Friday, June 20, 2008

The glowing pony, and other physics news

'Abundant health from radioactive waste' -

Physics World notes a recent paper prompting radiation hormesis (the idea, supported by at least some studies, that exposure to just the right low levels of radiation is actually good for you.)

The paper comes up with some novel suggestions:
In his paper, Luckey goes so far as to suggest that schools be built "in used nuclear power plants", and children be given sculptures that are impregnated with nuclear waste to boost their exposure to radiation (and their health). He does caution, "However, children should not ride [sculptures of] radioactive ponies for more than a few minutes every day".
Yet another reason to go nuclear!

Also on the Physics World blog, they have an update on the suspiciously under-reported recent Japanese demonstration of what might be a form of cold fusion, and an article pointing out that Canada is building another couple of nuclear reactors.

We seem to be slipping well behind the technology stakes when even Canada has more of a nuclear industry than us.


Caz said...

Seeing as Rudd's new found goal in life seems to be to abolish anything nuclear, don't wait with baited breath for us to catch up with Canada, or Europe, or anyone.

Ah, Rudd, the great visionary.

Steve said...

You know, I suspect he is probably lying awake at night sweating over what a hard sell to the electorate the carbon trading scheme is going to be. I wonder if the criticism of that gets too high, could he be tempted to argue that nuclear power would help with electricity costs?

Caz said...

Alas, Rudd doesn't lay awake at night, he sits up fully clothed, probably still with his tie on.

He has already shown difficulty with making decisions Steve, he shuffles paper, keeps everyone busy, but decisions are random - when made - while others he finds insurmountable.

He has had a short list of people for a London post in his tray since February, c/o his hard working public servants - three names, plus his own ideas (including Kim Beazley, which would be a nice choice), but here we are, nearly the end of June, and the man STILL can't make a simple decision.

Don't hold your breath on nuclear power Steve.

The compounding dilemna we have in Oz is that it will be at least another 6 years before a Lib gov't, so that's a 6 year delay in any serious action, and by then the Libs will probably be too beaten into submission to go against public fears and ignorance.

ng2000 said...

Another resource for you: