Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Not so long ago

Research team says extraterrestrial impact to blame for Ice Age extinctions

From this report:
No one has found a giant crater in the Earth that could attest to such a cataclysmic impact 13,000 years ago, but the research team offers evidence of a comet, two and a half to three miles in diameter, that detonated 30 to 60 miles above the earth, triggering a massive shockwave, firestorms and a subsequent drastic cooling effect across most of North America and northern Europe....

The magnitude of the detonations would have been huge.

“A hydrogen bomb is the equivalent of about 100 to 1,000 megatons,” Bunch said. “The detonations we’re talking about would be about 10 million megatons. That’s larger than the simultaneous detonation of all the world’s nuclear bombs past and present.”

That's a lot of energy.

But let's not spend a paltry million dollars a year to help track down dangerous space objects heading our way, hey Peter McGauran. Just keep looking after the horsies with a $110 million plus assistance package.

I still think the horses are faking it for a rest. Go get a real job, horse people.*

* Readers are advised that this blog has an official policy of encouraging irrational dislike of horses.


Caz said...

I encourage rational dislike of clowns, because clowns are evil.

But horses?


Anonymous said...

Are we talking horses or horse racing ?
Horses i like, racing i don't
To assist the racing industry is akin to sending money to clubs after a blackout to compensate for their lack of pokie earnings
Damn ridiculous

Steve said...

I am actually kind of proud of likely having the only post ever on the internet which combines worry about the earth being hit by an asteroid, and a strong dislike of horses.

Caz, I don't consider horses evil (although I leave that open as a possibility). No, they're just stupid and useless. They probably contribute a hell of a lot of greenhouse gases too: I need to do some research into that.