 1 out of 20! Also if you read the story the 4-5% is complete impotence. The rate for sexual problems is much higher.