Thursday, December 06, 2007

Ken leads the charge

Australia can lead the way on climate - Opinion -

Kenneth Davidson tells us how important it is for Australia to commit to really serious greenhouse gas cuts. He doesn't say it directly, but notes that developed countries will have to cut emissions by at least 90% by 2050! (That is, to keep temperature increases to within 1.5 degrees.)

How can this massive figure be achieved? Ken starts with the far from obvious:
Here in Victoria the authorities might think twice about the Port Phillip channel deepening to avoid facilitating sea-level rises and tidal surges
Does that make any sense? How would not deepening the Port Phillip Bay channel prevent local sea level rise?

Ken claims that public opinion is way ahead of the politicians on climate change. I say that is only because no one, including Ken, has yet told the public how incredibly hard big greenhouse reductions will be.

1 comment:

hc said...

I noticed that comment about the channel. Very weird.